Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Since God reads our thoughts, where can we place our hope?

Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.” Ecclesiastes 11:7 niv

Our thoughts matter. God uses all things, in how He chooses.

There is a unique privilege to hear the first bird warble early in the mornings. I envision him fluffing up his feathers and stretching his wings, after a long nights snooze. He will puff up and his whole body trembles and shakes when he sings. He serenades joyfully. The wind broadcasts his song throughout the trees sailing into mens souls, dreams and prayers. Dawn beckons and I peek into the rapture of a colorful paradise. Smiling, I have peace.  

The Holy Spirit’s eyes search the whole earth looking for hearts that are faithful in Christ.  From morning to evening our breath belongs to Him. His word deepens our trust and we become saturated with joy, through the goodness of God’s love and truth. Could the bird be rejoicing, “You are loved! You are forgiven! You are set free in Christ!” 

All the flatteries and promises in the world cannot bring one ounce of hope or peace that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. The sweet song of a bluebird will not touch you, unless your ears are opened to hear. And, when you see loads of vegetables come up within your compost pile that you have not planted, where do you suppose that came from? Not by accident, but only by the nod of the Holy Spirit. When you see a believer in Christ give their life in this age of sorrows for their faith; ask yourself, where do I place my hope? In my bank account? Wealth can take to the sky like the bird. Where is my heart? Can you depend upon it forever? 

Hope seen, cannot be hope. Accepting the hope of Christ will transform your heart into a diamond like faith. Real diamonds are strong and used to cut glass.  When I am under pressure, what can I do? Ask, “What am I doing to myself?”  Where can I turn for hope? All people pass. The truth is, Jesus Christ lives forever and was crucified upon the, cross for you and I. He arose in three days and was seen by over 500 people as he taught them. His Holy Spirit is drawn to a humble sorrowful heart, one who will admit they have sinned. We all have sinned. Every Christian on earth has walked through this door of grace by faith. If you have read this, please do not hesitate any longer, for tomorrow could be too late. 

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I do not understand it all, but I know that everything you do is for our good. I believe the Bible is your word and you can work in anyway that pleases you. I know I have sinned and I understand that Jesus Christ went to the cross, shed his blood and was a perfect pure sacrifice so I can have forgiveness of my sins. I repent Lord. Please forgive my sins [name them]_________________________. I need you Lord. Take them away Father. Make me a new creature in Christ and take all the old things from my life. Give me new eyes to see and open up my ears to hear your voice. Give me a new heart of flesh instead of stone. Awaken my spirit with your Holy Spirit and help me follow through with my repentance. Send me to good godly people who will help me grow in you. Hold me up Father, be my strength.  I know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What he did and said yesterday he does so today and will do tomorrow. His promises do not change. Thank you Lord. I believe. 

If you have prayed this prayer of faith, you have been born-again. Welcome into the Body of Christ. If you do not have a Bible, be sure and buy one as soon as possible, as the words will give you instructions to follow throughout your life. Find a good Bible believing Church to make new friends [you will lose your old friends] and become involved in a study group so you can grow in Christ. They will love you and help you develop a life of prayer and study. Learn to be bold and speak up and proclaim your faith in Christ at every opportunity and begin to talk about the things he is doing in your life. God bless you.  

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