Friday, July 5, 2019

We stumble in darkness because we cannot see

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  Psalm 119:105

There was a time when darkness was a way of life for me along with my like minded friends. My thoughts were, “As long as we were not hurting others” what did it matter? This was during the sixties, “the flower children” rampant with drugs, alcohol and free-love. If we had a brain, we did not use it.  People stumble in dark places because there is no light.  We were blinded by the darkness, even in the sunshine. Without a thought of the consequences, the forces of darkness hands us a can of worms, when we choose the dark side of life. We walk into a prison behind invisible bars called bondage.

We become a slave to sin. 

More the norm than not, are the crushed, abused, bruised and ones nearly destroyed by the blind selfishness of adversity. Some of us did not come from a good family, easy beginnings or good opportunities. Take note, those without Christ, learn to survive with a toughened exterior and a hardened heart. One by one, the bricks are layered into a wall of protection. Never again, to allow our guard down. Never to trust. Never to love again. A wounded soul says:  “I will never let anyone hurt me again.”  Then, our bitterness continues to choke us into that inky pool of darkness. We did not realize we were destroying ourselves.

In my twenties, after successfully messing up my life, I held my new baby in my arms as I began to read the Bible. I discovered there were people in the Bible just like me, that Jesus loved and forgave. You see, I used to look at church people as if they were squeaky clean and never sinned. I had a background from a particular denomination that I felt I could never go back to, because, I was a “scarlet woman with the scarlet sin;” the one who became divorced. I was damaged goods. Who would want me?  As a result, I felt I had to clean up myself first, in order to go to church; in order to be liked and accepted. And, in some circles that can be true.  The truth is, believers in Christ are those who were once thieves, idolaters, pagans, adulterers, fornicators, liars, gossipers, ex-cons, homosexuals and even hypocrites. All sinners. Better known in the Bible as children of wrath. But I did not know that at the time. In fact, I learned later the Bible says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23  It doesn’t matter how good a person is, without Jesus; it is as nothing. 

Our Creator knows exactly what it takes for us to humble ourselves and admit we need help. A secular Psychologist will ask his patient after listening to his problem, “Well, what do you want to do about it?” You are paying for his help, but he cannot give it to you. Secularism cannot offer godly solutions, because they do not have it inside of them to give. Instead, they attempt to alter your guilty conscience with a band-aid of desensitizing words that will dull your mind and assure you, “You aren’t as bad as what you thought.” Some believe, there is no such thing as sin. How wrong they are! Sin exposes itself by the wages it gives.     

Where then, does a person go for help;  but to God? 

Humbled, I began to read what Jesus said in the Bible. I began to feel great love but fear too.  Yes, there is a heaven and a hell; and I was headed for hell.  I learned, I was powerless to clean up myself. I desperately needed God’s help. Since Jesus rescued the woman who was being stoned for being caught in adultery, surely He would love me. If he took the time to talk to the Samaritan women at Jacob’s well about her five husbands and that the one she was living with at the time was not her husband, and that if she were to drink of the water He has to give, she would never thirst again; surely, He would give this water to me too. Then, I read about the woman who had an Alabaster jar in her hand. The Pharisees described her as sinful. She boldly walked into a Pharisee’s home, because she knew Jesus was there, she bent down and immediately began washing, kissing his feet and his head with her uncontrollable tears and drying them with her hair. Then, anointed him with her expensive oil. How she loved him!  No doubt, she knew he was the prophesied Messiah. What did Jesus say about her to the Pharisees?

He said, “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much; but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” Luke 7:47 Further,  “Thy sins are forgiven. Thy faith has saved thee, go in peace.” vs 48, 50.

 All three of the women were seeking love and forgiveness. All three had messed up their lives, they were humble and thankful. They reached out to The Son of God and Jesus forgave all their sins. Jesus loves the humble.

My eyes were opened and I was released! I was set free as I read God’s word. I humbly asked Jesus to forgive all my sins and come into my heart and clean me and my life up. I was born-again. 

Whatever your circumstances, whatever your problems and struggles, nothing is too big or too small for our Father God.  You can be pulled out of that deep well where only your echos are heard and brought into God’s glorious light. 
I was there! 
I know what I am saying. 

Our tomorrows are unsure. We assume, we’ll make it to work, we assume we’ll be able to make those payments, pay the electric bill, feed our family, we assume our health will hold up; but we do not know what a day will bring. Jesus took our place on the cross and was sent by His Father to be a sacrifice for our sins. 

If you are feeling a tug in your heart and know you need to change, today can be the best day of your life. A new beginning in Christ. Right now, turn around and take your first step in His direction and he will take you the rest of the way.  Please,  pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I know I am a sinner and I believe that your Son Jesus shed his blood for me for the forgiveness of my sins. I ask that you would forgive my sins of, [name them]_________________. Take them away Lord. 
I am so sorry. I ask that Jesus would come into my life and clean me up. Guide me and direct me in your will. I repent of all those things I did and ask that your Holy Spirit would be my strength to follow through on this prayer. Send good godly people my way to help me with my walk. Direct me to the church of your choice, one that uses your Bible to teach their people. Give me the understanding I need to grow. Help me to love you above everything inside of me first and my neighbors as myself. Fill me completely with your Holy Spirit and teach me to recognize your voice when you speak. Thank you Father. In your son Jesus I ask, amen. 

If you have sincerely humbled yourself and prayed, I want to congratulate you and welcome you into the family of the Body of Christ. You have been born-again of the Spirit of God.  Chances are, there is someone you know who has been talking to you about attending their church. Why not, go with them and see what happens? Tell them about the prayer you prayed. Buy a good Bible. Now, you must grow in Christ and become linked with other believers so you can be strong in your walk. 

May God bless you and keep you, in all of your future endeavors. 


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