Thursday, July 25, 2019

Small simple prayer from the heart

Precious Holy Father,

We bow before you and put you first place in our life. Everything we do today, we want to do as unto you and glorify you in our thoughts, our minds and our actions. Be our strength as we pick up things, garden, cook, go to work and do the manually productive things we must do. Be our hands as we work. Be in our minds to think good thoughts of everything, not making excuses for sin; but we do have the confidence that you O Father are in complete control of all things. Give us the solutions we need to respond towards those that offend us in your way, not our way.  You are Sovereign and we put all of our trust and faith in you. Be in our hearts to hang onto your word and remember everything we study. Help us to give what we have learned to those in need. Help us to be sensitive to those who do not yet know you and use us to be that vessel to be the bridge for them to come to your Son. Give us your words Lord. We thank you Father for this privilege of being able to pray, being able to see, hear, walk, run, communicate and most of all to learn how to love each other. In your Son we ask and pray. Amen.

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