Saturday, September 28, 2019

Love Feast #5 Love's truth can be harsh, but can also be healing when you are ready.

      Love Feast #5

“Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;” 1Corinthians 13:5 kjv

Nothing pierces the soul as sharp as a spouses memory against their mate’s past offense. Hardhearted, they take their ready made case they have streamed throughout the night with countless hours of thoughts listing all the past reasons, why they are right and their mate is wrong. The tormented one once again becomes victorious, or so they think. They itemized all the evidence and the verdict declares, guilty as charged! The tormented seeks to torment. Carnally armed, they ignorantly developed a new habit. Twisted thinking blames their spouse when disagreements arise. All it takes is one misguided word reacted by evil thoughts. Ordinary circumstances are mushroomed into mountains of accusations simply by their eye-view of vain imaginations. Pride has exposed itself by the wounds left unhealed. Many times, the very things they accuse are a shadowed expression of themselves. 

I hesitated to send this because I realize these are harsh words. 

The biggest offense in any marriage or relationship is the lack of humbleness that refuses to forgive.  Every time we make a decision not to forgive opens the door for other strongholds that lead to roots of bitterness. This becomes a far stretch from the love explained in the above verse.

Planting one small seed of discord can produce a harvest of unwanted strife that divides relationships and opens the gate for much worse in our lives. Even if you are right, ask yourself; is keeping a hard heart worth it?. Not when you are the one tormented and placed in bondage.

Christians have no option but to forgive. 

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14, 15 niv

We learn how to love by growing in God’s word. We also learn to love by failing, so we can hopefully succeed the next time our love is tested. I can personally always tell when I’ve failed or passed a test.


Precious Father,

We are so thankful we can come to you anytime of the day or night and you always listen to us. Our desire is to give you glory by the love we give to others. We ask that you would pull us back if we begin to behave in a dishonorable way. Remind us to always check the motives of our heart, as why we said or did something. Erase anything inside of us, any seed of rebellion that does not belong inside of us. Give us that extra measure of discernment and love that will make it easier for us to overlook another’s words that agitate or offend us. Your word continues to say “love thinks no evil.” We need help Lord. Right now, we purposely take 3 steps backward and continue to transform our minds into the mind of Christ. We dedicate our lives fully and completely to you Father. In Jesus we pray, amen. 


Friday, September 27, 2019

Morning Power Prayer coming against "The Spirit of Fear."

Heavenly Father, 

By the authority you have given to us in the name of Jesus; We speak to the spirit of fear over our land and we boldly confess not to fear man in anyway, not their threats, not their windfalls of bragging, not their lies, not their schemes, not their ambushes, not their evil persistence or the power of their money, not through their deceitful organizations, not their brainwashing, not one single ounce of their corruptive thoughts, not in our daily waking lives, not even to our death, not the poisons they hand to us, nor what falls from the sky to destroy, not what we eat, nor what we drink, not from any worldly wisdom in high places will we be caught in their snare! We will not falter or be shaken in anyway. We declare we are the faithful in Christ! We will not be seduced by flatteries or fine words, we cannot be bribed, we cannot be threatened or bought in anyway. We are the disciples of Christ and the life we live is through faith because the love of Christ has transformed our hearts. We will not be fearful in rejections, conflicts, disagreements, arguments or confrontations. We will stand in, move and have our being through the Holy Spirit and continue to live by faith through the grace applied in our lives. We rebuke all fear that tries to enter our lives by what we hear, see, taste, touch or smell, no matter the depth, the height, the width, no matter the country, or the language, no matter who is speaking, no matter how they speak, we refute anything and everything that comes against the truth of Christ. We deliberately choose to stay stedfast, immoveable and obedient storing up his word in our hearts. Whether there be droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, plagues and disease that come upon the land, in sickness and in health, to eat or not to eat, to drink good water or not, we choose your way Father and not the worlds way. We come against any idolatrous spirits, lying spirits and the continuous news of murderous activities upon the innocent in our land and we cast them all down in our minds as we bring all our thoughts into the captivity in Christ. We put you first Father and ask that you would forgive the sins of our ignorance. We trust in you Father all the way, until we are finally embraced by your loving arms. We have peace and rest in your promises. Our faith tells us that you are ever working upon our behalf for our good and your glory. We declare our steps have become faith steps living in your will day by day. We are convinced and know, you have your angels around and about us, carrying out your orders. We thank you Father. We love you Father. We ask you would keep thorns of protection around us and all those we love, our President and his family and we pray in your son Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Love Feast #4 "Never under estimate the power of God."

                                                Love Feast #4      

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envied not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.” 1Corinthians 13:4 kjv

I seem to have a knack in spotting “lovers.” Maybe it is because I need them in my life. Everyone should have at least 10 lovers in their lives to help them get through the bumps in the road. These are those people who love you in spite of your faults. They look into your eyes and have profound discernment that is kindled by empathy and mercy. When they correct, it is through the understanding given to them, without offense and artfully employed by The Holy Spirit.   Yes, believe it or not, there are people like that walking on planet earth today.  These people will never give up on you. They are the Spiritual Paramedics in the Body of Christ. They are like the tiny platelets inside of your body that rushes to the injured areas to form a clot and while the first responders are doing this, they send out signals for others to join them in the work. They are the pillars in the Body of Christ and your heart happens to be their business! They seem to understand what you are going through more than you know, what you are going through.  These people are willing to ride shotgun right along with you. Giddy up! They cry when you hurt and are careful to weave each word delicately yet firmly into the fabric of your heart, all for your good. No wonder everyone is drawn to them; they glorify God with their “Gentle Hearts.” Their words can slow a race horse down to think and get a mule going! 

They allow their love for God to filter out any seeds of pettiness that would hinder their relationship with Christ. 

Love is patient. Today it is not popular to be patient. Nor is it popular to go through the “suffering” patience demands. The world shouts, to never apologize! Humbleness is involved and that is taboo. The ways of the world cannot love, because they know not God, because God is love. 

Love doesn’t need the limelight or be fed flattery. Love will sit and applaud your victory.  There is a difference between flattery and encouragement. Flattery can be a shower of hollow words that will not last, but could do more harm, should you allow it to stroke your ego instead of involving a heart change. Encouragement will say: “I noticed what you just said! What a help! That will stick in my heart forever. Thank you.” Because you obeyed and gave a good godly word, the receiver will know it is of God and there will be a dance in his step when he goes home. 

Love is not envious or jealous, will not brag, be proud or arrogant. If we are envious or jealous, it is because we started to compare ourselves with other people. If you happen to be a mango but are a wanne-be fig, this will never work. God had a reason why he created you just the way you are and we know He does not make mistakes. Since He sings over you, cannot you be thankful and sing to Him? Zep. 3:17

Pride or arrogance are in love with each other. Their minds are married upon themselves. We think to be thinner, stay youthful, eat the best, get the best, live in the best, wear the best and look the best. I am not saying for us not to eat healthy and take care of our bodies and yes look the best we can because we are ambassadors for Christ. By all means, work at this, but not be consumed with it. Don’t have that extra piece of pie today, do it in a week.  Sometimes, believers can get caught up too much from within and have very little room to keep their eyes focused on Christ. Fear can be the root of striving for this perfection and if we are not careful, it can move into a possessive walk of idolatry. Why not concentrate on being the best you can be by faith, for the Lord and depend upon his ways and his promises instead of taking things by our own reins?

Everything becomes a heart issue. Who are we believing and listening to today? What are we putting inside of our hearts?

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart.] “ Philippians 4:8 amp. 


Precious Heavenly Father,

You have taught us there is always a way to your will. You are faithful and give us solutions through your word and through those who do not compromise your will. You have given us everything we need to walk victoriously in your Son. Help us Father to concentrate more upon your promises and exercise the faith you’ve given to us. Refill us with your joy [for it is our strength] direct our steps to help those we can pull out of the darkness and into your light, with your love. Give us the timely words and the empathy and sensitivity to speak with wisdom. Help us to receive and ponder those who speak and spark into our hearts. We thank you for their love, faithfulness and caring in our lives. We ask these people would be given more responsibility in the Body of Christ and that your Holy Spirit would go before them and prepare the hearts to receive the good love seeds they sow. 

Father, I ask that you would open up the eyes of those who cannot see your love, nor understand such love. Help us be those love vessels Lord.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would send ministering angels to be sent to guide them and show them this truth. We thank you Father for bringing us through it all. Help us to be all that we can be while we are here to bring you glory and honor. In your Son’s name Jesus, amen.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Love Feast #3

                                                       Love Feast #3

“ And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [love], it profiteth me nothing.” 1Corinthians 13:3 kjv

To study about the love of Christ is to remain open to truth and open our hearts to what the Holy Spirit reveals in our lives. When we do this, we will discover where we are lacking in his love. This happens when you least expect. Just when you think you are doing good, His Spirit will bring an awakening to your soul and a humble acceptance to the authenticity of God’s word given to you, not by mistake, not because you happened to stumble upon this article but to understand, God’s timing is always perfect. He loves and cares for you.  Correction is very good for our spiritual and physical health and those around us. This is not easy. Are we mature enough to receive it? How do we respond when this happens? 

If we were to give all that we have to the poor and still do not have His love inside of us, it is as nothing; we haven’t gained a thing. Although there would be those who would admire your generosity, your giving has still been in vain. In God’s eyes your works would only be looked upon favorably if your behavior has been founded upon the love of Christ. It is something like: “not for me, but for He.”  Anything we do to bring self-glory or bring brownie points upon ourselves will not be fruitful. We always have a choice. Jesus approached the rich young ruler to give everything he had to the poor and he refused. If he had followed through and obeyed resentfully and was not motivated by the love of Christ, his giving would be as nothing. [Mt. 16:19-23] We have a God who does not compromise His goodness, He wants all of our hearts. 

Long ago, there were some who willingly became  martyrs to shed their own blood, thinking this would bring salvation to their souls.  Apparently there was a certain pride in their ability to endure suffering for Christ. This was the most important thing in their lives. Remember, “without love, it profits me nothing.”  Here is the truth: Should our walk end as a martyr, we must always remember; it will never be our blood that will save us, but only by the blood of God’s son who was the perfect Lamb of God. Should this happen, we are to hold tightly to the love and faith we’ve been given and trust in the power and strength of His Holy Spirit.  For it is He who will see us through the other side, to bend at His knee. 


Precious Father,
We give praise to you and offer up thanksgiving for such awesome love you have for us. We thank you for the insight that your Holy Spirit brings to us. And, we thank you for teaching and correcting us through your word.  We thank you for using those we don’t even know, to bring us a good word of hope and joy from you. Thank you for forming us to be light bearers in your Kingdom. Help us Father to be gentle and kind people and love each other in the way your Son loved us. Refill our cups Father, and turn the page in our lives to complete your will in our hearts and to magnify your Sons love. And, it is in his name we pray. Amen. 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Do not develop a hard heart.

Watch your heart. This is a great article!

Love Feast #2 Love makers transform into Love givers

                                                         LOVE FEAST #2

“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.” 1Corinthians 13:2 kjv

Charisma can be magnetic. Discussions can be nuggets of gold. Popularity can bring flattery. Those impeccably dressed that carries over to an immaculate house, can become appealing and we are impressed.  Real live people, with treasures of infinite knowledge and prophetic utterances that are combined with a pleasing manner also impress us. We could almost identify these people as the “Christian Martha Stewarts.” They seem to have the answer for everything. You may have asked yourself; “Isn’t there any dust on their shelves? Have they ever romped in the grass with their children or their dogs? Did their children make mud pies when they were toddlers? Have they ever done the menial chore of cleaning out a litter box, a chicken house or stable? Have they gotten their fingernails broken or dirty? Felled a tree? What about dropping a carton of eggs while walking inside their home? Tsk tsk, how do they stay thin, don’t they know about KFC, pizza and ice cream? Meowww.”  

I have no doubt, they may have done a few of those things. Does it matter?

Gods love can work in anyone.  First, our Creator has never made any of us alike. Two people get married with two different kinds of baggage on their backs, then; they spend a lifetime getting rid of what they accumulated, and in the very beginning we called that fun. We can be a strange motley crew! Why be concerned over what appears to be perfect or be trouble free? It is always wrong to compare ourselves with someone else.  We walk as Christ desires when we walk in His truth and that is in His love.   Maybe you are an earth cookie and give the appearance of being anything but perfect, sired imperfect children who wrestled in the mud and helped themselves to the dog food dish before they could walk and later companioned with a cellphone.

Paul said, unless he has the love of Christ, he is nothing. 

Paul went to great lengths to say something like this: “If I were to have in my possession the ability of divine inspiration and to declare the purposes of God, whether they be for reproving or admonishing the wicked, comforting the afflicted or revealing the hidden things by foretelling future events, like that of the Prophets of old and if my speech was endowed to teach, like their gifts and utterances for the gospel of Christ and I were to know all things, see all things by any of my senses, reasons or discernment and able to ascertain every need and know what must be done, what must be examined, inspected with continual facts that would be fulfilled by my high regard and attention to detail in all mannerisms and if I knew about all the hidden mysteries, purposes, counsels and secret will of men which happen to govern under God in dealing with the righteous that are hidden from the wicked men, but made plain to the godly; perhaps through a vision or a dream and if I had all this knowledge whether it be lawful or unlawful by moral wisdom and right living and if my faith was the convicting truth with a holy fervor, believing, through my fidelity and constancy in God enough to place me from one place and to another and to topple any mountain that I come across and yet,,,, IF I do not have love, I am nothing.  [from greek]

Paul knew he was loved by God. He constantly walked in love and faith and God honored his obedience by using him to instruct the church in all ways. He did not see himself the way God saw him. Through all his hardships of sufferings for Christ, he never gave up. He had discovered the strength of God’s love in his life.

When we have experienced the love of Christ in our lives, we cannot help but become Love Makers that transform us into Love Givers. Love Makers are salty people, they give savor to the earth. They are an inspiration. They are influencers.  

We don’t have to be perfect, nor do we have to fly across the world to live a life of God’s love [unless you are called]. We can give love in simple ways. We are called to love by being whom God created us to be in Christ. When we do this, our love expands into greater dimensions. When we love the way we are called, we are given a new perception just how powerful His love is in our lives. 

Our lives manifest His love by:

Putting God first.
Putting others first.
Caring enough to take the time to listen.
Giving to others in need, even secretly.
Give a sincere love hug.
Sometimes, a smile can mean everything.
When we call or visit someone who is ill.
When we pray and keep praying for one another.
Without fail, sincere encouragement will always lift up a heart.
When we don’t “feel” like doing, but obedience takes the lead.
Plow on, rising up to study/pray in thankfulness. 
Being sensitive when to talk or just be quiet. Love can be quiet too.
When we accept another person just the way they are.
I am sure you can add to this list.

Can you see past all the veneer in a person and see their light? Can you see the goodness of God inside of them? The sincerity? God’s light inside of you will connect with their light and you become that city on a hill that cannot be hid!


Heavenly Father, 
We are thankful for revealing to us the deepest part of your character. Help us to walk in the light of the character of your son daily. We ask for discernment and a new sensitivity how we can drop your love bombs to everyone we meet. Give us new and creative ideas to speak love and have the boldness to follow it through. We ask this in your son’s name, Jesus amen. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Love Feast = Love Makers

                                                                                Love Feast

1 Corinthians 13:1 kjv. says:

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity [love], I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

There once was a Preacher who led a tight ship in his church. Eyeing   his flock carefully, one day as he was preaching he noticed a visitor sitting about three pews back from the front. Her hair was bobbed about one inch around her head. Seeing this, the Preacher commented about the sins of a woman wearing her hair short. Later, he was to find out her hair was growing out from chemo treatments. 

Again, a Preacher was speaking and noticed a visiting husband and wife. He noted the wife had make-up on. Looking at her, he decided to integrate a personal message, “we don’t wear make-up in this place, you will have to leave.”  The humiliated couple got up, left church and to this day have never stepped foot inside of another church building. 

Both stories are true and are examples of the complete opposite of God’s love. 

Perfect love can only come through the Holy Spirit, because the Bible says God is a Spirit, God is love. 

ἀγάπη agápÄ“, ag-ah'-pay; from G25; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:—(feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love. 

God’s agape love can come in ways other than our mouths. Without God’s love we can become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Our speech becomes hollow.  We all need our words to be salted with grace when we speak. One independent word without God’s love can be shattering both ways.  Once it is out in the airwaves, we cannot take it back.  

True love is a sacrifice. The sacrifice of being silent, when you believe you are right. Sacrifice gives relentlessly.

Eloquent words are admired, but unless the speaker is motivated by God’s love, the seeds will be fruitless. We do have a promise that His word never comes back void. But, have you considered what kind of soil the seeds land upon, unless it is fertilized by His love? Gods love is always moved in faith by the believer. Sometimes we don’t feel it, nor do we see it but we plow through obedience anyway.  

The Apostle Paul was talking about the kind of love that “initiates and accomplishes.” God’s love is absolute. Throughout all his travels, no matter his trials; he was zealously activated by the love of Christ. He prayed, slept, spoke, ate, drank, worked and was completely immersed in Gods grace through faith all because of this love. Paul had a keen awareness and a union with love that was relational. He was willingly consumed by the love of Christ and through the guidance of The Holy Spirit he was able to write book after book. Because of his obedience, none of us have been the same since. I whole-heartedly and joyfully say: “Praise God!” 

It is my desire, these verses in Chapter 13 will be solution oriented in  our lives. And, for Gods Spirit to create a tidal wave of Love-Makers that will spark our hearts and bring the light of His love everywhere.

Lets pray:

Precious Father, 

We don’t want to sound like hollow cymbals when we speak, our desire is to edify others with your words. We ask that we would be more sensitive, Spirit sensitive when we open up our mouths. We ask that we would be Spirit sensitive to what we put inside of our hearts. Continue to fill us up with your love to give you glory and honor and we thank you Father, in your son’s name we pray. Amen.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Thou, Oh Lord - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Now you've been betrayed! What to do?

“A poor man who oppresses and exploits the lowly is like a sweeping rain which leaves no food.” Proverbs 28:3 amp.

The wounds of a double betrayal can shatter our hearts, only if we allow the words to go there. When we have placed our trust in another, thinking only good; but receive the opposite, what is your reaction? First, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Have I myself been faithful to the one whom disappointed me?
  2. Can I honestly say, there has been a faithful guard over my own mouth?
  3. Have I ever hurt the one who betrayed me?
  4. Am I completely innocent?

The betrayal of those whom you love can be one of the hardest trials you will ever go through in your life, mainly because your emotions will react to the rejection. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone through betrayal and rejections in their life. Yes, it hurts but you can walk through a new door when you decide to think in a new direction, instead of building bricks upon the pain you just experienced. 

How you ask? First of all, humble yourself and begin to pray to God. He wants to hear the cries from your heart. Next, open up your Bible and begin to read the book of John. Third, do what the words tell you to do. Pray, read and do. 

God is faithful and will meet you there.


Precious Father,

You see the pain in my heart. I wasn’t expecting this betrayal and everything aches inside of me. I ask that your word would minister to me. Forgive me for not looking at my own faults. Open up my eyes, give me your truth and heal my soul. Send your Comforter to restore my mind and my heart with peace. I surrender to you completely. Fill me up with your love and set me free. In Jesus I ask, amen.