Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Love Feast = Love Makers

                                                                                Love Feast

1 Corinthians 13:1 kjv. says:

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity [love], I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

There once was a Preacher who led a tight ship in his church. Eyeing   his flock carefully, one day as he was preaching he noticed a visitor sitting about three pews back from the front. Her hair was bobbed about one inch around her head. Seeing this, the Preacher commented about the sins of a woman wearing her hair short. Later, he was to find out her hair was growing out from chemo treatments. 

Again, a Preacher was speaking and noticed a visiting husband and wife. He noted the wife had make-up on. Looking at her, he decided to integrate a personal message, “we don’t wear make-up in this place, you will have to leave.”  The humiliated couple got up, left church and to this day have never stepped foot inside of another church building. 

Both stories are true and are examples of the complete opposite of God’s love. 

Perfect love can only come through the Holy Spirit, because the Bible says God is a Spirit, God is love. 

ἀγάπη agápē, ag-ah'-pay; from G25; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:—(feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love. 

God’s agape love can come in ways other than our mouths. Without God’s love we can become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Our speech becomes hollow.  We all need our words to be salted with grace when we speak. One independent word without God’s love can be shattering both ways.  Once it is out in the airwaves, we cannot take it back.  

True love is a sacrifice. The sacrifice of being silent, when you believe you are right. Sacrifice gives relentlessly.

Eloquent words are admired, but unless the speaker is motivated by God’s love, the seeds will be fruitless. We do have a promise that His word never comes back void. But, have you considered what kind of soil the seeds land upon, unless it is fertilized by His love? Gods love is always moved in faith by the believer. Sometimes we don’t feel it, nor do we see it but we plow through obedience anyway.  

The Apostle Paul was talking about the kind of love that “initiates and accomplishes.” God’s love is absolute. Throughout all his travels, no matter his trials; he was zealously activated by the love of Christ. He prayed, slept, spoke, ate, drank, worked and was completely immersed in Gods grace through faith all because of this love. Paul had a keen awareness and a union with love that was relational. He was willingly consumed by the love of Christ and through the guidance of The Holy Spirit he was able to write book after book. Because of his obedience, none of us have been the same since. I whole-heartedly and joyfully say: “Praise God!” 

It is my desire, these verses in Chapter 13 will be solution oriented in  our lives. And, for Gods Spirit to create a tidal wave of Love-Makers that will spark our hearts and bring the light of His love everywhere.

Lets pray:

Precious Father, 

We don’t want to sound like hollow cymbals when we speak, our desire is to edify others with your words. We ask that we would be more sensitive, Spirit sensitive when we open up our mouths. We ask that we would be Spirit sensitive to what we put inside of our hearts. Continue to fill us up with your love to give you glory and honor and we thank you Father, in your son’s name we pray. Amen.

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