Saturday, September 14, 2019

Love Feast #2 Love makers transform into Love givers

                                                         LOVE FEAST #2

“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.” 1Corinthians 13:2 kjv

Charisma can be magnetic. Discussions can be nuggets of gold. Popularity can bring flattery. Those impeccably dressed that carries over to an immaculate house, can become appealing and we are impressed.  Real live people, with treasures of infinite knowledge and prophetic utterances that are combined with a pleasing manner also impress us. We could almost identify these people as the “Christian Martha Stewarts.” They seem to have the answer for everything. You may have asked yourself; “Isn’t there any dust on their shelves? Have they ever romped in the grass with their children or their dogs? Did their children make mud pies when they were toddlers? Have they ever done the menial chore of cleaning out a litter box, a chicken house or stable? Have they gotten their fingernails broken or dirty? Felled a tree? What about dropping a carton of eggs while walking inside their home? Tsk tsk, how do they stay thin, don’t they know about KFC, pizza and ice cream? Meowww.”  

I have no doubt, they may have done a few of those things. Does it matter?

Gods love can work in anyone.  First, our Creator has never made any of us alike. Two people get married with two different kinds of baggage on their backs, then; they spend a lifetime getting rid of what they accumulated, and in the very beginning we called that fun. We can be a strange motley crew! Why be concerned over what appears to be perfect or be trouble free? It is always wrong to compare ourselves with someone else.  We walk as Christ desires when we walk in His truth and that is in His love.   Maybe you are an earth cookie and give the appearance of being anything but perfect, sired imperfect children who wrestled in the mud and helped themselves to the dog food dish before they could walk and later companioned with a cellphone.

Paul said, unless he has the love of Christ, he is nothing. 

Paul went to great lengths to say something like this: “If I were to have in my possession the ability of divine inspiration and to declare the purposes of God, whether they be for reproving or admonishing the wicked, comforting the afflicted or revealing the hidden things by foretelling future events, like that of the Prophets of old and if my speech was endowed to teach, like their gifts and utterances for the gospel of Christ and I were to know all things, see all things by any of my senses, reasons or discernment and able to ascertain every need and know what must be done, what must be examined, inspected with continual facts that would be fulfilled by my high regard and attention to detail in all mannerisms and if I knew about all the hidden mysteries, purposes, counsels and secret will of men which happen to govern under God in dealing with the righteous that are hidden from the wicked men, but made plain to the godly; perhaps through a vision or a dream and if I had all this knowledge whether it be lawful or unlawful by moral wisdom and right living and if my faith was the convicting truth with a holy fervor, believing, through my fidelity and constancy in God enough to place me from one place and to another and to topple any mountain that I come across and yet,,,, IF I do not have love, I am nothing.  [from greek]

Paul knew he was loved by God. He constantly walked in love and faith and God honored his obedience by using him to instruct the church in all ways. He did not see himself the way God saw him. Through all his hardships of sufferings for Christ, he never gave up. He had discovered the strength of God’s love in his life.

When we have experienced the love of Christ in our lives, we cannot help but become Love Makers that transform us into Love Givers. Love Makers are salty people, they give savor to the earth. They are an inspiration. They are influencers.  

We don’t have to be perfect, nor do we have to fly across the world to live a life of God’s love [unless you are called]. We can give love in simple ways. We are called to love by being whom God created us to be in Christ. When we do this, our love expands into greater dimensions. When we love the way we are called, we are given a new perception just how powerful His love is in our lives. 

Our lives manifest His love by:

Putting God first.
Putting others first.
Caring enough to take the time to listen.
Giving to others in need, even secretly.
Give a sincere love hug.
Sometimes, a smile can mean everything.
When we call or visit someone who is ill.
When we pray and keep praying for one another.
Without fail, sincere encouragement will always lift up a heart.
When we don’t “feel” like doing, but obedience takes the lead.
Plow on, rising up to study/pray in thankfulness. 
Being sensitive when to talk or just be quiet. Love can be quiet too.
When we accept another person just the way they are.
I am sure you can add to this list.

Can you see past all the veneer in a person and see their light? Can you see the goodness of God inside of them? The sincerity? God’s light inside of you will connect with their light and you become that city on a hill that cannot be hid!


Heavenly Father, 
We are thankful for revealing to us the deepest part of your character. Help us to walk in the light of the character of your son daily. We ask for discernment and a new sensitivity how we can drop your love bombs to everyone we meet. Give us new and creative ideas to speak love and have the boldness to follow it through. We ask this in your son’s name, Jesus amen. 

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