Saturday, September 21, 2019

Love Feast #4 "Never under estimate the power of God."

                                                Love Feast #4      

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envied not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.” 1Corinthians 13:4 kjv

I seem to have a knack in spotting “lovers.” Maybe it is because I need them in my life. Everyone should have at least 10 lovers in their lives to help them get through the bumps in the road. These are those people who love you in spite of your faults. They look into your eyes and have profound discernment that is kindled by empathy and mercy. When they correct, it is through the understanding given to them, without offense and artfully employed by The Holy Spirit.   Yes, believe it or not, there are people like that walking on planet earth today.  These people will never give up on you. They are the Spiritual Paramedics in the Body of Christ. They are like the tiny platelets inside of your body that rushes to the injured areas to form a clot and while the first responders are doing this, they send out signals for others to join them in the work. They are the pillars in the Body of Christ and your heart happens to be their business! They seem to understand what you are going through more than you know, what you are going through.  These people are willing to ride shotgun right along with you. Giddy up! They cry when you hurt and are careful to weave each word delicately yet firmly into the fabric of your heart, all for your good. No wonder everyone is drawn to them; they glorify God with their “Gentle Hearts.” Their words can slow a race horse down to think and get a mule going! 

They allow their love for God to filter out any seeds of pettiness that would hinder their relationship with Christ. 

Love is patient. Today it is not popular to be patient. Nor is it popular to go through the “suffering” patience demands. The world shouts, to never apologize! Humbleness is involved and that is taboo. The ways of the world cannot love, because they know not God, because God is love. 

Love doesn’t need the limelight or be fed flattery. Love will sit and applaud your victory.  There is a difference between flattery and encouragement. Flattery can be a shower of hollow words that will not last, but could do more harm, should you allow it to stroke your ego instead of involving a heart change. Encouragement will say: “I noticed what you just said! What a help! That will stick in my heart forever. Thank you.” Because you obeyed and gave a good godly word, the receiver will know it is of God and there will be a dance in his step when he goes home. 

Love is not envious or jealous, will not brag, be proud or arrogant. If we are envious or jealous, it is because we started to compare ourselves with other people. If you happen to be a mango but are a wanne-be fig, this will never work. God had a reason why he created you just the way you are and we know He does not make mistakes. Since He sings over you, cannot you be thankful and sing to Him? Zep. 3:17

Pride or arrogance are in love with each other. Their minds are married upon themselves. We think to be thinner, stay youthful, eat the best, get the best, live in the best, wear the best and look the best. I am not saying for us not to eat healthy and take care of our bodies and yes look the best we can because we are ambassadors for Christ. By all means, work at this, but not be consumed with it. Don’t have that extra piece of pie today, do it in a week.  Sometimes, believers can get caught up too much from within and have very little room to keep their eyes focused on Christ. Fear can be the root of striving for this perfection and if we are not careful, it can move into a possessive walk of idolatry. Why not concentrate on being the best you can be by faith, for the Lord and depend upon his ways and his promises instead of taking things by our own reins?

Everything becomes a heart issue. Who are we believing and listening to today? What are we putting inside of our hearts?

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart.] “ Philippians 4:8 amp. 


Precious Heavenly Father,

You have taught us there is always a way to your will. You are faithful and give us solutions through your word and through those who do not compromise your will. You have given us everything we need to walk victoriously in your Son. Help us Father to concentrate more upon your promises and exercise the faith you’ve given to us. Refill us with your joy [for it is our strength] direct our steps to help those we can pull out of the darkness and into your light, with your love. Give us the timely words and the empathy and sensitivity to speak with wisdom. Help us to receive and ponder those who speak and spark into our hearts. We thank you for their love, faithfulness and caring in our lives. We ask these people would be given more responsibility in the Body of Christ and that your Holy Spirit would go before them and prepare the hearts to receive the good love seeds they sow. 

Father, I ask that you would open up the eyes of those who cannot see your love, nor understand such love. Help us be those love vessels Lord.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would send ministering angels to be sent to guide them and show them this truth. We thank you Father for bringing us through it all. Help us to be all that we can be while we are here to bring you glory and honor. In your Son’s name Jesus, amen.  

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