Saturday, September 7, 2019

Now you've been betrayed! What to do?

“A poor man who oppresses and exploits the lowly is like a sweeping rain which leaves no food.” Proverbs 28:3 amp.

The wounds of a double betrayal can shatter our hearts, only if we allow the words to go there. When we have placed our trust in another, thinking only good; but receive the opposite, what is your reaction? First, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Have I myself been faithful to the one whom disappointed me?
  2. Can I honestly say, there has been a faithful guard over my own mouth?
  3. Have I ever hurt the one who betrayed me?
  4. Am I completely innocent?

The betrayal of those whom you love can be one of the hardest trials you will ever go through in your life, mainly because your emotions will react to the rejection. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone through betrayal and rejections in their life. Yes, it hurts but you can walk through a new door when you decide to think in a new direction, instead of building bricks upon the pain you just experienced. 

How you ask? First of all, humble yourself and begin to pray to God. He wants to hear the cries from your heart. Next, open up your Bible and begin to read the book of John. Third, do what the words tell you to do. Pray, read and do. 

God is faithful and will meet you there.


Precious Father,

You see the pain in my heart. I wasn’t expecting this betrayal and everything aches inside of me. I ask that your word would minister to me. Forgive me for not looking at my own faults. Open up my eyes, give me your truth and heal my soul. Send your Comforter to restore my mind and my heart with peace. I surrender to you completely. Fill me up with your love and set me free. In Jesus I ask, amen. 

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