Friday, September 27, 2019

Morning Power Prayer coming against "The Spirit of Fear."

Heavenly Father, 

By the authority you have given to us in the name of Jesus; We speak to the spirit of fear over our land and we boldly confess not to fear man in anyway, not their threats, not their windfalls of bragging, not their lies, not their schemes, not their ambushes, not their evil persistence or the power of their money, not through their deceitful organizations, not their brainwashing, not one single ounce of their corruptive thoughts, not in our daily waking lives, not even to our death, not the poisons they hand to us, nor what falls from the sky to destroy, not what we eat, nor what we drink, not from any worldly wisdom in high places will we be caught in their snare! We will not falter or be shaken in anyway. We declare we are the faithful in Christ! We will not be seduced by flatteries or fine words, we cannot be bribed, we cannot be threatened or bought in anyway. We are the disciples of Christ and the life we live is through faith because the love of Christ has transformed our hearts. We will not be fearful in rejections, conflicts, disagreements, arguments or confrontations. We will stand in, move and have our being through the Holy Spirit and continue to live by faith through the grace applied in our lives. We rebuke all fear that tries to enter our lives by what we hear, see, taste, touch or smell, no matter the depth, the height, the width, no matter the country, or the language, no matter who is speaking, no matter how they speak, we refute anything and everything that comes against the truth of Christ. We deliberately choose to stay stedfast, immoveable and obedient storing up his word in our hearts. Whether there be droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, plagues and disease that come upon the land, in sickness and in health, to eat or not to eat, to drink good water or not, we choose your way Father and not the worlds way. We come against any idolatrous spirits, lying spirits and the continuous news of murderous activities upon the innocent in our land and we cast them all down in our minds as we bring all our thoughts into the captivity in Christ. We put you first Father and ask that you would forgive the sins of our ignorance. We trust in you Father all the way, until we are finally embraced by your loving arms. We have peace and rest in your promises. Our faith tells us that you are ever working upon our behalf for our good and your glory. We declare our steps have become faith steps living in your will day by day. We are convinced and know, you have your angels around and about us, carrying out your orders. We thank you Father. We love you Father. We ask you would keep thorns of protection around us and all those we love, our President and his family and we pray in your son Jesus. Amen.

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