Thursday, September 19, 2019

Love Feast #3

                                                       Love Feast #3

“ And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [love], it profiteth me nothing.” 1Corinthians 13:3 kjv

To study about the love of Christ is to remain open to truth and open our hearts to what the Holy Spirit reveals in our lives. When we do this, we will discover where we are lacking in his love. This happens when you least expect. Just when you think you are doing good, His Spirit will bring an awakening to your soul and a humble acceptance to the authenticity of God’s word given to you, not by mistake, not because you happened to stumble upon this article but to understand, God’s timing is always perfect. He loves and cares for you.  Correction is very good for our spiritual and physical health and those around us. This is not easy. Are we mature enough to receive it? How do we respond when this happens? 

If we were to give all that we have to the poor and still do not have His love inside of us, it is as nothing; we haven’t gained a thing. Although there would be those who would admire your generosity, your giving has still been in vain. In God’s eyes your works would only be looked upon favorably if your behavior has been founded upon the love of Christ. It is something like: “not for me, but for He.”  Anything we do to bring self-glory or bring brownie points upon ourselves will not be fruitful. We always have a choice. Jesus approached the rich young ruler to give everything he had to the poor and he refused. If he had followed through and obeyed resentfully and was not motivated by the love of Christ, his giving would be as nothing. [Mt. 16:19-23] We have a God who does not compromise His goodness, He wants all of our hearts. 

Long ago, there were some who willingly became  martyrs to shed their own blood, thinking this would bring salvation to their souls.  Apparently there was a certain pride in their ability to endure suffering for Christ. This was the most important thing in their lives. Remember, “without love, it profits me nothing.”  Here is the truth: Should our walk end as a martyr, we must always remember; it will never be our blood that will save us, but only by the blood of God’s son who was the perfect Lamb of God. Should this happen, we are to hold tightly to the love and faith we’ve been given and trust in the power and strength of His Holy Spirit.  For it is He who will see us through the other side, to bend at His knee. 


Precious Father,
We give praise to you and offer up thanksgiving for such awesome love you have for us. We thank you for the insight that your Holy Spirit brings to us. And, we thank you for teaching and correcting us through your word.  We thank you for using those we don’t even know, to bring us a good word of hope and joy from you. Thank you for forming us to be light bearers in your Kingdom. Help us Father to be gentle and kind people and love each other in the way your Son loved us. Refill our cups Father, and turn the page in our lives to complete your will in our hearts and to magnify your Sons love. And, it is in his name we pray. Amen. 

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