Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Be thankful and be strong

Hold fast the faith that has been given to you! You are stronger than you think!
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the freedom of being able to pray to you at anytime, even here on the internet. This morning we thank you for insight, for opening up our eyes continually so we an see the other side, the purpose of your actions. We thank you for strengthening us in those weak spots in our lives.
I ask for continual safety for those who read this and agree with me; for their families and their friends. Keep them sharp and alert while they drive back and forth. Help them renew their minds in your love, your strength and your wisdom. We ask that you would bring the auto-recall in their minds upon the things they have studied, to know what to say and make the right decision in you. We ask that you would place your ideas of blessings in these hearts, so they will be able to bless you and give you glory.
Thank you Lord,

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