Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Be that city!

What is it about November that I love! I seem to be able to meditate better. That is, before I moved back to the sunny south. Gray dismal days with damp leaves squeaking at every step. So much beauty! So gray, yet so beautiful. A time to kick back and think about the greatness of what God our Creator has given to us.
Do you realize just how blessed we really are?
The things in our lives that seem so big, are really small and the small things we ignore are big things waiting to happen so we can be a blessing to those around us.
I was visiting with a good friend today and she is a very strong believer and had her job for a little over 20 years and the "powers that be" are trying to push her out of her job in a very nasty way. She is an excellent worker, faithful, devoted and professional. She was crying as she confided in me.
My response was:
Darkness never could get along with light, because light exposes. Darkness has an assignment, just like light. She is part of their assignment. We all have assignments while we are living in this life time. She is to remember that it is all a spiritual problem.
As the old saying goes "hold your friends close and your enemies closer."
Those that are serious about the Lord will always have an enemy. Mt. 10:22
I prayed for exposure. That all the deeds of this darkness would be exposed publicly. (political situation)
We are indeed light, like the city upon a hill that cannot be hid.
Be that city!

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