Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cash, Slow computers and Weak coffee.

Cash and dawdling computers can be as hectic and frustrating as weak coffee. I feel hopeless. Am I entranced in a trance? Did I eat the wrong thing?  I am obsessive with saving some of my dearest life’s treasures inside the pages of books or neatly folded into little boxes and then, securing them into a safe place. Never to be found again! Gone!  Where’d they go? As I gaze upon our bookshelves I wonder, what book was it? Better yet, what did I save?   

I refuse to spend the money to get a new computer when this one only takes a couple of hours to warm up.  I can have that cup of weak coffee while I am waiting, right? Maybe the water was too weak. Maybe the water was watered down.  Hey! We are starting the day out good! If weak coffee insults your brain cells, I have nothing to lose.

Outside of all that, I’ve discovered that everyone is looking for the real deal of a lifetime to stretch the dollar. This happened to me! One bright sunny dandy day I was at the right time at the right place! I was ecstatic, this was my day!  This was back in the time before people stopped wearing slips and panty hose. I boldly walked into a factory and bought 12 pairs of panty hose for only a dollar! I was so jubilant I felt the earth had shifted on its axis.  Next Sunday I had one of my prized panty hose on in church and while shaking hands and smiling; I felt a pop in the mesh of the hose, then another pop and another then felt the material widen over my legs.  This was a happy day! What are you going to say in church, but continue to sing; all is well?  

My real deal wasn’t so real after all.
But isn’t that the way life is? We think something is real, but we learn that “nothing is ever as it seems.”  That includes the pot of coffee.
Through it all:  

“For thou wilt light my candle; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.” Ps.18:28

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