Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We get pictures of the Kingdom of God

I was walking on the beach about a week ago, or was it two weeks ago? Time seems to chase us in some kind of vengeful pursuit from week to week. The sun was shining and the sand was warm and I was thinking once again upon the goodness of God.

Just ahead was the most beautiful Blue Heron standing by the seashore. I have no doubt he was looking for his breakfast. Tall and stately, I would have to pass by him and thought about his options as I neared.  I figured he could fly at me, fly away, walk away or stay put. I prayed he would choose the latter. As I approached him and had the thrill of only being about 3 feet away from him, I marveled over his beauty and his bravery. When I slowly walked about 10 feet away I wanted to jump up and shout with excitement over what had happened. Once again I had the good pleasure of experiencing the goodness of God and His coming kingdom right here on earth.

The heron knew I was there, but he must have sensed I would do him no harm. Can you imagine a world where you will always be able to walk by these gentle giants without them flying away? A place where cats play with squirrels and a dog befriend deer and a small child able to play with a snake? We are given the reality of the new world coming to the earth. Could it be compared to a musical? Our hearts sing. It is easy to continually see the dark side, as we are bombarded with bad news daily.  Why not concentrate on the lighter side? The side that warms your heart and draws you closer to God.  Jesus is Lord!

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." Re. 11:15

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