Thursday, November 6, 2014

Your gift is special

As I see it, all colors are neutral. I have yet to see a wrong colored flower that does not go with the adjoining blooms on other plants. The Creator’s hand knew what He was doing when he designed all those gorgeous colors.  Even though we have been hand selected and are privileged to live in this eye candy colored world, the majority of the population chooses to retreat into Sahara beige when they go inside their homes. Beige sofas, walls, curtains, carpets and even beige colored ceramic tile. We get excited when we accessorize with brown, wine or even turquoise.   

Masses of unobtrusive beige and gray cars seem to remind us that we are unable to express ourselves by color.  Inexpensive tones of white, gray, black and beige paint allows their companies to make more money from us, yet; these colors are more dangerous on the highway because they are less likely to be seen. 
Why do we feel we have to be like everyone else, when the truth is; we are not?  Take two flowers of the same kind; they both grow up together side by side. When you closely examine them, you realize that although they both came from the same seeds, no two is completely identical. 

That is the way it is with us.

Not one of us is common place, but unique and original. Yes, they really did throw away the mold when they created you. 

Think about the gifts that God has given to you. Now, think about the one gift that is the strongest gateway to your heart.  Every time you are obedient and use that gift, you are touching a soul. Because we are a people who tend to label everything and measure importance by size, it could be easy to mistakenly think: “the only thing I am good at is being a mother, or all I can do right is clean my home, I get along with animals, I garden well and on it goes. “  

Let’s take a look at those comments:

Gifting as a mother means that you are raising godly troopers that will grow up to carry others over the finish line. This also means that they may never know just how many people they affect for Christ. I hope you are seeing this most important godly link in your life.

Gifting towards animals means that you understand them supernaturally; when they communicate; you know what they are saying.  Because of this, you understand their moods and if they feel sick. Due to natural understanding, training is easy.

Gifting as cleaning means that this has become easy for you, as you know where to begin, what to throw out, have a place for everything and will know the exact time you complete your job.

Gifting with gardening is understanding the soil, the different plants, seeds and knowing when a plant is unhappy and why. This type of gardening involves an unusual empathy as the gardener delights to see the bees pollinating, the herbs growing and making sure everything is run in the natural way that God intended. Happy plants mean happy and  healthy people.

Not everyone has these gifts.

Not everyone can teach, preach, play drums or blow a saxophone, trumpet or flute. One has the grace of a swan and is a ballerina. The other is fixing pipes in the basement so when she dances; it won’t flood. Which is most important?

We all work together.

The only gift that is above ours is the gift that God gave us of Grace for our salvation. Find your Bible and read Ephesians chapter 2.

No matter what your gifting is, you are admired for it. In fact, people will identify you according to your gifting. Do you love color? Wear it with a big splashy sloppy smile!  

I challenge you today to step out of your safety net and accessorize with beige! J

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