Monday, November 10, 2014

We are walking Miracles

I can always tell when it is a full moon, because I toss and turn all night long. During this time, I drag myself up; look at the clock and leap back in bed. Yes I really do leap.  I am an early riser, but draw the line at 3:30! I can get up at 4:30 because I justify it by thinking; “well, it is really 5:30 because of the time change and that means it is almost 6:00. The lines of justifying and stretching the truth can be like a rubber band during a full moon. Like some kind of magic wand the moon light once again sprinkles its hypnotic rays into my bedroom. I lay wide awake with eyes closed, hoping that sleep will overtake me.  My cat Funstable re-snuggles into his comfort zone once again and I begin to replay the past,  dive into the present and reason the future. I pray a little bit and my thoughts lean towards those who are walking in faith and are speaking to the mountains in their lives to be removed.

Every person I know is struggling with something.

In the present I think, “I will sleep by faith!”  But the mysterious Luna activity swirls about the room like a phantom, landing inside of my head. Then, I think; “I will get up and write!” Now, I begin to argue with myself. On it goes.    

We get God’s attention when we step out in faith, even when we fall flat, on our noses.  Although your obedience may not be seen in the physical yet, your actions will be rewarded in His timing; not ours. Listen!  I can almost hear our Father say: “See there! That’s my boy!  That’s my girl!”  We may have stepped out and crashed but our Father honored our obedience, love and faith in Him and smiled and even applauded!  

Think about it for just a minute. When you accepted Jesus as your Savior there was a big celebration because your name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Be that walking inspiration that can bring hope in the hearts of those around you. Run to encourage! Run to pray for those that hurt! Run to bless! Run to love! Run to give! Be that faith-walking celebration of your yesterdays, today and tomorrow. We are walking miracles!

“But without faith: it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” He. 11:6

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