Friday, November 21, 2014

Pray by faith

If we aren't careful, we will step into the season to reason ourselves into a worry caused by assuming. What if this happens or that?
But, what did Jesus say?
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 Also read Mark 11:24, 25
Whatever we pray for we must believe that we have received it, and that it will be ours. Can we believe that our request is already done? Start thanking our Father today and expect to see it in the physical. Expect every minute and hour every day to see the outcome of our prayer. Look for it! Walk around the corner and seek it! Talk to people and listen! Read the word! Speak the word and pray the word! Watch for the entrance of your answer! Things always happen in the spiritual realm first before they are manifested in the physical.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your promises. We thank you how we can request our deepest desires to you and then know you have answered. We ask, you listen and hear our hearts and nod. Thank you for giving us this faith and for showing us the right way to walk. We choose to follow you above all. We choose to trust in you, your guidance and direction in our lives. Thank you for always listening, always being right here and never leaving us. Thank you for your great love. In Jesus we pray,

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