Saturday, March 7, 2015

Flowers that thrive even under ice

Let's push springtime into our days! When I was living in Canada one cold wintery March I opened up the front door and looked down at the ice in the shade by the house. Under the ice were crocus's growing! I was amazed that such small beautiful purple flowers were growing and even thriving under the ice! Such cold, but such promise and such beauty!


Heavenly Father,

Your ways are "under ice." We barely tip understanding when we see such things, but we know it is all You. You preserve things in a holy way and plan for our well being before the foundation of the earth. Because of the greatness of your love, we have nothing to fear. Thank you for opening up our eyes to put all our trust in You Lord. We ask that You would continue to guide our path, help us to be sensitive to Your voice.
We ask together that You would continue to heal our sisters and brothers who are struggling. We thank You for hearing our prayers. We pray You would keep a hand upon our families and keep them under your umbrella. Give them strength where they need it and bring down the walls that keep them from you. Thank You Father.
IN Jesus we pray amen.

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." 1 John 5:14

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