Friday, March 27, 2015

Sometimes, you have to do the opposite of how you are feeling.

Life can be a nest of responsibility. Working to bring home the bacon and overseeing everyone at home can be wearisome. Working women want peace, communication and encouragement almost at any cost; whether it be with her spouse, her children, her pets or those at work. The latter is what I'd like to pray about today. Isn't it amazing that no matter where you find yourself working, there is always that one person who wrestles to get under your skin. Whether they come in a bully form acting like they own the place because they have been in the work place forever and are the manager's pet or maybe they talk too much or know it all dominating the conversations. Hey! I just bet most people have to deal on a daily basis with someone at work or at home; perhaps their neighbor or at schools. And, little do many of us realized we have even battled against a green eyed terror of jealousy that is eventually aimed between our own eyes. We did not know. I am not talking about the wistful light admiration of another that we'd look to be our mentor. There are those reading this who struggle every time they get to work. They pray on the way, but their heart drops when they walk into the door.

I understand because I've been in that same boat so many times. I can remember one lady whom I could not get along with at work. I could not understand why we seem to nit pick all the time with each other and it was starting to effect my home life. Finally I went to the Lord about it and asked him why? What was I doing that upset her so much? What was it inside of me that I needed to change? We are blinded from ourselves too many times. Then, after searching the word I received these words: "Be very kind to her and listen to her when she speaks." The next day I followed through on my instructions and we forgave each other and became best friends and couldn't get enough of each others company.

I think a good thought to remember, is that it is always the enemy who divides; but we win the battle through God's bridge of kindness.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father,

We want to give you glory in every area of our lives. We desire to be that example of your child who does not take grace for granted. We ask that you would instruct our hearts and give us solutions on how to handle the different problems in the work place and with those who try to hinder our walk. Those one or two people Lord; that are in our lives, we ask that you would do a work in our hearts; show us what to say, what to do and give us your ideas to make peace. Your peace. Help us to be the Peacemaker we are called to be in every area of our life. Teach us and train us your way with your wisdom, not man's. We depend upon you totally Father and will give you all the honor, glory and praise. We ask that you would send your Holy Spirit to blow upon the troubled waters in these lives and our lives and make a way for us to use the fruit that we have developed. Make us sensitive when to speak and when not to speak. Help us guard our words that they would bring encouragement and not despair or fear. We thank you ahead of time and we pray and ask in

Jesus Christ our Lord
"Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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