Monday, March 30, 2015

Where are your thoughts coming from?

One of my favorite places to pray is while I walk on the beach! The seashore is a place of unspoiled beauty practically untouched by people. I can still see the dolphins jump, and the sandpipers running about looking for the wee critters digging into the sand. Such delightful activity of the sound of the seagulls and the air force of pelicans flying overhead is truly incredible. Coastal waves of blues and green water brings an understanding why many strive to be here forever.

Thank you Lord!

One verse seemed to stand out to me this morning.

"So during supper, satan having already put the thought of betraying Jesus in the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son." John 13:2 AMP

I realize that Judas was carrying out a plan that was made by God years ago, so we could receive grace and be set free in Christ.

I believe there are times when we should take time and examine ourselves and understand where some of our thoughts are actually coming from. Since satan placed the thought inside of Judas's heart to betray Jesus, is not he still working in the same way today? Judas was one of the disciples and he knew that Jesus was the Christ, the coming Messiah, but yet; he chose to follow through on those thoughts for money.
Following through on one simple thought can harvest a life time of goodness and faith or misery and betrayal. Judas couldn't live with himself, when he acted upon his thoughts.
One thought. One life. Sometimes, we only have one chance to put it all off or put on the new man that God has given us in Christ. The decision is yours.

Let's pray:
Heavenly Father,
We want to give you glory. We want to give you praise! We know there aren't words to speak of the height and breadth of your love, but we try anyway. We love you Lord with everything we have inside of us. We just want to revel in your goodness, your love and resurrection power. Yes, all of you during this season! Show us how we can bless you this day. Show us how we can be pleasing in your sight. Give us new ideas on how we can express ourselves in love towards you Father and those around us.
We pray in Jesus

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