Monday, March 16, 2015

Hope! We all must have it and keep it!

What is Hope?

Hope is an eternal wellspring of water that gushes out from a rock and keeps watering our soul! It is a mighty source of fire in men’s hearts that cannot be dampened. Hope is the very air that we breathe in Christ. Our hope is alive and living, whether we be here; or on the other side.  Man cannot destroy our hope that resides in our Lord.

We have heard the expression: “Don’t give up hope!”

We cannot live without hope, for should we try; we will only exist.

There are times in our lives, when hope seems to hang on inside of us by a mere tiny thread. We all have felt the tug of the small ember of expectation sink within our hearts. We think to ourselves, let it go! Oh, give it up! Yet, right at that perfect time; someone comes along and says the exact thing we needed to hear! Our spirit begins to soar again with hope! The very hope we need to realign our faith into that high and balanced position in our lives. Our hope is once again held high. Held high in the one who created us and loves us.
Hope never betrays us.  But, there are times when we give up on hope too easily.

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. “ Proverbs 25:11
“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Like that of a fisherman’s wife who walks the widow’s walk looking for her love to come home; we wait and look for the answer to our prayers and wonder why such long delay? We know our Holy Father heard our requests. Discouragement yearns to rob hope. Then, we can hear those words come into us like a gentle breeze, a breath, a whisper, “don’t give up hope!” 

Activate the faith that was given to you!  Believe!
Although we cannot see it yet, we can still have hope for it!

I am thankful for the God of hope! It is the Holy Spirit that gives us hope.

Romans 8:24 says “For we are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?”  

Hope isn’t something we see, except in the eyes of our hearts. We hope in our hearts by faith that it will come to pass. We pray in faith that hope supports.
“Do not give up hope!”    
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. Psalms 71:14

The Bible was written so we can learn and develop the patience and love needed for hope to be molded in our hearts. Every time we think about the  magnificent appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ and how we will be like him and see him as he is purifies themselves; by this hope.   Our souls of hope are strengthened with joy!  This is called “The Blessed Hope.”

True believers will have this hope in their hearts; right into their passing over. There is a “lively hope” of the resurrection of the dead. There is a hope for heavenly treasure in heaven; as when we walked in the obedience of truth on earth.

Since God gives us all a measure of faith to walk in, to nourish, expand and water to grow in our lives; cannot it be said, that hope plows the very fields we sow our other seeds of fruit upon?  

Everyone is hoping for something! We “hope” the medicine will work! We hope we get that promotion. We hope our child will finally “get it” and not struggle with the same problem again. We hope we’ve lost a few pounds. We hope to get an extra hour sleep tonight. We hope we’ll be forgiven!

Ah! But, what if we are not forgiven? What then?

That is ok, because now; the task is upon our shoulders and what do we do? We ourselves must forgive the unforgiver by faith, and we hope our feelings will soon rest in this peace. We do this in obedience, hope, faith and love.

I firmly believe there is always hope for another person as long as they are still breathing this side of the earth. Unless they are given over to a seared conscience by God, there is still hope and that is between God and them. We do our part, the angels do their part and God always does His part.

We have received the hope that others only longed for; that is, Christ in us.

Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Colossians 1:26-28

Think of those awesome words!

Christ in YOU, the HOPE of GLORY! Be grounded in this hope!

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