Friday, March 6, 2015

Take care of your pets

We are getting another taste of winter again aren't we? Yesterday I worked in the garden, today I wrestle with the thought of even going outside.
Our dogs slept inside last night. They are round butterballs with their fluffy coats, but still I could not stand the thought of them sleeping on the porch when the temperature dips to such low. They are not exactly puppy's anymore either.

This brings me to my thoughts. Have you ever considered the verse in Proverbs where it tells us:

"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." Pr. 12:10

Our pets depend upon us for everything. Some of us think we want a pet and buy the animal spontaneously because of their cuteness, but sometimes we do not think about the responsibility of the training and caring that lies up ahead. We are responsible for training them into the pet we'd like them to be. We mold their character like we do a child. The pet has no idea what you expect of them, until you begin to train them. When a pet is unruly it isn't the pets fault, but the owners fault for not taking the time to learn how to train them in a good humane way. Puppy's are going to chew everything in sight. They will destroy your shoes, gnaw on chair legs, take stuffing out of your couch cushions and get into the garbage unless you train them not to and that takes understanding, persistence and patience on your part.

They depend upon us to be their caretakers forever. They crave love and acceptance like we do and in return; give us years of unconditional love and companionship. Although, we scold them; unforgivenss is not part of their nature.

So I urge all those who take the time to read my words, consider your furry or feathered buddies today. Hug them, love them and give thanks for them.
I would be amiss without my feathered and furry family.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for our pets. We ask for wisdom in how to train them up in a good and godly way. We ask that you would give us the understanding and empathy that we need to be successful. Keep our pets healthy and safe. Watch over them Father, we know they are a gift from you!
In Jesus we pray
amen yes yes!

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