Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Yes, there is life after death

As I see it, to passover means another life that is not limited to the time structured here in our earthly material realm. All of our researching and quest for answers will be fulfilled. The love we experience here comes quite short to what is on the other side. Paul was taken up to the third heaven and heard and saw things that he was not permitted to tell. Not only was he confounded as to whether he was in the body or out of the body...he just says "God knows." Perhaps he groped for words that he was unable to find. He knew he was unable to describe such deep dimensions of love, an overwhelming joy expressed in every song, flight of angels, butterflies and most of all; in the presence of a loving God and the experience of a supernatural peace unknown here in our world. There are not words. The words we try to use to describe such experience of glory becomes tainted when we try.

There is life now and then; life afterwards. Life to life. Life of a time consciousness to a place of holy wonderment that is surrounded by God's light.
We all have a choice where we can go after we leave this place. By accepting Jesus as your Savior in your heart and repenting and asking for forgiveness, you will someday be ushered into His light. Or, if you reject His truth, you are rejecting His gift of love for you. A place of darkness will be your journey.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,
Just the thought of such incredible love your word talks about brings us joy! You are love! Your joy brings us Your light! Your glory is everywhere, open up our eyes so we can see you in those who believe.
We thank you for teaching us good things of You. Thank you for guiding us while we are here in this place, we ask that you will continue to guide us and direct us into the spots and places where we can be the most productive for your glory. We worship you and say we love you.
IN Jesus amen

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