Saturday, February 28, 2015

We agree in faith for mercy and miracles

Good Morning,

Here it is the last day of February and spring is soon upon us! I was thinking how we are a people who hold on to hope. We hope things will get better, the sun will come out and cause the snow to melt as we hope for a better tomorrow. We hope for a reconciliation in our families, we hope to get that job, pass that course and resist that temptation. We even hope to be accepted and loved. We cannot exist without hope. Whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, we must hang on to the fruit of hope that our faith embraces.

I cannot stop thinking about our sisters and brothers overseas. Let's pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are the reader of all hearts. Your Spirit goes everywhere, there is nothing hidden in your eyes. And, it is true; you know us better than we do ourselves because you created us inside and out. We put the trust of our lives in you totally and depend upon your truth and your ways.

Please forgive us for depending so much on our ways instead of your ways. We do not want to be independent of you! Forgive us for not releasing any sinful stains in our heart that we seem to still be hoarding in our lives. It is all about you Lord, not us! We give up all self consumed narcissistic pride, anything that would feed our egos, selfishness, self comforts that revert to laziness; any exaggerations that are actually lies. Forgive us Lord. Clean us up!

Once again we lift up your people who are held hostage overseas. You are the God who gives mercy and miracles because you caused the death angel to pass over the places who had sprinkled the Lamb's blood upon their doorpost! You dropped food from heaven! You parted the Red sea! You make a way! It was you who used one man to bring your people out of captivity! Years later, we learned that those who accept your son are also released from bondage. Thank you for His sprinkled sacrifice in our lives. You hear our prayers! You heal! You never leave us! Your love and the Body of Christ knows no distance. These people are our sisters and brothers; draw them close to you Lord. We pray and believe that your supernatural hand would be upon their lives! We ask and believe for a miracle that would release all these people into freedom. I pray that your Holy Spirit would blow upon these people. Release them in the name of Jesus!
We are in agreement in faith. Thank you Father, thank you Father..

"Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not been revealed until now what we are going to be, but we know that when he has been revealed, we shall be in his likeness, and we shall see him just as what he is." 1 John 3:2-3

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