Saturday, February 14, 2015

We are forever learning

Good Morning Family and Friends,

What is the Holy Spirit teaching you at this time? Patience? Perseverance? Technology? Discernment? Are you practicing your listening skills and projecting more kindness? Maybe the decision of realigning your priorities in God's way and not your way is in the works.

For me, I think it has to be all of the above. Let's face it, if we have a computer we need them all. When my computer is in foul play I've finally decided not to take an axe to it or bury it in the backyard with my flowers. Nor, will I take it out on my husband because he doesn't have anything to do with the glaring monster that sits on my desk. I now, just walk away and let it do it's thing and when it calms down, I go back and do my part. The nefarious diabolical creature provokes obvious waves of homicidal lunacy upon this brain of mine.
In learning this, I have dealt with it in a humane and sane way. In God's way, (thou shall not kill)
Now, I just let it go and walk away. So what if I get online later than I wished? Our Father is the one in charge of time anyway.


Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful that we can even give you our bothersome electronics! Our cars! Our trucks! Our heaters! All of the technology that is speeding what seems like faster than the speed of light! In spite of it all, you are the one who watches and knows what is going on, even when we try to figure it out; our ways are nothing; compared to your ways. Thank you for continually reminding us that your thoughts are not our thoughts and our ways are not your ways. Your ways are so far beyond our ways, we can only taste and touch Your Precious Holy Spirit through the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is in Him and through Him that we have our being. Thank you Lord for being in the traffic jams with us, for being at work when we become stressed or at home when things do not go right; You are always there, you never leave us! We are so thankful we can give you all of our frets, worries, anxieties, lost sons, lost daughters, lost grandchildren, safety for all of our loved ones, those who will be having surgery soon we pray for a healing in your son's name, all health problems, disagreements with our mates, children and family members, bad dreams, financial upsets, stretches and strains, all fear that isn't of you and yes; again even old relic computers! You care! You see our hearts! You see it all! You are there through it all. We completely rest in you and choose to live in the peace that you have given to us and let it all go. It is all in your hands, we will walk away and trust in you completely. We know, the battle is yours! In Jesus we pray amen.

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