Saturday, February 21, 2015

We have a joyful Heavenly Father

Good Morning Loves,

Last night I was listening to a well known teacher and he was talking about joy. We know that the joy of the Lord is our strength.Upon a little meditation this morning, I know: We receive this joy because it is He who is joyful over us! Our Father becomes joyful over us. Yes, we have a joyful God! We delight in Him and He delights in us. We have a "delightful party" together. We receive this joy through the obedience of loving Him above all else in our lives. We choose to deliberately place God the Father first in our lives. Our lives reflect the love we have of our Father!

Heavenly Father,

We give you this day, because you gave it to us. You are our Heavenly Father and a true Father in every way we could ever imagine. We desire to make you smile upon us. We desire to bring joy to your heart. We want to say: "we love you with all of our hearts this morning." We thank you for always being there and for always speaking to us in so many ways. We desire that "delightful party" with you today.
In Jesus amen

Beloved Daughter of the King ~ Psalm 45:11 Amplified Bible (AMP) 11 So will the King desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, be submissive and reverence and honor Him.

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