Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nothing is Impossible with God

Our spiritual gifts are given according to the grace that is given to each of us. We are all unique. I have learned that there are different degrees or measures of the gifts that have been given.

When we pray, we pray in faith believing that God has heard our request:


“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

It takes activating a deliberate faith and determination to push through all the cluttered recesses of our mind and believe in our hearts; that we have received our request. I say this because we can get “junked up” with worldly media at times.  Through intercessory prayer; there are moments when we go beyond our human expectancy when we pray and demand more of ourselves in faith!  Our level of faith can be compared to walking upon a sandbar or floating above the water to actually swimming a channel in the deeper waters.   
A sandbar walk of faith is a safe walk because it doesn’t require the intercessor to get wet.  The prayer can be a general source of surfaced words that is given through seasons of habit rather than from the heart. Those that float above the water sometimes search for the right words and many times find themselves upon a fence wondering which way to leap.   

Do not lose heart, I am sure we’ve all been there.

Those that have been given the gift of faith often find themselves swimming in the deeper waters as a way of life. Their whole purpose is walking in love and faith in everything they do and prayer is a way of life. Swimming in the deeper waters requires a storehouse of God’s Word that gives energy and stamina.   If the Word indeed gives us more energy and stamina; then cannot we say that it give us more oxygen? Oxygen that travels throughout our whole bodies through the blood that gives us our very life?  I believe so. These oxygenated people, pray over everything  in  a life extending way; and consider their requests done.

I had a couple of friends who had the gift of faith who were called to minister overseas. They did not have the money to go abroad but believed God would supply their need. They went to the airport to book tickets without a cent and “by chance” a stranger came up to them and asked if they were ministers? And, did they need money to go? Immediate supply was given because they chose to release the deeper faith that was inside of them.

I knew a young man from India who stood about 5’ tall and ministered the gospel in his homeland. He would make up small short songs about the Lord and sing continually to Him. He did not have much money, but he will attest his needs were always supplied and in most unusual ways at times. One day he went to the river and knew he had to get over on the other side. He closed his eyes and started singing one of his small short songs to the Lord. Perhaps he was waiting for an answer on how he could get across the river? As he sang, the burden was lifted. When he opened up his eyes; he actually found himself on the other side of the river! This is a true story!

When I was a single mother, I was praying for a car in church and on that same day a man came up and gave me a car! I have been given a washing machine! Money! Jobs! Healings! I remember I was in tremendous back pain and was visiting a friend when I sat down in her rocking chair and the minute I sat down, all pain left!  Our Heavenly Father wants us to believe and know that He has heard our prayers.

It is a stepping over! It is a leap into the deeper waters! It is allowing the Word to go way down inside of you so you can meditate and know God’s will in every circumstance. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way instead of our way.

The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

The secular world usually calls it folly, but those of faith begin to stand upon the Word as they pray. They believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. They believe we are washed through this Word. They believe it was written by men long ago who were moved by the Spirit of God to write these truths to be handed down to the following generations.  Does this mean they understand it all? Not at all!  Everyone questions why certain passages were written and tries to reason it out in their hearts.

Today, in these times we are living in; we need mountain moving faith so we can pray for those we love, having faith in God.  What would prayer be if we already saw the outcome before we prayed? If we already knew we were going to get that car that we need? If we already were given the money to pay off our debt or seeing that our loved one has already returned to the Lord?  Praying with love and in faith is without seeing ahead of time and without feeling! No wavering! No hesitating, but to understand we are approaching the throne of our Father when we give our request.  I will admit I have experienced prayer answered before I have prayed.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  Romans 12:2

When we renew our minds we will know what the will of God is in our lives.  When we desire things, it becomes what He desires and not the old creature. We learn to sift things that we hear to see if it lines up with His will and way.

Let’s pray for those Christians overseas who have been kidnapped.

Heavenly Father,

We plead and lift up your people in Syria, those who have been kidnapped. We ask that you would refill them with your faith; the faith that your word continually talks about. Strengthen their hearts during this time of trial. Keep them strong Lord. Send them your angels to encourage them and release them, just like you did with Paul and Silas. We ask Lord that you would honor their prayers they are sending up.  We ask that you would bring them into a place of safety where there seems to be no place.  We ask that you would rescue them, open up the gates where they are and release them all!  Unharmed!  Send those who are willing to help them!
Father, we also lift up Israel and ask that you would cover this land with your shield. Any bomb or anyone who tries to harm this land we ask their schemes and plans would return upon their own heads.
We ask for a reconciliation between our nation and Israel. We ask that you would put down the evil in our land and restore the goodness it once had in you. We ask for an awakening and a spirit of repentance come to this land. We ask that those in high places would boldly declare that you are Lord.
We petition this to you and all of us stand in agreement in the Name of Jesus.
Nothing is impossible with you Lord!

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