Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Let the Church be the Church!

Let the Church be the church! I'm not talking about a building. I am talking about a people who would rather give up their lives to those who radically seek to destroy them; than to denounce the name of Jesus.
This morning I give tribute to all those brave souls who were beheaded because they are called Christians. I give tribute to their overwhelming love and faith in Christ. My heart is filled with sorrow, that they had to be martyred for their faith.

The Body of Christ is worldwide. They are our family! The strength through their faith in such peril should be ours as well.

Heavenly Father,

Truly you are with your people, even to the end. Your Apostle Paul said "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" Philippians 1:21

He knew, that either way we win in your Son. Strengthen us where we need to be stronger. Fill us up with your truth and love that we will not be moved or deceived in these days. Your word says that you make a way where there seems to be no way and that:

"The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them." Psalm 34:7
We ask Father for you to make that way of escape for your people in the middle east and give them safety. Guide their feet into the direction you would have them to go. Bring shelter upon them. Make them invisible to the enemy. We ask that you would spread your blanket of protection over all those who love you. We ask that you would confound the enemy and cause confusion in their camps and that every vile scheme would be backfired.

We ask for justice Lord! We ask that you would tear down all unrighteousness around the earth and in our country and replace it with godly men and women. Oh come Lord Jesus! We look for your return. We pray this in Jesus name.

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