Monday, February 2, 2015

Let God Arise!

Good Morning Sunrisers!,

I go through times when I put my heart through check points. Although I live by faith in the grace that God has given to me; I search the inner areas inside of me that I don't think about very often. Things like: Being honest and searching for the motive behind the action. It had better be love. Is there any pebble of pride? Am I offended too easily and if so, do I forgive just as quick?
All these sound like small things, but all it takes is one seed that has been allowed to grow that could produce an unwanted harvest.


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us a sound mind in your son Jesus. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that quickens our hearts to listen to what you are saying. Thank you for giving us your truth and your check points. Draw us nearer to you. Help us be more sensitive and empathetic to those around us, to their needs and desires. Give us ideas and creative strategies how we can lift up hearts and minister your love in a joyous way. Have your glory fall upon our lives. We want to see you rise up in our lives, in our families, in our work places and in our land. Continue to be our strength so we can stand boldly upon your word, giving you all the honor and praise. Continue to guide us with your eye. And we say, "blessed be your Name."
In Jesus amen

To the chief Musician, A Psalm or Song of David.
"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him" Psalm 68:1

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