Monday, February 9, 2015

Carrots pulled up in February!

JOY! Look what I just pulled up in my garden! Yes! I like colorful carrots. These are purple carrots! Isn't God so good? The other morning while I laid upon my bed I was thinking about the beautiful and famous 23rd Psalm and trying to quote it all the way through. Feeling I should definitely renew it in my heart I opened up the Bible and started to thumb my way towards it, but I never got there; my eyes rested upon:
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way to go; I will counsel you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Let me tell you church, living by faith can be exciting! Very exciting!

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," Romans 14:17

We have the righteousness of God inside of us through Jesus Christ! By His grace, through faith; we walk in peace and joy! We are His! Our Father walks and talks to us all of the time. We are blessed above anything you can even imagine!

Would you like to begin this day with thanks with me?

Heavenly Father,
Thank you! Thank you for the rain we get and the harvest you give to us. Thank you for your continual teachings, your ongoing lessons and how you are a God who continually showers us with your love! You speak in ways where we can hear you and understand. You continually talk to us about your powerful love. We praise you Father for loving us before we even knew you. We thank you for your mercy.
Forgive us for any selfish streaks inside of us and continue to deal with our hearts in your way.
We request that you would guard our families and friends with your Angels as they go to work and errands. Touch those who need to be touched with your healing promises and give a word of encouragement to those who need a lift in their hearts.
In Jesus we pray

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