Monday, February 23, 2015

You can have a new life too

One of the first things I noticed when I gave my heart to Jesus was how I immediately lost all of my "friends." (I did not know how Biblicaly prophetic it was at the time) I wasn't your average quiet convert. Goodness no! I wanted the world to know that I had found the answer and that if it worked for me, it could also work for them. I told all my worldly friends the plan of salvation, who fearfully ran from me, I knocked on doors and even put out an article in our weekly neighborhood paper and wrote up my own salvation tracts. These were the early years. This led to many other columns years later.  When I previously said that I would never be the same, I also knew that my life would never be the same. I no longer desired to party or run around like I once did, but instead; stayed home and studied for hours in the Bible. The more knowledge I obtained the more I craved. I just couldn't get enough of this brand new life. Every wise word and every story fed my growth.

I had actually met The Holy Spirit and learned He would forever be with me and teach me. I was totally in love. God had truly won my heart through the deep sacrificial love of Jesus!

I have warm memories of my past friends; however; quickly we all learned I no longer fit into their world. It wasn't long before I made new friends in Christ and learned about agreeing in faith together for the prayers we lifted up. Miracles, answered prayers and revelations were ushered into my life like a whirlwind. In these early years I drew much strength from my more mature sisters. I thrived upon their mentoring and I dearly miss them, as many have passed over into glory.

Sometimes I look back over the zany antics I did when I was "of the world" but I also look back in wonder. A wonder that I did not kill myself or someone else, a wonder of being rescued just in time to be introduced to the final love of my life.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are new." 2 Co. 5:17

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