Wednesday, February 18, 2015

You Must Be Born Again

Before I was born again, I was blind and ignorant of the fact that Jesus required everyone to be born-again or they wouldn’t see the Kingdom of God. There came a point in my life when I knew I needed God to straighten my messed up life as it was obvious that I was certainly unable to put it together by myself. I was a broken person, with a broken heart and a broken life. My guilty and shameful heart was completely stripped of hope or of any solutions for a good future. I was in a dark hopeless pit that I had dug for myself. Completely humbled and alone, there was nowhere to turn. What could I do? Where could I start?
I did not know I was actually being wooed and courted by the Holy Spirit at the time.

My then, unsaved mother brought me my first Bible. I was thirsty for help. I said a small prayer before going into the Book of John just like my Avon lady instructed me to do. Then, I can remember so clearly like it was yesterday; it was around Easter time as I started my pilgrimage to read the Bible for the first time in my life. I picked up the Bible and smelled the newness of the leather as I tenderly touched the pages. Words cannot describe the joy I felt when the richness of a warm and loving light opened the inside of my heart! Suddenly, I discovered people in the Bible who were just like me. They needed Jesus like I did. Many had messed up their lives just like I did. I discovered the power of God through forgiveness through Jesus Christ who gave his life for all those who accept Him as their Savior. The more I read, the more excited I became as hope pulsed throughout my whole being. Truth was being flooded like a river, inside of my heart; through the love of Jesus! The words leaped out and shouted to me! And, they became enlarged and bounced off the pages! I had finally found the meaning of life! I had found the answer.

Then, I read John 3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again; he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Weeping, I believed! I believed that Jesus was Lord!

All alone and sobbing with an open heart; I kneeled down by my bedside and surrendered and repented as I asked Jesus to come into my wretchedly torn life. I confessed all my sins asking for forgiveness. When I got up from the floor, I was a new person in Christ. My soul had literally been washed by the blood that was shed for me and watered by the very words He had spoken. I believed by faith that Jesus is Lord. I was given a new heart and had a new spirit inside of me. I was a brand new person in Christ. I discovered I would never be the same again.

I did not realize it then, but the Holy Spirit had given birth to all those seeds that had been planted inside of me, by His obedient servants who had prayed for me and loved me enough to sprinkle truth into my life. Many came along and watered what had been planted. Some of the faithful servants lived long enough to see me come to Jesus.

I also did not know back then, that there were Christians praying for me. Never think that God does not hear your prayers. He does. My life is living proof.
I had found my identity in Jesus Christ. I discovered who I was in Him. I became a child of the King of Kings.

As my neighborhood watched my change, many said about me: "She got religion." But that was untrue. Being born-again has nothing to do with religion! Being born again is becoming a new creature in Christ because it was the Holy Spirit that breathed upon me and opened up my eyes to the truth. Jesus became the bridge to God! I have a personal relationship with the Father because of the sacrifice of His son.

Being born again has nothing to do with a church denomination, attending church or being good. There are many sitting in the pews of reputable denominations that haven’t been born again. You may have come out of the womb in being raised in a denomination and know the rules and ways like the back of your hand; but unless you have had a concrete born-again experience; Jesus said: “he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

You may be a good person and have never hurt anyone, but there are a lot of good people out there who do good things, yet; they have never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Not one of us can get to heaven on our own merit. Our good works are like filthy rags to God. It is only through the cleansing blood of Christ that we are washed, forgiven and accepted into His family. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” There is only one way according to the Bible.

You may be one who is in church every time the doors are open and that is respectable and honorable, but unless you have had a heart day of reckoning with Christ, being in church will not usher you into paradise.
Salvation is a gift from God Himself. The Holy Spirit knocks upon the door of your heart and asks to come inside and do a miracle in your life! It is He who wants to change your life and make you into that new person.

A walking living miracle!

We do not deserve it and there isn’t any way we can earn it, because Jesus; the Son of God paid the full price for all of our sins. In fact, the Bible further says:

“But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." Ga. 3:13 LB

Should you still be wrestling with any unbelief and doubt that is still in your heart, please remember there isn’t any wisdom in the world or scientific knowledge that can take away from the power of the truth in the Bible. We will pass away, but His word will always stand.

Time is short. We are all one heartbeat away from eternity. If you feel that tug inside of your heart today I ask that you would kneel and surrender to God and accept the blood that was shed for you on the cross. Confess that Jesus is Lord and trust in Him to take you the rest of the way in your life. We know life isn’t easy, but when you give it all to Him, He promises to lighten up your burdens and direct your path. There isn’t one thing that you have done in your life that he won’t forgive if you surrender your heart to Him. This is why He came into the world, to set us free from our sins. We cannot set ourselves free, for we are not gods. I urge you to not put off your decision any longer. The greatest thing you can do in your life; is to be born again and then; raise your children in the truth of the word of God. If this were not truth, and if my life was not changed; I would not continue to write! When we take those first few baby steps toward Him, He comes to us and takes us the rest of the way. It is He who offers hope, when there is none. And, it is He who gives us life and renews our minds! Will you trust Him today?

Please pray:

Heavenly Father,
I give my life to you today. I do not understand it all, but I want to be born again. I willingly confess my sins to you and ask forgiveness. (please confess your sins). I ask that Jesus would come inside of my heart and rule and reign in my life. I need You Lord, change me. I surrender completely and repent. Wash me with your blood and the truth of your word. Help me become strong; feed me so I can grow. Direct my steps and take over my life. Send me your messengers so I can become strong in you.
In Jesus we pray

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