Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our Father never stops Teaching us.

The picture of the two lads in their raft reminds me of the time when I used the local raft in our small pond to push myself out into the middle and explore the deeper waters. I was about 9 years old at the time and fiercely adventurous in thinking I was able to go anywhere and do anything. Then, I noticed that the more I pushed myself into the deeper waters, the more the raft went under the water. Although the float wasn't completely sinking; yet, when I looked down; my feet were about a foot plus under water. I sensed a small caution go off inside of me as I pushed it back to shore.

What did I discover when I was in the middle of that pond? Why, I discovered a middle of course ! I could see the middle of the small pond when I was on the shore. For some reason I felt that I had to experience seeing the pond from the inside looking outward. The waters were darker because they were deeper and I could easily look around the pond's edges. There was only one thing wrong; being in the deep waters made the raft begin to sink.

So many times we want to go into deep waters to see what is on the other side or see what the whole picture looks like. If we "push it" we know we can get into those deep waters, but once there; will we be able to get back and not sink?

Isn't that sometimes like our lives?


Heavenly Father,

You are our Great Teacher from childhood up. You never stop teaching us. Your knowledge and wisdom are insurmountable and never-ending! So many of us can look back and remember your voice was always with us; while we were off by ourselves thinking we were the next great explorer. You were with us back then as we chewed on grass, got the honey from the clovers and the first time we bounced bareback upon a horse. You cared when we got thrown into a ditch with our bike and landed in a bunch of barbed wire. Whether we fell from a tree or walked across the county through fields; with a cousin exploring old run down barns! You were there too! Every minute of our lives, whether tragic, traumatic, joyful and determined; you have always been there for us and we just did not realize it at the time. We did not see this complete blessing!

We do now! We do today and say to you Lord: "Blessed be The Name of the Lord" who is forever and ever.

Thank you Lord!
In Jesus amen

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