Monday, March 9, 2015

Outlooks, Eye views, negatives, critically judgmental, kind positives, all those words gather up the way we have aligned up our minds to train the way we think. Our thinking processes become who we are. We are as we think! The very things we think about is who we are! And, it is something each one of us have to deal with ourselves.

Heavenly Father,

We praise you Father for your greatness, your forgiveness, your instructions and love that are never ending. Thank you Father.
You are always here for us, even when we do not draw as close to you as we should; you never leave us.
We ask that you would continue to give us words that will continue the process of renewing our minds. Melt our hearts with your empathy when we need it and keep filling us up with your love and forgiveness.

Thank you Lord,
in your son

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