Monday, August 20, 2018

Beatitude Mt. 5:4

Good Morning Lord!

“Blessed [forgiven, refreshed by God’s grace] are those who mourn [over their sins and repent]. for they will be comforted [when the burden of the sin is lifted].” Matthew 5:4

We have all done things in our past that we regret. That was yesterday, today is now. When we yield our will to God’s will, our past experiences  will continue to conform us into the likeness of His Son Jesus.

It is The Holy Spirit Himself who brings us the comfort of knowing we are forgiven through Jesus Christ. When God forgives He throws our sins deep into the ocean never to be retrieved again. In God’s eyes, it is gone and forgotten. Few of us have the capability to forget the wrongs in our past.. God is faithful. Your burden has been removed. 

We need not dwell upon the past. Instead we can have God’s peace when we picture a river of blood flowing over those past sins and rest assured that there is a day coming when all our past sins will be completely erased and forgotten from our minds. As for now, our memories are there for us to remain humble and never forget the pit from where we were rescued.
I had a friend who once said: “I never trust a man who doesn’t have a limp.” Think about it if you do not understand it, as it will come.
Let’s pray:

Oh Heavenly Father,

We thank you and praise you for leaving us your word and giving us your truth. We thank you for awakening our spirits so we can see and understand what you say to us. We thank you for your son Jesus and the sacrifice upon that cross and the power of His blood. We thank you for giving us the gift of grace and the faith to believe and walk on that narrow path. Thank you for your faithfulness and that all things good come from you. Thank you for turning our mourning into joy and comfort and the realization of being loved. Forgive us our sins [name any that has not been confessed]_____________________and we make a decision to repent and turn around to do your will. Keep our eyes upon you and give us the discernment to recognize and resist all deceiving spirits in these last days. We give you all the praise Father in your son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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