Friday, August 24, 2018

Beatitudes 5:7

Good Morning Mercy-Hearts,

“Blessed [content, sheltered by God’s promises] are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” Mt. 5:7Amp

“All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.”Ps. 25:10 kjv

Mercy-hearts are those who weep over those who are suffering. They have an extremely high degree of empathy and compassion. These kind of people are the ones you see, who go to the hospitals and hold hands while the patients cry, knowing they are leaving their loved ones. Many of them work in Hospice. If the mercy-hearts could make you feel better by giving you everything they had, they would. Instead, they will pray for you continually, as you walk through the valley of death. 

These are the ones who will rush to your side when your world falls apart. They will do the thinking for you, the phoning for you, pay the bills, your cleaning, fix your meals and feed your pets.  They more than understand what you are going through, because they have walked in your shoes. 

I believe there are different degrees of the gift of mercy that we all have, but there are those whom will bleed from within, should you cut yourself. They all have as many personalities as the colors of the rainbows.

I knew a lady whom I will call Mary. She was a well experienced RN and worked for Hospice and loved her job. I was completely awestruck by her never ending smile and joy. Then she related to me how she had the daily opportunity to lead many to the Lord right before they passed over. She was in the presence of The Holy Spirit continually and experienced her patients receive the peace of God by accepting Jesus right before they would stand before Him. Can you just imagine! Mary’s whole existence was to gently usher the suffering into eternal life. 

Mary’s ministry was like a brilliant light inspiring everyone around to see the goodness and mercy of God’s hand.

God promises us mercy when we are merciful. Mercy is given every time we forgive those who have offended us. One of the ways that has helped me to forgive others is to look at my own heart. If I am honest, I can sometimes see that the very thing I was offended by, I did in my own heart. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for all your mercy. We thank you for sending us your angels of mercy to minister your love throughout the Body of Christ. We ask that you would strengthen those who have this exceptional gift in their lives. Strengthen and renew their minds, their bones, muscles and organs, their hearts, their walk with you, their souls and their spirits. We ask that you would lighten their load and help them exercise your peace as they are called to minister your mercy in so many ways. Send them your perfect words to apply your salve at your time. Comfort them through your Holy Spirit and help them find that place of rest to draw closer to you. We ask together that you would send encouragers into their lives to nourish these thoughts while they sleep. Give them more faith to foresee the miracles you desire to manifest in their lives.  Awaken them with your joy and a renewed love through your son Jesus. Amen. 

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