Thursday, August 30, 2018

Beatitudes Mt. 5:9

Good Morning Children,

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Mt. 5:9

Being a peacemaker is not necessarily protesting with a sign on the corner. These are people who go the extra mile and stand in the gap praying with holy negotiations wherever trouble may be brewing. There are those whom our Creator has prepared with a special anointing of a peacemaker and given assignments to bring peace to nations, to governments, in work places, in domestic disputes, on the streets and right on down to calming the waters among teachers and their students. These jewels work in Nursery schools and when one little darling bops another over the head with his toy and makes him cry, they know exactly how to handle the situation. Ironically, because they are doing what comes naturally amid such turmoil, they never think of themselves as peacemakers.  Some peacemakers are called to work with pets to be calmed down and learn to get along with each other.  Peacemakers have an inbred desire for peace and a 7th sense of knowing what it takes to prevent a pot from boiling. They understand how easily human emotions can escalate and get out of control by one simple spoken word. They see the eruption before it happens.

Every time we forgive an offender
Every time we pray for an offender
Every time we withhold our tongue from retaliating 
Every time we withhold our tongue from nitpicking
Every time we withhold our tongue from judging
Every time we do not listen or take part in gossip
Every time we bury our pride
Every time we deliberately watch our thoughts
Every time we choose these things and push away our hurtful feelings and choose to love instead, we’ve become a peacemaker.

These are the makers and maintainers of God’s peace reflecting His  character and will; right here on earth. Whatever the situation calls for; whether to be silent, pray or leap to defend and rescue when the scales tip in unfairness. They strive for peace day in and out and are called The children of God or The Sons of God. 

Let’s pray:

Blessed Heavenly Father,

We thank you Holy Spirit for teaching us your goodness and another way to love while we are here. Thank you for filling us up with thoughts of being a peacemaker and how important it is in every area of our lives. We ask that you would quicken our spirits within us and reveal to us joyful and creative new ways we can be peacemakers. Ways in which we can bring a peace and love to those who are bitter and have not talked in years. We ask that you would prepare their hearts. Show us how we can do this with your wisdom. In those whom have lacked peace for so long, give us insight to give the right words, the right strategy to bring reconciliation and healing to troubled hearts. Use us and let us be sensitive to your voice to be the peacemaker you have called us to be. Let us be totally led by your Holy Spirit and not by our flesh.

We lift up your church this morning. Your word says that the church will be judged first. We ask that you would remove all complacency and apathy from the western church. Those who are not serious with their walk, we ask that you would place them on their knees to see with your eye view the seriousness of their walk. We ask for a deep spirit of repentance come upon your church, we ask that you would stir up hearts to rise up and be bold in this nation, standing for the righteousness of Christ. We ask that your Holy Spirit would begin to move men’s hearts with belief on every street and that they would be drawn in by the fire of your love, even by the fire of revival in their hearts. For those who say they are churches, yet deny your son, we ask you would open up their eyes and give them repentance and mercy. Those who deny your blessed Holy Spirit send a spirit of repentance upon their hearts. Give these church a new fearless determination to take Christianity back and your country back for you.  Rise up the intercessors to do battle in your spirit and may your will be continually done in our own lives. 

In Jesus we pray. amen 


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