Friday, August 10, 2018

If your heart is clean, your eyes will shine!

Good Morning Warriors

“No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.
The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.
Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.” 
Luke 11:33-36 KJV

Years back, when I was taking a speech class in a secular college we were asked to give a speech on any topic of our choice. I gave a speech on the importance of light and how darkness is expelled physically and then I was able to bring word pictures spiritually. I almost refused to follow through because when I stood in front of all those students, not only did I feel a weakness in my knees but felt the sting of stage fright and I started to walk back to my seat. Just as quick, a rush of faith caught me in my tracks. I stopped and turned around and went back to speak. My attitude was determinedly: “I’m not going to allow a spirit of fear to overcome me!” My desire to scatter seeds [God’s word] for the Kingdom of God was much stronger, than any fallen pride or humiliation that could possibly follow afterwards. God rewarded my obedience as I received an A+ on my paper and speech. For me, this was a huge encouragement from the Holy Spirit as I identifiy Him as my guiding light who continues to lead me where I should go. Did I mention that my teacher was a Jewish lady? I felt privileged to be in her class. 

“The spirit [conscience] of man is the lamp of the Lord, Searching and examining all the innermost parts of his being.” Amp. Proverbs 20:27

Fear comes from darkness but light delivers us.
Fear comes from darkness but light exposes.
Fear robs us of blessings but light rewards.
Fear brings lies, but light brings truth.

Medical Science has proven that our hearts have a brain and thinks for itself. It is the heart that sends signals to the brain, not the other way around. One such study even related how the brain and the heart work together for a decision. 

When our hearts are filled with God’s Spirit we have a guiding light within us and there is a brilliant illumination that scatters all darkness around us. What can we say that can honestly stand in the presence of holiness, but God’s Spirit? We seek God and we listen to His Spirit and trust in Him with the faith that has been given to us. 

Our guiding light brings us peace while our flames keep flickering inside, and He is faithful to sift out all we hear and see in the world. His peace keeps our eyes bright, single and our hearts strong. Daily we can rest in this peace while being a Warrior in Christ.

Everyone is going through a trial. Some of your trials seem like a heavy weight upon your back as you walk up that mountain. Sometimes you think no one can possibly understand the anguish and suffering you have gone through in the past and now you have found yourself presently in the fire of affliction you dare to tread through. At times it seems our trials are lengthy and long going. Challenges customized for us individually, for we know we are all unique and being conformed into the image of Christ. God uses our trials for His light to shine brighter inside of us. The stronger the trial, the brighter our beacon shines. Our flesh resists, but His Spirit persists. Never think you are alone in your battle. Mercy is love’s greatest reward and your strength is being renewed daily by the steps of your faith.

How can we possibly go into the Holy of Holies unless His light guides and directs us by the Spirit of His will.

Heavenly Father,

We want to glorify you. We speak to our souls to bless you this day!  We will bless you in our minds, our hearts, our strength and all within us. We choose obedience over mumbling and grumbling. We choose to be single eyed and that the light that you have placed inside of us would be brighter and mirror your Holy Spirit’s love. We trust in you above every decision and step we take. We depend upon you for our sleep at night because it is you who has placed us in your secret place so we can dwell in your shadow. Thank you for your never-ending mercies that are new every morning. We thank you for developing your fruit inside of us and growing us up and turning up the wick for our lights to burn brighter and stronger. We thank you for the peace that is infilling those that love you as they pray from their hearts. Bring them a renewed peace they have yet to experience. Pour your river of life throughout their whole body and bring your hope back into their lives. Lift their souls up with your arms. Embrace them with your small whispers and quicken the eyes of their hearts to discern your presence. 

Oh Father, we thank you for the patience you have given to us through these trials. We thank you for your loving Comforter. We draw closer to you and ask to know more about your goodness. 

We pray for our children and grandchildren this morning. We lift them up and ask that you would continue to draw them closer to you and for them to understand you are faithful, in the trials and see your hand of hope. For those who aren’t where they should be, we ask that you would give them a holy restlessness. Where they are playing with the world, we ask that a sour taste would develop upon their tongues and go down deep inside of their stomachs to reject everything that is not of you. Where they are procrastinating in your will and ways, we ask that you would put a fire under them and a spirit of repentance to get on in your work. Where they have not called you Lord, we ask this spirit of repentance fall upon their hearts and for them to see the very depths of how sin destroys and understand the scars of your hands and the blood that salvation has brought. We ask for an undeniable clear eyesight of knowing that your son is Lord. We ask for a boldness and an infilling of your Holy Spirit to speak the truth into other’s lives. We ask for complete deliverance where hearts are stained from wounds and filled with lies and addictions and the honesty to accept these truths and the boldness and love to follow through. Wake them and shake them Father. Bring them up and call them forth. We ask that you would send your angelic messengers to boldly proclaim what they need to hear to bring them back to your Son. We ask that you would use our children to glorify you in every way. We thank you for this Father. In Jesus we ask. Amen.


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