Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Beatitudes Mt. 5:5

Good Morning Lord,

“Blessed [inwardly peaceful, spiritually secure, worthy of respect] are the gentle [kind-hearted, the sweet-spirited, the self-controlled], for they will  inherit the earth.” Mt. 5:5 Ps. 37:11 Amp 

Beginning my journey, I had the unique privilege of having “gentle hearts” to mentor me. I gleaned firm truth in sweet and gentle words that were laced with wisdom. Being around such peace loving giants watered my faith continually. 

Humble spirits are all around us. Many are quiet and do not need to be heard or seen. They are filled with the fruit of kindness. The presence of a gentle heart is filled with peace and through the righteousness of Christ they have earned their innate experience of fortitude, tenacity and power without a mere utterance of one single boast. These are the rocks [pillars] in the Body of Christ because they know what it is like to go through the fire and be crushed in life. We marvel to drink the water that flows from these rocks, that life has made for we desire their peace and kind-heartedness. But most of all, we desire their quiet strength.

These people have substance! This did not happen overnight. Their humble quiet hearts go through a process in their lives that gives off an exclusive sweet aroma. The fruit they have tended inside of them throughout the years is extracted through a process that presses and crushes the fruit with such power to release all the oil from within them. After the oil is extracted and blended the aging process begins. This can take months to many years for the development of a fine rare perfume. 

As Christians, we all go through this process and there are no shortcuts or substitutes. A native plant from Mexico in a laboratory in London called “Agave Franzosinii” grows for 40 years and only then blooms glorious yellow trumpet flowers and then, dies. 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” niv Mt.11:28-30

With all that, we will inherit the earth.

Let’s pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

When we think of the holy process your bride goes through, we are completely awed by your love. We trust in you Father and know you work everything for us, for our good and your glory. We know, there are no two things completely alike in your creation. Each of our fragrances will be unique and resemble who you have fashioned us to be in the Body of Christ. We ask Father, that your angels will continue to hold our hand during these processes. We choose to live and speak in faith instead of what we see or go through. We desire to be a gentle heart like your son. Thank you for the insight of your Holy Spirit and how everything revolves around your perfect love. Thank you for showing us such power in your love.

We ask that when we run ahead of Your Precious Holy Spirit, that He would close the door or trip us. We ask that when our feet drag, that He would put a fire under us to move! We ask that when we talk too much, our words would come back to show us the seriousness of what we have done. We ask that when we do speak that it would be graced with your salt to be flavorful to those who hear. We ask that when we know to do something that is right, let us not think; but follow it through. When we know something is wrong in our lives to throw it completely out. We ask that your Spirit would never stop housecleaning inside of us. Thank you Father and in Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.  

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