Monday, August 27, 2018

Beatitudes Mt. 5:8

Good Morning Pure Hearts,

“Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” Mt. 5:8 kjv. 

A pure heart comes from the supernatural awakening of our spirit that was once dead. This is a miracle.  The scales are removed from our eyes by the Holy Spirit. We accept the fact that we are sinners and need forgiveness.  We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, was sent to be a pure sacrifice upon the cross so we can have this forgiveness.  We have been pardoned. This is God’s gift of grace [undeserved favor] for us. Our heart accepts God’s grace and we surrender our life to the will of God by repenting and accepting His son Jesus Christ as our Savior.  By faith, we pray and begin to empty every single thing we’ve been carrying in the backpack of our past life. All of our sins, our worries, frustrations, discouragements, rejections, bitterness, pain and hurts are all given to our Creator. Our hearts are totally crushed, broken and emptied completely out. 

We are loved, while yet still a sinner! Think about these 3 words very deeply “God loves you! God loves you!

With that, you become clean and pure in Jesus Christ. You have followed that small voice inside of your conscience and been obedient. You have literally been born-again.

A pure heart begins with a pure conscience that has been sprinkled by the blood of Christ. He. 10:22

God sees all our intents and motives. He looks to see if our step into purity is to please others or to have truly followed the beckoning of The Holy Spirit. If the latter is true, He dwells within us and begins His housecleaning on a daily basis and we are miraculously given a brand new heart. The old you is gone and you become a brand new person in Christ. You will never be the same again. 

Once we were a worm, living underground and could not see the light. We fed on garbage for our nourishment, but now we have been metamorphosed into beautiful butterflies who dwell in His light through the Word of God. We fly!

Every time you see someone who has been born-again and made new in Jesus Christ, you are seeing a walking miracle. We cannot work our way to heaven because the price has already been paid through Jesus. Through our growth our thoughts eventually align to God’s will as we pray and study. His voice becomes clearer and His light becomes brighter in our lives. 

We cannot see God unless His light abides within us enabling us to see because He is the light. 

“For with thee is the foundation of life; in thy light shall we see light.” Ps.36:9 kjv.  

Let’s pray

Precious Heavenly Father,

We see so clearly how your timing is everything in our lives. We are filled with joy, yet so humbled to have your Holy Spirit blow upon our hearts and our spirits awakened. We confess your son Jesus is the Lamb of God who was sent to take away our sins. We believe He is Lord. Keep us in your hand Father and place us where you want us to be spiritually, physically and mentally. Develop our hearts to be continually in a love-awareness mode so we would know when some one is in need of a good word of sincere encouragement. Develop us to be wholly transparent in our living, so that when those around us, see through us, they would see your son’s love. Give us ideas to be creative in these days we find ourselves living in and keep us on that narrow path. 

Father, we lift up the wounds of broken relationships this morning. We ask that you would heal these wounds with your love. Embrace their hearts and help them to forgive all the cutting words that once flew against them. We forgive our offenders Lord. We bury all the words and choose to think on your goodness and walk in faith. Father, we ask that you would forgive the words we ourselves have spoken in times of anger. We repent. Heal the hearts of those who have offended us and heal our own hearts. Thank you Father. Give us your discernment to have the foresight to make good decisions today that would glorify you. Thank you Father. We give you honor, we give you all the praise!
In Your Son’s name Jesus we pray,  amen


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