Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What kind of words are you speaking?

Good Morning Blessings to you all!

“The good man, from his [inner] good treasure, brings out good things; and the evil man, from his [inner] evil treasure, brings out evil things. But I tell you, on the day of judgement people will have to give an accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. For by your words [reflecting your spiritual condition] you will be justified and acquitted of the guilt of sin; and by  your words [rejecting me] you will be condemned and sentenced.” Matthew 12:35-37 Amp, also read Proverbs 18:20, 13:2

There are many books written about the power of our tongues. I remember my mother admonishing me to: 

“Think before I speak!”
“Oh, how do I do that?” But it slowed me way down.

Later on, thinking about her corrections I realized I spouted out some unthinking rare commodities that I had not bothered to look up the meanings for in Webster. She always made me trudge to the dictionary instead of telling me the meanings. Today, I am grateful for all of her corrections.

I studied about this subject that took nearly a year and even then I did not cover everything. I can say this, because I’m still finding things written about the seriousness of speaking before we think. Oh, to be able to go back in time and not say some of the things I carelessly threw out into the airwaves. Some in anger and some not. So many times we would not feed contention in a relationship if we first halted and gave thought to what we were about to say and how our words will affect the receiver and ourselves;  for years ahead. A reckless mouth can be judged by it’s target through a loss of respect. Inflammable words scar a relationship. Pride breeds contempt. Pride is a spirit [haughtiness] that refuses to humble itself and say “I was wrong.” Once our words are out of our mouth, we cannot take them back. We can repent and have our regrets and we know we’ve been forgiven but we’ve still loosened our words. We draw our words from the activities and materials we decide to daily meditate upon. As we store up these thoughts in our hearts, sooner or later, like that of an artisan well the overflow will find it’s way out of our mouths. Unfortunately, we will bear the consequences of our words as we journey on earth. If we point fingers, finger will be pointed at us. If we whisper against another, whispering comes against us. We cannot get away from God’s laws of sowing and reaping. Consider words as seeds. When we plant one seed, we’ll get a whole bushel of fruit back in our garden. If God rescued us from every consequence of our sin, how would we learn from our actions? 

Our words will either serve one of two Kingdoms: The Kingdom of light [Holiness] or the Kingdom of darkness [Unholiness].   

I would just like to touch on the positive results of speaking a good word to others. Did you know that when we speak good words, they are health to our bones?

“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” Pr. 16:24

“A gentle answer turns away wrath.” Pr.15:1

“When we can give a good and timely answer, can bring us joy.” Pr.15:23

“Anxiety weights the heart of a man, but a good word cheers it up.” Pr. 12:25

There are many verses about the health benefits on both sides when our words are kind and gracious towards others. Look them up for yourselves and write them down. 

Let’s Pray for each other:

Oh Holy Spirit, 

We are desperate for your help. We confess, there are times when we can be such chatter’s and do not think before we speak. [Confess the sins of your words___________________] Your word plainly tells us that death and life are in the power of what we say. We ask that you would forgive us for not thinking before we speak. We ask that you would put a guard over our mouth and remind us to think and speak good things. We ask to be good salt shakers through our words. This day, we repent and will choose life giving words. Words that will lift up and give life giving encouragement to those we love. Words that will be filled with your grace and love. And when we feel we must correct, help us to give this in such a way, they will only see your love and gentleness. When we become offended, help us to be silent and give good thought, instead of fretting and complaining. When we see or hear something that is against your holiness, we choose to stand our ground and turn it off or walk out of the room! We pray in Jesus amen. We love you Lord  

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