Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Together, our prayers can be powerful as we believe that God hears our requests.

Please Pray with me this morning:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for your continual goodness in our lives, We give you thanks for always being here. We give you thanks for your word that maps us along our way back to you. We thank you for your precious Holy Spirit that teaches us about your Character and how we are to apply your wisdom to our lives. We thank you. You hear our hearts. You hear our deepest desires. You see all of our frustrations and disappointments in the goings on in the world. You understand when we grieve over those we lose and you heal our brokenhearts. We are so aware of your hand upon our families, yes Lord; even when we cannot see it, we know without a doubt, that you are behind the scenes always working. We thank you Father. We cherish your name Abba Father, Adonai, Elohim… We cherish you this morning, we want to give you glory. Our hearts and souls lift you up for all that you are. For all that are doing and for all the love that you have given to us through your Son, Jesus Christ. We adore you and bow to you this morning. 

Heavenly Father,

We realize there are some things we become careless of, take for granted and do without thinking, that are displeasing in your sight. We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to clean up any worldly habits and will in our lives and be continually replaced by your holy will. We ask that you would forgive us of all arrogance, pride and of any self-importance, judgmental and unthinking idle words, jealousies, impatience, lack of mercy, any doubt and unbelief, self-pity, forgive us Father of any vain imaginations that do not lift up your love. We ask that our behavior would reflect your highest motivations in loving you above all on earth and loving those around us as we do ourselves.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We request your hand would be upon those who are struggling with health issues. If their health problems are because of something they are eating or drinking, we ask that your Holy Spirit would shake them and awaken them to this truth and give them the strength to let these things go. If they are holding un-forgiveness of any sort, we ask that you would enlighten them, soften their hearts and bring them into your spirit of repentance and remove any bitterness in their lives and replace this void with your never ending love. Help those who are in pain, those who find themselves in confusion because of age. Your word says: “ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2Ti. 1:7. We accept this Father. By the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, together we confess your word is truth and we have a sound mind, we refuse and cast away any works of the spirit of fear that would try to enter into our lives. We declare your perfect love and faith overwhelms our lives and your healing salve be replaced in our minds, our souls and hearts. We speak to our souls and command it to “Bless the Lord O my soul!” We will bless you Oh Father!

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our President Trump, First lady Melania and all their family this morning. We know this man was sent by you and given an assignment to fight the battles we see raging upon our nation today. We ask that you would keep this man and his family free from any health problems, any and all physical attacks from the enemy, and by faith we push back all of satan’s devices of lies and accusations. We ask that your truth would prevail and that you would melt all hearts who have been listing to the language of lies, the enemies speak and replace them with the insurmountable hope of your word. Open up their eyes in their spirit,  Father. Give them your understanding. We ask that you would continue to keep an invisible wall of safety around all of President Trump’s cabinet. We ask that you would keep giving him godly counselors and advisors. We ask that you would keep giving him prayer warriors. We ask that you would continually refill him up with the wisdom of your word. We ask that his faith would be as a lighthouse and renewed every single morning. We ask that with every idea and design he receives for this nation would be of your will. Thank you for his great boldness, his great love for you and this nation. We ask that his cabinet would continue to follow you and your Spirit in everything they say and do. Minister to their hearts and give them the faith to follow through on your assignments. We ask that President Trumps marriage would bring many blessings, divine ideas and an example of your love around the world. We ask that they would be an example of your strength and power in the Kingdom of God.  We thank you for your never-ending mercy for our nation and we pray in Your Son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank you Lord. And we confess: Jesus is Lord! 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Parable about the 10 Virgins


Good Morning,

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  Five of them were foolish and five were wise.  The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.  The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
“‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25:1-13 niv

Heavenly Father,

We trust in your words, your will and guidance completely. I ask that your Holy Spirit would write your insight and truth, not myself. Thank you for this and in your son Jesus we ask. Amen.

We’re going to think about the “prepared and the unprepared.”
The religious vs those who have a relationship.

The number 10 in the Bible has a great deal of significance when you begin to read about it. There are:

The 10 virgins we will be meditating upon. 
The 10 commandments. 
The 10 plagues. 
The 10 toes and 10 horns in Daniel and Revelation. 
The words “God said” are repeated 10 times in Genesis during the week of creation. 
And, is it a coincidence there are 5 fingers on each our hands and 5 toes on our feet because we are created in God’s image? 

The words, “At that time in the very beginning of that parable tells us the parable is a continuation of Matthew 24.

Jesus told us in Matthew 24 the sign of His return is:
“As in the days of Noah” when the flood came and took everyone away. 

There are exactly10 generations that lived up to the flood of Noah’s day until God’s judgement fell and brought the flood. Why? Because the people refused to repent. 

The Passover lamb was to be sacrificed on the 10th day of the first month. This was symbolic to the true Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. This is why John the Baptist said “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” John 1:29  The day of atonement was on the 10th day and on the 7th month.

There are 10 “I Am’s” in the Book of John
There are verses about the tithe being 10%. 
There were 10 lepers. 

I could go on.

I firmly believe through this parable we are given invaluable insight into God’s will in our lives and the dire repercussions of resisting His Holy Spirit. 

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17 niv

All ten virgins had lamps and yet there were five wise and five foolish. 

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 kjv.

The five foolish virgins had their lamps but no oil.  They knew the truth of the word, yet refused to accept it. They heard the gospel. This would be something like carrying a Bible that you never open or sitting in church and never accepting the Son of God as Lord. They lived without the Spirit of God [oil]. They had a counterfeit grace.

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 kjv 

These ones will never experience the Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Kingdom of God. They were not born-again. 

The five foolish virgins “knew about Jesusbut did not know Jesus.  

The five foolish maidens did not believe that Jesus was the way to eternal life, although they gave the appearance of believing. They heard the good news yet, were not open to accepting the truth. Does not true belief bring regards of humility, recognition of honest need, seeking forgiveness, love and faith inside our hearts? The only time they called upon His name was when it was too late. They believed more in themselves, their own passions and will and did not bother to admit they were sinners and seek God’s truth. They did not admit their need. They felt they had plenty of time to get right with God, but kept putting it off. This is why Jesus called them foolish. They did not give a thought about their tomorrows. These are those who know the right way to go and yet turn their back from truth.

The foolish maidens are something like looking at a key that opens your door for you to walk through. There are keys that look 99.99% like your original key, but because there is one tiny subtle notch you cannot see with your eyes; the door will not open. 

What did Jesus say?

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6

When the wise maidens walked, they walked in Christ and when they  slept, they slept in Christ. They were wise virgins who were ready at all times for the coming of Jesus. Their lives was a daily watch and by faith, they kept their wicks burning day and night because of their love for their Savior. Their hearts desire was to be a blessing.  They recognized His voice when the trumpet blew. They did not compromise their walk. Did not adulterate their faith through dabbling in other beliefs. They walked in Grace. Their faith was followed by praying for others and themselves Ja.1:22 2:17,18. These five virgins were completely ready for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Today, those reading these words may not know if you are in right standing with God. The Bible says we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  The nicest person you know and seemingly does nothing to hurt others is a sinner.  All true christians have walked through this same door before they receive eternal life. Humble yourself and open up your heart. Repent. This will be a life changing decision from you to turn away from the things you’ve been doing and once you do, The Holy Spirit will lovingly take you the rest of the way. There are many things we have to realize we cannot do by ourselves. Jesus Christ, the Son of Father God was sent to be a complete and total sacrifice as He was nailed and crucified upon the cross for you and me so we could be set free and have forgiveness for our sins. He literally laid down His life and his blood was shed to rescue your soul.  

You may feel that your past is too dark and that God would never forgive you for the things you have done. This is not true. No matter how deep your pit, God’s love runs deeper! No matter what you have done, you can be forgiven, you have but to ask Him.  The Bible talks about how God loved us before we knew Him.  

Like the verse above says, there is only one way and that is through Jesus. God reaches out His hand and offers you Grace. (unmerited favor) None of us deserve it and there isn’t anything we can do to earn it. It is a free gift from God to you. If you feel that tugging in your heart as you read these words, I urge you to pray the prayer below and begin your supernatural life with Christ today.

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I understand that I am a sinner and I understand that through the shedding blood of Jesus Christ I can receive forgiveness for all of my sins. Please confess your sins now: _________. [take your time]. I am so sorry I have done these things. I ask that you would forgive me for these sins. I confess and believe by faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that there is only one way to life in The Kingdom of God. I accept His gift of GRACE, His pardon in my life. I believe in your Son Father. I ask for the spirit of repentance be in my life to deliver me from all my sinful habits and bondages. I fully admit, I need your help Lord. I realize I cannot do some things on my own. I also ask that you would Baptize me in the Holy Ghost and Fire, just like your word talks about. Give me this new birth Lord, give me a new life. In your Son’s name I ask, amen. 

If you have sincerely and humbly prayed this prayer, I urge you to find a good Bible believing Church right away. You will draw strength from other believers and they will help you grow. You must grow in the Word to learn how to walk in Christ. You will need to buy a good Bible. Begin to read the Bible everyday beginning in the book of John and pray to your Father God everyday. Give Him thanks that your eyes have been miraculously opened to the truth. He will never leave you or forsake you on your new journey. And, may

God continue to bless you.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Beautiful Declaration of Prayer and Thanksgiving

James Nesbit to Pray Alabama
Heavenly Father, we proclaim with a loud voice of thanksgiving, on this 306th day of President Trumps second year in office, and 671st day of his first term; and we thank You for gracing the Thanksgiving Tables in our nation with Your Presence.
We thank You for our President and the leaders of You have given us, bless each of their hearts to be filled with thanksgiving, draw each of them close to Your breast.
May the air over our land be filled with the sounds of thankfulness as we tell of all Your wondrous works, and recount Your goodness to us this past year.
Psalm 50:14 says to, Offer to God thanksgiving;
And that we cheerfully do today Magnificent Father, Merciful and Mighty, Jehovah Jireh, Whose provision is always seen.
Psalm 69:30 says, I will praise the name of God with a song,
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
So we magnify these words Don Moen penned from a grateful heart many years ago:
Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me, for me, for me
Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me
My God shall supply all my needs
According to His riches in glory
He will give His angels
Charge over me
Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me
Father, Thank You for unlocking a new sound of thanksgiving over our land on this day numbered November 22nd!
Thank You, for turning the minds of many in the land from the wounds that satan has inflicted upon them, and working a great deliverance from the bitterness of a victim spirit; Into hearts of Great thanksgiving for what the love of Your Son has done for them.
Thank You, for blessing their eyes and hearts, to awaken and see from that perspective as they eat today loving King.
Yes, Great Father, Thank You for their being a great turning in our nation at the turning of thanks, at Thanksgiving Tables from sea to shining sea.
Psalm 100:4 says to, Enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, And into Your courts with praise. Be thankful to You, and bless Your Holy name; and that we gladly do on this 306th:671st day.
No matter the schemes and wiles of Your enemies, we thank You, that you have got the whole world in Your hands, and You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Amen, the beginning and the end.
As we rejoice before You today, we are rejoicing with hearts full of gladness, in that we haven't seen anything yet!
For 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us, But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
So Yahweh, Elohim, We come with hearts overflowing with Thanksgiving in the Name of Yeshua Hamashiach
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government is upon His shoulder.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
Your zeal O Lord of hosts is performing this.
And for that we are forever thankful!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Worship in the White House

This is only one of many happening on Capitol Hill now.


Friday, November 16, 2018

Will you stand in the gap for Canada with me?

Good Morning,

When I meditate upon God’s goodness, I cannot find the words to express His blessings. How can we say thank you to our Father for rescuing us from darkness? For hearing our prayers? For opening up our eyes? For searching our hearts and seeing things we are not even aware of inside of us? For forgiveness?  The only way I can think of is for us to keep on the mark, keep being obedient because He loved us before we even knew him. He gave us love so we could learn how to love. He gave us a new life through the identity in His Son. I owe everything to my Lord. Cherish the Lord with me. He swells our hearts with such an abundance of love for Him and others, that it becomes inexpressible, except perhaps through our actions. When I reach out to hug you, I see Jesus. When I serve you in my home, I am serving Him. We are more than blessed. Everyone of you that has been born again has an invisible golden crown sitting upon your heads that could say, “We are God’s glory.” We are His children of light who glitter and shine in the Body of Christ. Without each other, we would be as nothing because how would we see through in the darkness in this world? 

I would like you to please agree with me for the nation of Canada.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

This morning we proclaim and confess: You are our Creator, our Refuge, our High Tower, our Deliverer, our Peace, our Hope, our Promise, you are Holy in all that you think and in all that you do.  Your eyes keep your children in the palm of your hand and you do battle for us, your Spirit blows upon our hearts and gives us new hearts. O such love! Your Spirit of love opens our eyes to our anointing and insight and understanding. You give us counsel even upon our beds we can hear your whisper. Your Holy Spirit calms our hearts and gives us rest.  You are a strong mighty God who is faithful to hear our cries and our desires. You are the God of mercy who cares for us, your children. Without your light we could not come near your truth. Without your love, we would have no hope. Without your mercies we would be left behind. We place our total trust in you O Father, you hear our prayers continually and this morning our souls and spirits together give you gratitude and all praise as we lift up your name Adonai, you are truly our Lord and Master. We praise you O Elohim for you are the God of all power. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7

Your word says you hear your anointed. Heavenly Father, we lift up the country of Canada to you this morning. Truly it is you who have placed a thick dividing line in their earth to see good and evil. We ask you hear our request this morning. We ask you would send forth your spirit of repentance upon that country and bring revival upon that nation, a fire of strength, belief, renewal and love sweep across that country. For those who are asleep, we ask you would  shake, wake and move the Church to rise up and proclaim your word. Rise up your holy men and women to blow the trumpet of truth. We ask that your Holy Spirit would open up their eyes of understanding so they can see what is happening and open up their ears to hear your words. Deliver them from all complacency, resistance, lies, accusations, greed in your Son’s name.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would SO move across this whole nation in vessels of faith, in hope and trust full of your zeal power.  

“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13, 14

In Jesus name we confess, request and proclaim these prayers. Amen.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

One Word: "I confess California For Christ!"

Good Morning,

Please pray with me for the people in the west experiencing such devastating fires. Many have lost their lives and homes. One Christian lady was driving through the area pleading and begging God for mercy while praying Psalm 91 continually. I believe she stated that her house was untouched. The God in the NT is the same God in the OT. In the Bible there are several places written about God sending fires because of judgement and to cleanse the land. When we pray for a nation to come back to the Lord, we can expect big things to happen. How many people are with me, when I say, “our nation is returning to God!” We need to call upon His mercy. 

I declare “California for Christ!”

“For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” Romans 9:15, 16.

Heavenly Father,

Your mercies are new every morning. Your Spirit blows and breathes upon whom you choose. You hear our prayers and always answer them Father. As our Creator, you completely know us from the inside to the outside, our going and coming, all our deep motives, our hidden agendas and we cherish your mercies. We know if it had not been for your mercies, we would all be consumed. We do not deserve it Father. Thank you for all your mercies. As children of Your Light, together we ask you would continue to melt hearts and send rain upon the west. Those involved in the fires, who do not know you, we ask your Holy Spirit would blow upon their spirits and awaken them to your mercy and love. Turn their hearts completely around to your truth. We call for a Spirit of Repentance to be upon that whole state through your son Jesus Christ. We ask for mercy and may your will be continually done in this land. Thank you Father. Amen. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

No one else can fill your shoes

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.     Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:5-7 niv

Good Morning,

Persecution, accusations and temptations all manage to come our way. When our eyes were opened and we were given a gift of grace marked “paid in full.” We realized we did not deserve this gift and then, we read “follow me.” Troubles come, yet we’ve been given faith to accept His peace. There are times we are slandered and lied about, yet we continue to walk in truth. We stumble, but His strong arm catches us and sets us back on course.  Some of us like Paul had to be blinded to see. He was  beat up and left for dead; but his sufferings only made him stronger. God knew exactly what it takes for you to be still and know that He is God. 

We have been given eyes that can see behind the speculative rattles and rifts upon the world scenes of today. His true church sees through the lens of Jesus.

When we become dismayed and shocked by what we see and hear, know that Jesus did not come to bring us peace but a war against belief and unbelief. Against evil and good. 

This morning I remind those who love the Lord: Your eyes are open to the truth. You are promise and serve the God of Hope. You have been called to a godly assignment given directly by the hand of God to fulfill while you are here. A work handcrafted and only you can walk in your shoes toward the finish line. Our Potter specially designed you in such a way to give the words of Jesus to those who have lost hope because there were times you felt you had no hope. Many are called to apply mercy to broken hearts. A hug or simple smile is a sign of acknowledgement and acceptance we all need. Perhaps you are an extension of His hands who feeds the poor and gives out Bibles. Maybe you are one who applies a healing salve to the wounded by your gentle spirit. If you are one who blows a trumpet, hesitate no longer.  Many of us are “artistically His” as we are given ideas how to show kindness and depth through His word. 

I believe the Spirit of the Lord is saying this morning: “Run no longer, but towards me, says the Lord.”

We are happiest when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Many have already found out there are no substitutes for being in the will of God.  

Let’s pray:

Precious Holy Father,

We have so much to be thankful about, we give you our hearts. We know without you we are nothing and we give you our lives inside and outside. We give you any dark spot we harbor and we ask you to take any habits and stains inside of us that do not belong in our hearts. We ask your Holy Spirit continue to renew our minds. Continue to feed us your truth. We truly delight in your Word Father and ask that you would never take it away from us. We speak to our souls to bless you this morning and be aligned with your word. We ask that you would continue to guide and direct our steps where we should be. Send those who need a listening ear, who need to hear your truth, who need to hear about your love. Give us the compassion, wisdom, knowledge, discernment and empathy to speak a timely word to those who hunger for you. You said Father, that the righteous are as bold as a lion, makes us all lions. Heavenly Father, right now we repent from any dead works and we will choose to “get up and get going” for like Timothy, we remember your words spoken over us. Help us to be sensitive and move in your anointing. Teach us how we can do small things in a great way to glorify you. We ask that you would honor our faith and renew and refill us by your Holy Spirit. We choose to be obedient and move in your faith and love. You are our refuge, our high tower, our strength. Our desire is to bless you through our thoughts and behavior in your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
Agree with me to lift up our President:

Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for giving us a godly President. You heard the cries of our nation Heavenly Father. You had mercy upon your people. You O Father give mercy in places we do not deserve. We cannot understand it all, but we will stand in your way, your will and righteousness in Christ.  We lift up your Servant President Donald J. Trump this morning and ask that you would continue to keep a invisible hedge of protection around him. Renew his strength in a vigorous way like that of a fearless eagle who can see ahead for miles and full of discernment. We ask that with every manipulation and all propaganda from the lies of the accusers that comes against him would be discovered and be brought to the light and dealt with. Your word declares they will fall into the pit they dig for others. We ask that our President would be so clothed with your anointing and filled with your Holy Spirit that nothing, no nothing would be able to harm this man. We ask that his steps will be continually guided and directed by you. We ask that health and wisdom be upon his wife Melania during this time. We ask for continual growth be upon them as they make decisions according to your will. We ask all of President Trump’s cabinet know you, grow in you and love you above all. We ask for a continual loyalty and wisdom. We ask for continued godly advice in his circle of advisors and we ask for a continued memory of your word. We pray that this nation would see your hand, your works and your will in his decisions. We ask that your Spirit of Repentance would fall upon any complacency, indecisions and awaken such eyes in the deepest parts of darkness, we ask your mercy would turn their lives around to your love. We pray for unity in Congress. Where there is darkness we pray their spirits would be awakened and filled with your light. Open their eyes Father. We ask that all strongholds be broken completely upon this nation. We ask that your Holy Spirit would fall upon this whole nation. Oh come Lord Jesus. We pray you would bring in the harvest. In Jesus name,  amen.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

When you pray, do believe that you have already received your request?

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” 
Mark 11:24, 25

Believing that you already have received it. Can you do this? Yes, you can; because you have the faith inside of you to follow through on your prayers. 

When a young man/woman enlists into the military, it is the job of the Boot Camp instructors to break his old way of thinking that he cannot do something. They use a physical lesson to each the young man as he is put through a vigorous hardship of exercises and obstacle courses that completely wear his physical body and mind completely down and just when he thinks he cannot do another training exercise, he discovers he can do it. After weeks of strenuous activity of rains, mud, mosquitoes, running miles all day long and carrying huge backpacks and above all looking after each other; the burden starts to become lighter. The legs go up into a glide when they run and seem to have become effortless. The mud no longer bothers them as they all begin to think in one mind and in one spirit. Their minds begin to think, “ No problem. I can do this. “

So too, are we enlisted in God’s Army, and there are times we become wounded through the trials and wars we fight. God’s children of light, never walk alone. We have the strength of the Holy Spirit inside of us and nothing and no one can take that away from us. 

Please pray with me this morning:

Heavenly Father,

We acknowledge you this morning as our Heavenly Father God. We acknowledge you as our all. We look to you as the complete source in our lives. We want to bless you Father by the thoughts in our minds and throughout our day in everything we do. We give you praise this morning in everything we do. It is the desire of our hearts Father, that we be that good solid healthy tree planted by the water that bears good fruit. This is our prayer this morning. That we would be mighty trees shaping and sharing the fruit that you have formed inside of us and that we would be a reflection of your son’s love wherever we go. When we have a problem with love, help us to look deeper in that person, with your eyes and react with tenderness and gentleness. When we have a problem with suffering, give us more empathy and compassion for those who are going through much worse, followed by prayer. When we are full of your joy, send those around who need to be uplifted.  When we have trouble with patience and waiting, please whisper your deep love for us in our hearts and stir up your promises in your Word for us. We ask that your Holy Spirit inside of us train our mouths to be a blessing to you and all those we meet. Help us to be more sensitive to other’s needs, including our pets. We desire to be that lighthouse that gives godly fruit wherever we go.  You told us to pray continually and we shall. We thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers, always being there for us, for your word, for giving us Grace, for always speaking to us, for continually working upon our behalf, for giving us understanding and knowledge and to have the faith to follow what you’ve taught us through. 

This morning, we choose the faith and love that you have given to us over any fretting and worries. We choose to rest in your word. We love you and know that our tomorrows are in your hand because we are called according to your purposes. We trust in you completely. Thank you Father.

For those who become lonely, please pray along with me:

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of widows, the orphans and all those who love you and whom sometimes feel overlooked and lonely so many times. Those whose hearts have been broken for losing a loved one. We ask your Comforter would come and begin to mend their hearts little by little giving them a clearer insight into your love and to share with those who also need to hear the gospel. We ask precious Father that you would fill the void in their hearts with your Holy Spirit. We ask that their faith and love would be renewed through the pain they have experienced in their loss. We ask that your strength would be manifested in these people.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would embrace them during the night time and we ask that you would Comfort their thoughts with your gentleness. Breathe upon them Father. Oh Father, we ask that you would somehow touch their physical beings to experience even physically, they are not alone. We ask that you would give them a physical boost in their faith. Just a touch is all we ask. Please remind their souls how much they are loved by those not near. Please remind them of the strength we see inside of them. Please remind them, there are those who weep over their pain and loss. Oh Father you are the God who hears our requests, you see it all and are all knowing. 

Thank you Father and we pray all this through your son Jesus Christ. Amen.