Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Let's be bold and pray together!

Heavenly Father, 

Right now we lift up our souls to you. Your hand created each soul individually.  Our souls trust in you completely Precious Lord. Father, we see so many enemies in our land and yet we are positively assured in your word that we have all victory and will never be put to shame because we put our hope in you.  You promise in your word that it is those who come against your anointed who will be put to shame. We embrace this peace that guards our hearts you have given to us.

We ask that you would continue to teach us your ways and guide us into new revelations of your deeper truths. We praise you this morning for you are our hope, our God and our Savior.  

You teach us how to give mercy because you are a merciful God that is filled with love, even from the ancient of times; you were always there. You O Lord have a plan. We ask like your son David did, “Do not remember the sins of our youth, our rebellious ways. We ask that you would remember us according to your love, because we know you are good.”

We thank you for your instruction in so many ways we cannot count them. Your word says that you even instruct sinners in his ways. We put down all questioning in our hearts and remember, your ways can be beyond our understanding. We praise you, that your ways are not our ways, nor our thoughts your thoughts, but you have given us the assurance of your love that keeps filling us with your faith. We ask that you would keep guiding us into what is right, that narrow path that loves and is faithful. 

We ask that you would forgive our blind sins and deliver us from those we cannot see and are not aware of, those pricks in our heart that have yet to surface. We ask that you would release us from all form of bondages and afflictions and set them free from old habits and mindsets. We take a stand and refuse to limit you O Father in anyway.  Thank you Father.

Your word says that you instruct a man in the way that has been chosen for him. We are so thankful in knowing your hand is mighty and powerful upon our lives. Thank you Father. Your word says that we will spend our days in prosperity, we will not lack and that our descendants will inherit the land. Our hearts believe this O Father,  for you confide and talk to those who fear you, for you have given us your covenant. We can rejoice in your promises.

We boldly refuse not to fear man in anyway, for your word says that absolutely nothing can separate us from your love. You hold our souls in the palm of your hand! We are more than Conquerors in Christ. We know that in all things you work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. No matter our age, we still have a purpose you have designed and created especially for us by your loving will. For you have awakened us to your faithful love. We know that we have even been predestined to be conformed into the likeness of your Son and because of this you have justified and also glorified. We are joint-heirs with our King of glory.

O Father, we know you are for us. Not against us. You do battle for us. We have many reasons to rejoice. Any stones that are thrown at us, will fail because we know that our King Jesus is interceding at your right hand for us. 

O Father we have learned that nothing can separate us from your love. No nothing!  Whatever hardships we go through in trials, persecution, famines, whatever comes into our path,  again; your word says we are more than Conquerors through your Son who loves us. 

No, not death, not anything in this life, not angels nor demons, nothing today or tomorrow and anything in the future that would come, no matter what the height or depth of our problems, nor anything in all of Your Creation O God can ever separate us from the love of you, that is in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

We stand upon your promises Father. And, we know that when we pray believing that you hear our hearts desires and answer all of them according to your will.  Our righteousness is in your son and we’ve been covered by His blood. 

In Jesus we pray amen. 

If you have not yet been born again. The Bible says that God hears the humble when they cry out to Him. I needed a Savior in my life because I came to a shocking realization that most of the decisions I was making in my life were very self destructive. My own life went from crisis to crisis. I did not have any peace and I was in the middle of destroying my life. Sin can be like a small snowball in our lives and when we begin to roll it on the snow it becomes larger and larger until it becomes so heavy we are unable to roll it anymore. We become frozen with a paralyzing discouragement of hopelessness and despair that sinks us deeper into depression. Our Father is waiting for you to cry out to Him today. Confess your sins to him and accept the fact that His Son Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who was without sin. He was a complete and perfect sacrifice and was crucified upon a cross so you could have complete forgiveness and be set free from a life of slavery of sin. One step in the right direction and He will take you the rest of the way, but you must trust in Him.  He sees your wounded heart and all the pain you have gone through. Right now, He wants to heal your heart and replace all your yesterdays with powerful love! This is a gift from our Father God to you and it is called GRACE. Grace means undeserved favor. It means a pardon. We have all come to Him by faith, not by our works. If your heart is starting to beat a little bit faster, I urge you; while you still have breath in your body, do not put off the beckoning of the Holy Spirit any longer because this is your moment and this is your time. 

Pray this special prayer for you:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that your son Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe in my heart that He laid down His life upon that cross so I could have forgiveness of sins. I know I am a sinner and ask that you would forgive my sins [confess your sins]________.  Give me a new heart, a new mind in your Son, Father Renew a right spirit inside of me. Forgive me Father. I ask that your Holy Spirit would turn my life around. Take all the scales off of my eyes so I can see your truth and walk in it. Open up my ears so I will know your truth when I hear it. Thank You Father in Jesus name amen.

If you have prayed this prayer, you need to buy a good Bible and begin to read first the New Testament. Find a good godly Bible believing Church so you can make new friends. You draw strength from your new friends and they will pray for you when you go through the trials up ahead. God Bless You and stay the course! 


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Excellent article about Abortion.

Today, we have become "accepted killers" of the most innocent in our society because of our own selfish lifestyles. A baby is just that, a baby!     Make no mistake about it, when babies are aborted in such a way, they are definitely sacrificed to these false gods. Woe to us! WOE woe!

Below is an excellent article.


Worthy Is The Lamb - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Lord I believe in You - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Pray (LIVE) - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Pray along with me this morning.

Good Morning,

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

This is a great way to begin your day. 


When I watch The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing I become refilled with God's love. Think about it, all those different nationalities singing in unison and in one accord. We are the Body of Christ! Look at them! They are using their gifts to give the love they have for The Son of God. Praising God is a form of spiritual warfare and ushers in His Peace in our hearts and we are once again given hope to go out and be the Warriors we are called to be to do battle through intercession. 

Please pray along with me for our President and our nation this morning.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We praise you Father and put all of our trust in you. Your word says that you hear us when we call you in the day of trouble and it says that you strengthen us. We thank you this morning for rescuing us during all of our trials, even from your right hand. You have blessed your people! We know you hear our prayers, you read our hearts and you honor the faith that you have given to us when we pray to you. We know your word says that you even answer our prayers before we ask. Your faithfulness is so great. Thank you Father. 

Heavenly Father,
Hear our petitions O Father. We lift up President Trump to you this morning. Our hearts are so thankful for sending a man who loves you and seeks to do your will every single morning, one who prays and reads your word. We ask that he would be continually filled up with your Holy Spirit every morning. We ask that he would hear your voice in a clear and concise way and able to make your decisions according to your will, at every turn. We ask that all fear of man would descend back into the darkness from whence it came and that you would continue to give our President the boldness of a lion. Hold him strong and firm and immoveable in your will. We ask that you would continue to refill him with the discernment and sharpness of an eagle and the youth of a young man. Keep him as a Caleb, full of energy and a full assurance of your hand over him. Keep him safe Father, guard him in every turn; yes Lord We ask that your protective angels would continue to surround this man wherever he goes and wherever he does. Let his words be your words. Thank you for sending this man to turn our nation around. We declare this nation as a sheep nation! 
We lift up his wife Melania and ask that you would continue to keep her healthy from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Give her a new vigor and vitality and that you would continue to give her a healthy sound mind, filled with faith and love for you; able to resist whatever comes against her or her husband and a heart to discern the differences.  Refill her heart with new ideas of your godly visions to share with her husband. Increase their love for one another and strengthen their marriage. Give her and her husband wisdom to skirt around the differences in Congress. Show them the loop holes. We call for a melting of hearts on Capitol Hill for unity. 

We come against all the media who lies against our President and we ask that they would choke upon their words as they are digested back into their own bodies. Send your angel to stop all of them Father. We ask that truth would reign in the airwaves throughout this nation. Turn this nation back to the cross Father.

We call for a Spirit of Repentance in this land. By the blood of Jesus, we crush the enemies of this land into fine pieces and declare them as dust! We declare your goodness will reign over all the idolatrous plans and behavior of our enemies.  Through the authority in the name of Jesus Christ that you have given to us we declare a complete halt over man's laws of abortion! Our deepest desire is to see your glory throughout this land. We call for a victory and ask you to reverse all these laws and allow these babies to live Father. We declare life for these babies!  Hear our hearts this morning Father and halt all evilness of killing our babies! Halt all idolatry! Halt all connected greed for money! Halt all perversion! Halt the spread of this evil! We ask that your hand would completely dismantle those involved and do away with all sanctuary cities. Bring a stop to all invasion of our land, bring a stop to this cop and child killing Lord. O Father, open up their eyes and give them A Fear of You once again in this nation. We declare this nation is yours! Sift it Father. We declare a wall will be built for all of our borders. We ask that our President would get more money than what he is requesting. We declare a victory by your hand for all the world to see and know that you are Lord and, that you answer prayers. 

We ask that you would prepare and sift your church to be a strong vessel, a pure Bride that is filled with your Holy Spirit. Help us to love one another as you have called us to do. 

We pray this in your Son's name Jesus.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Little Hearts #3 [last segment]

“Little Hearts” #3

Good Morning,

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14, 15 kjv

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for your guidance and great love. I thank you for equipping each one of us to be that tool used to glorify you. I thank you for never giving up on us and for showering us with your mercies. I thank you for your continual instruction that always gives us what we need to water our growth in you. Father, I ask that you would continue to touch the hearts that need to be moved and give them the hope they need to turn their lives completely over to you. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Spending time in the Catholic Home for little girls was an unforgettable experience for me and when my mother came to take me out, I didn’t want to leave. I had cried because I didn’t want to be left there and now I was crying because she was taking me out. She told me later, she couldn’t afford to keep me in there any longer. She took me back to the farm to stay with my grandparents once again. My haven on earth. I followed my grandfather everywhere and helped feed the animals and call in the cows to be milked. Every time he plowed the fields I rode along with him and when he went to town I went with him. My Victorian grandmother taught me how to bake and even made clothes for me. I took long walks in the woods with my collie dog and discovered the scrambling bugs under the old logs when their shelters were disturbed. Slowly I’d walk up the old narrow dusty steps into my Aunts old playhouse above the shed where the tractor was kept and watch the spiders with giant bodies guarding their large white webs. Their enormous green eyes moved and watched my every movement. I never lingered in their home for long. I jumped in the hay in the barn, swung on the ropes in the loft and buried myself in the bean bin. When school started, I gladly walked the 3 miles to a one room school house with my lard bucket that was used for a lunch box and handed the teacher a giant potato that grandma had given to me. By the time lunchtime came I ate my potato that was baked in the wood stove that heated the school. Later on I’d eat my apple! Life was good. On the way home, I dallied along snacking on wild blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, plums and whatever else I found along the road. I didn’t realize that I was always being watched from the kitchen window by grandmother as she waited to see me coming up from the road. We would play board games and we both laughed so hard we cried. We were all good for each other. I needed them and they needed me. 

I now find I cannot write any further about my life without the possibility of dishonoring my mother’s name and I refuse to do that. There are also many others connected to my life that should remain silent. Should I ever decide to do this, it will be in book form. 

I became born again over 45 years ago at home while reading the Bible. The words I read were alive and talked to me personally. There were those in the Bible just like me and God forgave them and loved them! I always say, “I returned to the God of my childhood.”  Like a toddler I would trip and fall once in awhile, but I have a Father who always picked me back up and steered me in the right direction. Then a few years later the most wonderful thing happened when my mother asked me to pray for her because she too wanted to be born again. Together on our knees, she was ushered into the flock. We both cried for joy. 

If your life has been one of hardship and abuse, you are not alone. Some things are hard to talk about because there can be so much pain involved. God looks into your heart and sees your ache. He sees your loneliness, depression and he also sees your desperation. 

Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I am coming to you right now. O Father set me free from my bondage of sins, I need this rest in my soul. I ask that you would forgive my sins [name them]______. And I choose to forgive those who have offended me. I need your power in my life. I need your peace. By faith I believe your love is real. I know I cannot do these things for myself. I put all my trust in you and ask that you would open up my spirit and my eyes to this new life in you. I want to be born again. Help me grow and flourish in your name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer with everything in your heart reaching out to the God who forgives you have been given the gift of grace. Grace means “unmerited favor.” You have been pardoned. None of us deserve it and there isn’t any works we can do to obtain this gift. Every true believer that you see, has walked through this door of grace because according to the Bible, this is the only way to go to heaven. 

Now, your mission is to go and buy a good Bible and begin to read it and study it. Find a good reputable Bible believing church and join a study group. You will make new friends who will help you and pray for you when the trials come and you will learn the power of the name of Jesus in your life and how to be more than a Conqueror.  

Blessings to you!     

Monday, January 21, 2019

Little Hearts #2

“Little Hearts” #2

Good Morning,

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us.” 1John 4:18,19 kjv

O Holy Spirit, take complete control of the thoughts in my heart and my mind and adjust them according to your complete will. Do not allow anything to be written that is not of you. I trust in you completely to take charge over these articles. In Jesus I ask, amen. 

Walking through a door surrounded with cobwebs can stir up our memories and intensify our emotions. But we know God’s love is greater and higher than any jagged path we walk on earth. He replaces our fear with a bedrock of peace in our hearts as we fall into our Father’s arms once again.  We are all like walking picture books of our yesterdays and some of us have gold covers. I have gone from victim to victorious! From the beginning of my new birth, I was graciously given an incessant love for the word of God and as I drew closer to God he drew closer to me. In all the ways I once gave myself to the allures of the world, are now given zealously to embrace the one who opened my eyes. I said; yes! He is my best friend and we meet every single morning. 

And, this can happen to you!

The Bible is filled with stories about dysfunctional families. Every family is dysfunctional. I can say this because everyone has sinned and no one is righteous. Ro.3:10,23. Unfortunately, the judgement of what is dysfunctional is decreed by many woes of today who twist the truth and believe their own lies. Isaiah 5:20

Mother told me she married my father on a dare. I never met him, but had my fair share of step-fathers and each time, my mother would pin their last name upon mine. Enter.. identity crisis!  Sorely confused, who was I anyway? Around 13, I thought: “Wait a minute! Why did I have to use their last names? Standing my ground, I began to use my real father’s name.  Unfortunately, my mother fell into a pattern of calamitous relationships that injured the both of us. She once told me that my father had thrown her over the refrigerator when she was pregnant. Horrors! Back then, you listened and questioned little.  [fridges were small, like boxes in those days] Mom lost too much blood during my long and difficult birth. By this time, we had returned to my grandparents on the farm and grandmother took care of the both of us.  The Doctor suggested she drink beer to gain some weight. Mother slowly gained strength and was resigned to the fact her first marriage was over. Later she married a filipino man who owned a supper club. People were eating, drinking and dancing. We lived upstairs. Unaware, that her new husband was given to fits of rage, one day he threw a meat cleaver at her in the kitchen. Then, he tied me up to a kitchen chair and violently beat me at the age of 5. I do not know why he did this or how my mother found out because, the whole ordeal was so painful and traumatic, I blocked the memory out of my mind. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties when my mother and I were talking and she brought up the incident. Astonished I said; “What?” She said, “You mean to tell me you don’t remember what happened?” And, she began to tell me the story. All I can remember is how sick I felt and a Doctor coming to my bedside and giving me a shot and falling asleep. No doubt this was to examine me. My mother was forced to make some quick decisions to protect us. Remember, I had blocked the whole incident out of my mind. She placed me in a Catholic Academy [Orphanage] in a nearby city for little girls and gave me over to the Sister in charge. Crying, I begged my mother not to leave me. I felt completely abandoned. I did not understand why she was leaving me with strangers. Mother must have informed the sisters about the abuse, as they watched me closely. Then, a miracle happened in my life. I discovered I really did have a Father. A Good Holy Father who loved me so much He actually sent His only begotten Son to be crucified for me and you, so we could have forgiveness of our sins! I met Jesus Christ who was The Lamb of God!  

I quickly adapted to the strict schedule of having boundaries and discipline inside of the home. We were taught etiquette and how to be young ladies. We were taught about good vs evil.  Everything pointed to Jesus. We walked single file to mass 3 times a day and prayed before and after our meals. Best of all was when Sister Jane would pick me up while sitting in her rocking chair and read letters from my mother. During one reading, I learned my Uncle Joe had died and I felt such pain I couldn’t talk about it and refused to believe it. 

I don’t know how she did it, but Sister Jane always had time for me. One day on her lap, I clearly remember asking her, “If Lucifer was so important and beautiful, why was he kicked out of heaven?” Her gentle reply was, “Because he was very vain and wanted to take over and be just like God.”  To this day, I praise God for Sister Jane and being placed in a safe and secure place, a place where I was loved and where the beginning of my journey with my Father God began. 

I learned that I can either be too careful and sit on my past and keep the door shut or flip it open and offer hope to wounded hearts that need to be assured; they are not alone. Instead of standing in a river of resentment, I have chosen to swim against the current and then, rise up and soar with the eagles! 

And, so can you!

Never give up! God is faithful. He hears all our winged prayers and it is without a doubt, He continues to answer us according to His will and timing..

Heavenly Father,

I ask that your Holy Spirit would touch all wounded hearts that read this message and begin to give them insight and hope through the love of your son. Honor these seeds to fall on good soil. Use them for your glory and to help set others free from all bondage of resentment, hate, anger, bitterness and give them the knowledge of your Words to bring light and victory into their lives. In Jesus name we pray, amen.  


Monday, January 14, 2019

"Little Hearts" have scars from abuse.

Good Morning,

Has your heart been abused?

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Holy Spirit, I place you first and foremost in my life, for you are always here and I ask that you would anoint this article and write. Go deep and touch wounded hearts, give insight, love and healing to those who have such deep wounds. Thank you, in Jesus I ask. Amen.

Many of us in our childhood years were robbed from the love we needed. As a result we lacked good wholesome judgement. While growing up, the nurturing we craved was replaced with selfishness, unthinking indifference, neglect, a loss of caring and absence of communication. Being so young, how could we describe a broken heart? We knew something was terribly wrong in our lives. Under the age of 12, we grew up thinking our parents were a type of god who knew everything. We believed we were always wrong and they were always right. Even as the child we were, our mode of survival kicked in within us, as we pretended that all was well through the bewildering pain of betrayal that a child experiences through rejection, abandonment, physical and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, I have personally discovered this is more the norm than not.   

These words are for those who have lived and survived the haunting times in their youth and unfortunately was followed into their adulthood. 

How many times have you asked yourself, why? And, if you just happened to have come from a family who professed Christianity, but their abusive behavior spoke otherwise; your heart ached all the more, as your eyes began to slowly wake up to what was happening. Make no mistake about it, those that abused you were not Christians, no matter what they professed! [Ga. 5:22,23]  Above all, it was not your fault. You were the victim. It is possible, if your abuse came from your parents [Aunts, Uncles, brothers, sisters, next door neighbors, foster parents] it was because they received it from their parents and it was passed down through generations. [this is what they learned] These are literal lying, perverted evil spirits that eventually hand over the victim to a spirit of fear sent to cripple and immobilize us from any influential godly confidence, godly esteem and a good godly self-image. These enmities know no boundaries and will go to great extremes to lie to you and accuse you; “You are not worth anything, who would want you? “Look at you! You will never amount to anything! Then, you begin to think: “What good am I? Who would understand? Who would believe me? Is there anyone I can talk to? How can I ever have a close friend? What can I do?” 

They all have a pattern. Ironically, the abusers hypocritically shame us for what they have done to us, when there is no reason for us to be ashamed. They will give “kind” words to “little hearts” in order to prep their victims. Later or sooner, they will mock, provoke anger, jealousies and depression inside of us and until we can understand what has happened and why, our unforgiving resentful hearts will keep playing old videos of the scars they have made in our lives. Never think you are alone. Our precious Father wants you to be able to walk in peace. He wants to completely fill your heart to overflow with His love. He wants you set free from all the trappings of bondage.  

This will be a series of articles relating to abuse. At times, I will write from my own experiences of a broken heart that has been delivered and healed by the power of Jesus Christ and the gift of grace through faith. Although, I do not like going back and opening doors that I closed a long time ago, if I can help one struggling heart into a strong victory as I have experienced, then; I have accomplished what I am supposed to do, for it is my deepest desire to instill the strength and power of God’s incredible hope and love inside of your hearts that will fertilize your healing that is rightfully yours in Christ. 

Heavenly Father, 
Open up the eyes inside of our hearts and give us the understanding we need to bring a release in our spirits and healing to our souls. Thank you Lord in you we pray. Amen.  

In the meantime, I would like those who can relate to this article to begin to meditate upon these verses in the King James and the Amp:

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 
2Co.1:3,4 kjv

“Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2Co.1:3,4 amp.

“And Joseph said unto them, “Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Ge.50:19,20 kjv

“But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? [Vengeance is His, not mine.] As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present outcome, that many people would be kept alive [as they are this day].” Ge.50:19,20 amp.

Blessings to you all.
Penny Williams

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Prayer for Renewing and Restoring

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you all honor, praise and glory. You are our Heavenly Father, our Abba Father of whom all mercies flow, for you are Holy and all your works are Holy. We put all our trust in you completely. We know that when we pray, you hear our prayers and all of our heartfelt requests and we know you answer these prayers before we even see them manifested in the physical. For it is you O Lord who has given us this faith. 

Heavenly Father, We ask for a right spirit be restored in the hearts of those who have been shattered. We ask that you would begin to renew their minds into the mind of Christ. We ask you would heal all brokenness into vessels of use for your Kingdom. We ask that your Holy Spirit would touch these sensitive areas of struggles and embrace their lives fully with your grace, give them strength to be the overcomers you have called them to be and the patience to follow the call that has been placed upon their heads. Let everyone declare your glory Father.

By the authority we have been given in the name of Jesus Christ, We call out and cast out all venom that has poisoned your children’s minds [name these children if you know of some]  and hearts with the lies of the corruption of the world and we ask that your working angels bring them back into your Spirit of Truth. Father, your Son Jesus has crushed the head of the Serpent and we declare he has no power over your children anymore! We call out to all the wayward, backsliding Prodigals who have wandered away into a Spirit of Error and we ask your truth prevail over their lives. We ask that you would set everyone of them free from any occult practices, perverted doctrines, humanism, new age beliefs. Your word says that, there is only one way to heaven and that is through your Son Jesus Christ. Restore to them the right way with a renew heart and mind and set them back onto the narrow path. Send them the Spirt of Repentance and love for your truth. Bring them back Father.

Heavenly Father, We ask for a restoring of families. We ask you would begin to melt the hearts of the fathers and mothers toward their children and a renewed love would begin to heal in their relationships. We come against any old lies, hurts, unforgiveness and fears and remove all blockages that have caused hard feelings and we ask that these would all be replaced with forgiveness toward each other in your love. And, Father we ask that you would forgive them for holding grudges toward one another and we command all this habitual bickering to stopped and be replaced with your peace. Bring them all back to the love of your Son. Push them towards getting their priorities right in you. We ask that through this obedience, they would give you great glory in their lives. Thank you Father.

Father we ask that you would renew the faith in those who are believing for healings and miracles this morning. For it was your Son who laid hands on the sick and they recovered. We believe healing is for today, for you said that if we ask anything in His name, believing that we have it, we have it. Name your request_____________. We believe in your tender mercies that are new every single morning and how they blot out all of our transgressions. [Confess anything that might hinder your healing] We believe in your forgiveness. We believe in your love and how you supply everything we need according to your riches in Christ Jesus. We thank you for the gift of grace you have given to us. We thank you for giving us understanding, discernment, patience, strength, healings and the ability to study to know more about your character. We thank you for opening up our eyes to your truth. We ask that your Holy Spirit would always be with us, during the day and while we sleep. Thank you Father.

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our President Trump to you. We ask that you would continually renew his faith in you and restore his joy in you. Renew his love for you on a daily basis. Strengthen his heart. Renew his hope and power in you and we thank you for giving him the patience to walk all of this through. We ask that he would hear your voice in a clear way as he makes godly decisions for our nation. We ask that he would be completely guided and directed by your Holy Spirit. We ask that you would continue to send godly men and woman to encourage him daily over the work he is doing and has done for your glory.  We know that nothing is too great for you Father, for you are the God that sees what our President needs and delivers more than what he needs. We ask that you would send him more than the money he is requesting from the opposition for the wall and for all the earth to see it is by your hand and none others. We ask that you would humble the liars Father and put our enemies to shame for what they are doing.  Your children know that it is you who have placed our President in there. We ask that these opposers hearts be opened to the truth and be able to see your hand upon this man. We ask that you would bend these men and women according to your will and for your glory. We ask that all of this land would truly be a sheep nation. We pray that we will see the day when they will bow upon their knees and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. O Come Lord Jesus. In your name we pray, amen. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

President Trump WILL get his wall!


Stress is a waste of Energy

Good Morning,

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7 niv

The flip side of depression is rejoicing. Did you know that when we take a deep breath we do not think about anything. We find ourselves in a world that talks about stress being a killer and then, hypocritically promotes fear at every opportunity. “Buy now, before it’s too late!” Prescribed drugs, yes and no. We eat food sprayed with chemicals that are; “natural” and washed or whoops; those who have been recalled. Flu shots? Nada. Whose report do you believe?  We get angry when unbelievers oppose Christianity get elected into high places [what do we expect?]. Anger leads to stress and depression. Perverted lessons abound in our schools [Isaiah 5:20,21]. Who is trustworthy? This is the world we are living in today. Jesus talked about these days “as in the days of Noah” and we have been hand selected to live in this season.

Living in fear can be habit forming. We have a choice to do away with this spirit.  The biggest weapon we have in our arsenal against all fear is love and faith. When your mind is swirling with fearful thoughts, stop! Take a deep breath and begin to think about what Paul told us to think about. He told us to think about: “whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. vs 4:8 amp. 

Replace your fear with thoughts of how much you are loved by God! His Son laid his life down for us! Replace the lies of today with His truth. The media may say one thing, but what does the Bible say about it?  Replace all turmoil inside of you with His peace. This will guard your heart and mind. Above all pray. Replace your anxieties with thoughts of the goodness of God. Tell yourself: “There is going to be good come from all of this!” God is faithful to deliver us. We know he hears our prayers. Keep your mind upon things above, not upon the things of the world. Build up your faith!  Replace replace and replace. 

Let’s pray

Heavenly Father,

We praise you Precious Father, we give you honor and strive to give you glory in our lives. You told us that fearing you is the beginning of wisdom and that we can fall into a trap if we fear man. We refuse to fear man and together, right now we shun and rebuke all lies the enemy uses to try to entrap our lives. We put our trust completely in you and your truth. We ask that you would strengthen our hearts, minds and our bodies with your Holy Spirit to be the gentle Warriors you have called us to be and set all of us in complete alignment to battle for your Kingdom. We ask that you would season our words with your salt to scatter your seeds upon fertile ground wherever we go. Thank you Lord and we pray in your Son’s name Jesus. Amen.  

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Builder of the Wall #4 [last segment]

Good Morning,

“So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.” Ne. 6:15,16

Nehemiah placed his brother Hanani along with Hananiah who was the commander of the citadel because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men did, in charge of Jerusalem. There were gatekeepers, guards, singers and musicians [Levites] and temple servants and many more as all the exiles began returning. Ezra the scribe/ priest stood upon a high wooden platform as he read the Book of the Law. As he began to give praise to God, all the people lifted their hands saying “Amen, Amen” and they bowed down and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground. The people listened to the words being read and began to weep. Nehemiah and Ezra told the people that “this day was sacred to the Lord, do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” [8:10] The Levites helped to calm the people as they went to eat and drink in great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.”[vs 12]  

There was a time of confessing their sins, fasting and prayer. Jerusalem was filled with people once again. The Wall of Jerusalem was dedicated and the people rejoiced with choirs singing and music of cymbals, harps and lyres. Picture them celebrating, full of gaiety, laughing and dancing. 

“The people now understood the words that had been made known to them.”  How many times have we listened to something and not been able to understand what we just heard? We ask ourselves, what did they mean or, did I really hear what I think I did? Or, When an unfamiliar word is written and we go to Websters.  Then, when true understanding finally sinks in, you feel like you’ve been given a treasure chest of jewels! This must have been how the Israelites felt that day as they listened to Ezra. Their eyes were opened. They wept because they were thankful they understood the truth and could see God’s hand in building their wall and in their lives. 

Lets pray:

O Precious Father,

The Israelites must have been given insight into your love so long ago. They knew their Messiah would come someday. Your hand was upon them as their hearts were filled with faith and determination as they continued to build the wall. Though there was opposition, they overcame their fear by replacing it with the faith of knowing you would never leave them. They depended upon you night and day. You opened up their hearts with an understanding of your love. For your word says that You are love.  Together we ask that you would open up all humble hearts who read these words, with your understanding. Shine insight upon Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Messiah, who was alive yesterday, is today and tomorrow. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to be the complete and pure sacrifice upon the cross for the sins of the whole world.  

Right now we confess our sins [confess them]__________________. We are humbly sorry and ask that you would forgive those sins.  We declare that Jesus Christ is the son of God who gave his life so we could be set free from sin. We forgive all those who have hurt us in the past. Clean us up Lord. We ask that your Holy Spirit strengthen us with a Spirit of Repentance to turn away from anything that would hinder our walk in Christ. We ask you to give us new eyes and a new will, to make the things we once did in the world distasteful and for you to see our sincerity to change. We declare we are a new man/woman in Christ Jesus, the old man is gone.  In Jesus we pray, amen.

If you have been seeking truth and humbled yourself and sincerely prayed this prayer, by faith you’ve been given grace, this is a free gift from God. You have been literally born again. [John 3:3] You have just stepped from one life into another life supernaturally. Every time you see someone who has been born again, you are looking at a miracle. We all walk through this same door. There will still be trials in your life as long as we are in these bodies and on this earth, this is why you need to buy a good Bible and read it.  Be sure to ask around to find a Bible believing church so you can begin to grow. Welcome into the family!