Thursday, October 31, 2013

You are The Temple of God

Gentle Rain

Your Body is a Temple

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1Co.3:16

I believe that when the Word talks about The Kingdom of God is within us, is also talking about The Spirit of God living inside of you. The Kingdom of God and The Spirit of God are related and cannot be divided. Every time someone prays for another person, The Spirit of God is at work and a manifestation of the Kingdom of God is revealed. If you are kind and have the gift of hospitality and have generously opened up your home,that too is a sign that the Spirit of God is at work and the Kingdom of God is within you.

We had the good fortune to be a part of a small church when we lived in Canada. The Pastor and his wife had the gifts of helps and hospitality. They opened up their home to a man who needed a place to stay for a few days and he ended up staying with them for years! He became just like family. There was never a frown or a complaint from the Pastor and his wife. That was definitely the Spirit of God working with the Kingdom of God.

Another time, my youngest son was driving and got my truck stuck in the mud at his friend’s farm. We told our Pastor and he gallantly put on his warm clothing, got his tractor out and drove through the ice and snow, to the farm and pulled the truck out. He did the whole thing without the slightest complaint but had a smile on his face the whole time. When The Spirit of God dwells inside of you, all kinds of good things happen in your life!  What a witness!

When I think of these words I am in complete awe. I feel privileged and honored.  Although we dig and research for ourselves for valuable knowledge and revelations, it is His Spirit that shines the light of understanding in our hearts and, it is His truth that leads us there. We cannot help but be overwhelmed at times.

When I look in a mirror, I do not think about my body being a Temple of God. I do think to myself how I still need to lose those pounds. When I think about The Spirit of God dwelling inside of me, I think about His goodness. I think about His never-ending love and I also think about His faithful promises that are in the Bible for you and me.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You are a SOUL

You are a soul

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Ge. 2:7 nkjv

For many years, I have realized that we are all living in various dwellings that we call our body. We have three parts to ourselves. Our soul is the middle section inside of us, where our decision center lives and decides our will. A soul can have deep emotional feelings of rhapsody and ecstasy to overwhelming joy. Our soul can also feel the deep throes of depressive vexation like that of Job in the Bible, when we have been hurt and wounded by our life’s journey.

The life-force of this embodiment can be quite puzzling. This can be because of misunderstandings of the reality of who you really are. Although, our outer appearance is not really who we are, but a shell that carries us around; I believe we can safely say, our eyes can truly reflect what we have inside. There are those who can read eyes, yet never say a word.

Picture a circle, within the circle, within another smaller circle; similar to the picture above. On the outside of the circle is where your  5 senses are, or your flesh. This is the area where you see things and desire them, or enjoy the smell of baked bread or a flower. Everything involved on the outer realm is physical. Feeling the stroke of a rabbit’s soft fur when you pet him or listening to music that will “stir your soul.” And, it does just that; it stirs our soul.

In the second circle is where the soul (seat of emotions) lives. Like I mentioned above, what we can see or listen to can stir our soul.  Our fleshly area looks at that second piece of pie and wants it, our soul get’s stirred and now it is up to the soul whether to give the nod to the flesh or not. Most times than not, we just go ahead and give into our flesh and eat that pie! Your temptation can be anything. Maybe your weakness is buying things you do not need.  We are aware of our own weaknesses.

The third circle and the one that is deepest inside of you is where your spirit resides. This is your life giving force. This is the place where you connect with God’s Spirit when you pray. We align our spirit to His Spirit.  Now, we are looking at the flesh, soul and spirit all working inside of you. When you find yourself tempted by one of your 5 senses, the emotional feeling is felt through your soul; and if you have been born again the soul asks your spirit what to do. If you are listening to what God is saying to you, your soul will hear a resounding no and you will walk away. That is resisting. Other times, you may hear the no, but; your flesh might ignore the verdict and carrying out the temptation anyway.

If your spirit has not yet been awakened through the new birth in Jesus, this means that you are listening to only your soul (emotions) and your flesh (physical wants and desires) and using worldly and natural reasoning’s (watch C-span or the media sometime and you will hear their reasoning's)  to justify your rights. 

You are basically your own person, your own special soul. You have a choice. Everything we do whether it is good or bad brings consequences in our lives. I know a man who did not take marriage seriously and adulterated his marriage with lies and infidelity. He lost his new job, home and family. We all make wrong decisions, the important thing is for us to learn from them. Today if this message speaks to you believe that Jesus died for you, so that you can be set free from your bondages of sin; I ask that you would reach out to Him by faith. Truly this man is the son of God. My own life itself is a testimony to the change that His Holy Spirit brings upon a person. Your soul is renewed as your Spirit is quickened and made alive to understanding the things of God. Pray with me: 

Heavenly Father, 

I do not understand it all but I do know that I need you. I need your Holy Spirit to awaken my spirit and restore my soul. I need forgiveness that your son Jesus offers. I need your grace. (confess your sins) I surrender everything I have for your truth to come into me. I give my life to you. I ask that you would be with me on this journey, guide me and lead me to your messengers to a place of worship. Help me to grow and fill me completely with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus I pray. Amen. 

Without God in our lives we could,  look at life, walking through a war zone without good judgment or protection. Better to have God’s angels and messengers walking you through your trials and guiding your steps. 
The more you walk in Him, the clearer the truth becomes and no matter what happens you will realize that He is there right with you because His love will never leave you or fail you.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Giving is the Highest Expression of Love

Gentle Rain

Learn to give

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Co. 9:7 niv
When we help those in need, we are also serving our own hearts. We are enriching ourselves with platefuls of God’s love and goodness. God wants His people to be wise, generous cheerful givers. Have you noticed how good you feel when you help someone out? You feel happy and joyful and discover that you cannot wait to do more for other people. Think about it, we become impatient at times to do good and give!

There are many ways you can give but we are to use discernment and wisdom. If I were to give money to someone who I knew would be ungrateful and waste it away, I would be scattering my earnings to the wind.  Instead, I could give my time and a listening ear. Maybe I could offer words of help if they desired or bring groceries if they are in need for the family. Every situation is different.

It is important when you decide to give to a family that you do not: make a show, be dramatic, judge them or place them in a humiliating position. Everyone has a story inside of them, it is not for us to assume anything or pass sentence upon their lives. Give humbly and quietly in secret.

Giving does not mean to squander what you have been given. It does mean, for us not to ignore those who are in need.  There are also ways we can give to help those to get out of the drudgery of habitual depressions. We can give the offer of friendship and mend-ship. Help your new friend begin to think in new positive ways about a life in Christ, this will offer hope and give them a new vision and eternal life.

Trust in God whatever you decide to give. Many years ago, I listened to a Pastor preach a sermon about how important money was to everyone. He said, “show me what a person does with his money and I’ll show you what is important to him. Show me your bank account and I’ll show you why you are unhappy and having financial problems.”  I have never forgotten that because he was right. People get mighty private and testy when it comes to their money. They think of their money first and above everything.

The truth is, when you get more mature; you discover that “things” are not important.

You realize, the most important thing is: to reach out and give to those; who have been where you once walked.

Monday, October 28, 2013

He Did, He Does and He Will

Gentle Rain

He did, does and will

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Ps. 77:14

We have a Creator who constructed our hearts to beat 60-80 a minute. When a new born baby enters the world his heart usually beats around 130 a minute. Such excitement! There are 525,948 minutes and 48 seconds in a year. With an estimated blood pressure reading of 80, we can guess that person will have about 42,075,904 heart beats a year. Depending upon the person, that could be about 3 billion beats in one lifetime.  

As if that isn’t enough, each day your heart is pumping 1900 gallons of blood through your heart. That is 7200 liters for my metric friends.  
When you think of the intricate gems involved in the human body and what goes on inside, we can agree when the Bible says about being “fearfully and wonderfully made.

Do you believe in miracles today?

I remember reading about the Centurion who came to Jesus asking for help. He said, “Lord, my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.”  Jesus said that he would go and heal him. The Centurion said that he did not deserve to have Jesus come under his roof. However, he said; “just say the word and my servant will be healed.”  The Centurion understood the authority of God’s word. Jesus was astonished and marveled over his faith, and replied to him; that everything would be done just as he believed!

There was a woman who struggled amidst the noisy crowd, weak with her issue of blood for 12 years. She knew in her heart, that if she could touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak (tassels); that she would be healed.  When she finally reached the hem, Jesus said, “take heart daughter, your faith has healed you!”

Both of these people had three things in common:

1. They both physically went out of their way to get to Jesus.
2. They were not ashamed of Jesus Christ
3. They were humble.
4. They had great faith.

The Centurion believed without a shadow of doubt that Jesus was Lord. One single word, one single breath and the job was done. He did not waver or hesitate in his faith. Although, the weak woman was quite sick from continually losing blood; she knew in her heart that nothing was impossible with God.  

Today there are many cases of healings that Doctors cannot put an explanation upon for their textbooks and files. Therefore, many finally admit, the healing has to be from God!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Broken Heart

Gentle Rain

Spiritual Sacrifices

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart—These, O God, You will not despise. Ps. 51:17 nkjv

There is a true story about a young boy of perhaps 6 yrs. who was walking alongside his mother and she told him they were going to catch a bus together. They sat together upon a green bench when the mother abruptly rose from the bench and told him to stay right there and that she would return in a little while. The little boy stayed upon that bench by himself for 3 days until the authorities rescued him from his ordeal. His mother was not to be found. 

The lad grew up and he could have held on to this un-forgiveable abandonment with a heart filled with bitterness. Instead, God gave him a new heart when he found Jesus. Whereas having such a deep emotional experience that quaked his entire childhood and carried over into his adulthood, he needed a new heart. He also needed some answers and what to do with his life. He joined a church and took over the bus ministry and he and his team drove buses into places where other buses would not go to pick up children for Sunday school. They went everywhere and as a result, the bus ministry became one of the largest bus ministries that is known today. His aim was to see that every child has an opportunity to know Jesus and receive the hope of eternal life and understand the great love that was sacrificed for us.

God looks in our hearts. He looked into the anguish and hurt heart of that little boy that was abandoned on the green bench and may have thought: “I have plans for you son, plans to touch many people in your life.”  

God has the foresight. We just have to continue to trust in Him to take us through our trials.  He is looking for those who really need Him. He looks for those who are ready to make a decision in their lives to walk with Him. When He sees a heart that is humble and ready, He takes you the rest of the way.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

No matter, it is a win win situation.

Under His Wings

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Ps. 91:4

Could it be possible we have heart problems because of the way we treat people? Cannot a divorce break a heart? When someone says “I do not love you anymore” where do those words travel? They go somewhere.  I believe they go to the heart. If you have been betrayed by someone you trusted, where does that wound travel? Do they contaminate the blood?  I believe they go to the heart.

We have all experienced rejection from one another because of our differences. Such fickle selfish people we are!  Instead of exploring the uniqueness and eccentricity an individual offers, we find ourselves avoiding the very thing we need for continued spiritual growth.

Though you may have had a wounded soul, God has given you a deep portion of empathy and you are well qualified to comfort others by saying: “I understand” because you have been in the fire. It has taken awhile, but you have learned to stay under God’s wings and are protected in His truth. You have learned that rejection becomes an unopened door in disguise.

The way I look at it is that, everyone either loves me and is my friend or they are working for me; because they are continually transforming my nature into the character of Christ. It is a win win situation.  

Idle Yarn

What a gorgeous day! Not hot or too cold and the sun is shining so beautifully and here I am right smack dab in front of my computer. This is not to say that I won't be out there pulling some weeds in awhile.

One of my least favorite things is cleaning. I can think of over a hundred other chores I'd rather be doing besides dusting, washing and mopping. Finally if I feel the microbes are going to take us away, I determine to get them before they get us.

I think at times, what it was like when I first came to the Lord. I was trying to raise 3 sons by myself, with no help from my ex-husband. It was a tough time, but because I was so young it didn't seem that tough. When things came up, you just did it. The worse part: having an old car that broke down to and from work all of the time. I juggled raising my kids (taking them to baseball games and other sports, doctors, dentists etc), going to church, studying, going to college, work, shopping, a little social time with my new friends. When I made a decision for the Lord, I lost all of my worldly friends. Not one, wanted anything to do with me anymore. Although hurt, I understood; because the Bible had pre-warned me about that. I wanted to find out about this God of the Bible and where I stood in His eyes.

I had sown more than my share of wild oats and in doing this, I ended up not just damaging my life, but others as well. I discovered I wasn't in very good standing with God. It is just like yesterday when I painfully fell on my knees, crying in prayer and asking for forgiveness. I totally surrendered my heart to Him.  I had messed up my life and was unable to correct it. I didn't know how. But, I'll tell you; when I got up from my knees I was a new person. I kept studying and praying. I found a good Bible believing church and I have walked up the ladder of grace ever since. Life isn't without problems just because you become a believer, but God always takes you through the whole ordeal, and you know He is right there by your side. You can draw just as close to God through Jesus as you desire and He will gracefully open up many windows of revelations as you desire. It is a wonderful journey.

Time to pull  those weeds.

God Bless You All.

Would Jesus carry a cell phone?

Gentle Rain

If Jesus were walking the earth today, would He carry a cell phone?

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1Jn. 1:15

If Jesus came back today, right this minute; how would we respond? Would we fall upon our knees and declare Him Lord or upon our defense, would we babble a bunch of selfish excuses why we have placed the things of the world before His gift of love? We are a society that looks for a scapegoat and loves to find someone to blame for today’s problems. In fact, we applaud the whole procedure and will blame anyone except ourselves. Most of us know right from wrong, we just do not want to hear it.  At times we seem to be more like children than children. A life saturated in worldly pursuits becomes a life of misguided influences.  Paul was astonished that the Galatians deserted the grace of Christ so quickly and turned to another gospel. Then, he turned around and said, “that isn’t really a gospel, but a perversion.”

Amid all of the flat screens, ipods, ipads, cell phones of latest androids or blackberrys, computers, gps, kindles, smindles and gadgets that Jesus would see; He would not be surprised, because He warned us about the things of the world.  Today we can tap and zap into anything our worldly heart desires with one simple click. Would someone be able to listen to Jesus without checking their cell phone? Driving a car without the cell in their ear?

Our temptations today are filled with the availability, of a storehouse of other gods. Picture if you will, free access to thousands of warehouses of every evil imagination. The worldly fulfillment in your flesh is only an illusion based on lies. Our techno life can either bless us or curse us. We have seen it save lives and take lives. We can make it work for us, not against us.  Bottom line, when you choose the ways of the world; you are destroying yourself. God's love gives life.  It is your choice.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Believe for it!

Gentle Rain

Believe for it!

“Because you have so little faith, I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mt. 17:20 niv

A mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds you will ever find. Jesus said that it becomes one of the largest trees where birds will gather upon their branches. I am a great believer in practicing “mustard seed faith.”  I placed many mustard seeds in a plastic baggy along with a paper of requested prayers.  At times I place them under my pillow at night and there are other times I carry them around in my purse as a reminder for me, that God is making a way to bring them to pass. When I think of my requests, I thank God ahead of time for answering my prayers.

There are those of us who have stubborn faith and refuse to give up. We know that we know that we know.

If you have an ounce of farmer inside of you, then you may know what goes on when you plant a seed inside of the soil.  We plant the seed in the earth. The seed has to be in the right kind of soil, in the right kind of depth, have a certain amount of oxygen and water in order for the seed to germinate. There is a dormant embryo inside of the seed waiting to crack the earth and reach for the sun.

When you send a prayer to God it is a specialized seed and only He knows what kind of soil it needs in order for it to eventually give root. Think of your prayer as being temporarily dormant. Do not give up! People’s lives have to be moved and sometimes hearts changed behind the scenes in order for your prayer to be answered. God uses His angels and they are being sent out to work for you. This can take time.  Believe that God has heard you and is working upon your behalf. He is a mighty God and nothing is impossible when you stand upon a small mustard size faith.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Think about the seeds you are planting in your life

Gentle Rain

Being Deceived

“Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Ga. 6:7 niv

We are all products of our environments and upraising. In the very beginning we learned to look at life through our parents eyes and we took them at their word. It was law. To us, they were like gods who knew everything. Then one day, we noticed that our parents were not gods after all and made mistakes.  Although it was a crushing blow for some of us, we chose to love them anyway.

Those of us who were raised by deceived parents reaped the seeds of damaged and destructive fruit. This is a godly principle and cannot be revoked. Our seeds can go back thousands of years, handed down from generations. Today they call it DNA.  Scientists are continually proving godly principles.

It took just one seed to create you and bring you into the world. During the course of your lifetime, you will be touching countless of people’s lives.  There will be moments of gentle scattering seeds of good memories, smiles, hugs and warmth.  Other times, the unthinking mind sometimes rushed; scatters seeds of careless words and selfishness.  We have all done this.  Then, because a person is deceived, depending upon the seeds they are carrying in their hearts; they stir up seeds of jealousy, hatred and lies. Some deliberately sabotage another’s character for their own whim or gain.

Being deceived is the consequence of feeding the seeds of unbelief and doubt in God. God will not be mocked. In the right season, sooner or later; the harvest will be ripe.  All the seeds we have planted in our garden of life will be harvested. This is inescapable.  There will always be a crop come up.

One single sunflower will produce between 800 to 2000 seeds depending upon the type of sunflower. If you can picture 200 small sunflowers in a field and each produces 800 seeds, that is 160,000 seeds reaped. If you turn around and plant all of those 160,000 seeds, you will be reaping 128,000,000 seeds! And, all this began by one simple seed.

We have all been prodigals at one time or another. Our Father is the only one who knows your heart and He is still waiting patiently for you to come back home.

“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2Co. 5:10

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Modesty is Hot Hot Hot!

  Get Wise Girls!

Would you really like to fly like an eagle?

Would you like to be the center of attention without really trying? Does it sound too good to be true?  Be forewarned: This is tough love!  If you dare to change and be different, then you need to read on.   Listen up to these words:

1. Stop modeling yourself after Hollywood. 

Hollywood is a place that is built upon the sand of fantasy, not reality. Remember, sand sinks. Think! It is a place that has little or no value of the thought of your life personally. Why should you model yourself after one of their celebrity's? If you are a beautiful bright orange, tell me; why are you trying to be an apple? It will never happen!

2. Know your value and worth!  

You are worth SO much more than your weight in gold! Most of you girls do not realize it. It does not matter where you are from, how much you weigh, what you have done in the past or your nationality. I can guarantee you have an original uniqueness inside of you that has yet to be tapped. You happen to be just as special, than that popular girl in school or at the work place that has such a stunning smile; that seems to sweep everyone off their feet. She just happens to know her gifting and uses it for her benefit. You haven’t discovered yours yet, therefore you have been using a substitute or counterfeit that never works. 

What if you can grow a vegetable garden unlike anyone on your whole block in your neighborhood? That would be because you understand the earth and the plant life.

What if you use a make-up brush the way an artist uses a paint brush on canvas? You know exactly how to cover flaws in a face and bring out the best of their beauty. You are an artist!  Go to school and bring it out to the top!

What if you happen to have a knack for having an answer to life’s problems? Go to school and go to the top of the class!

What if you are gifted as an Encourager and see the good in people and give hope everywhere you go? Learn more and help those who need you!

Do you realize how anxious people are to hear one simple sincere sentence of hope in their lives?

You, my dear; are in there somewhere! You need to start digging to find out what you have! Take time to think for you!  

3. Time to Cover up!

This is a time to believe in you and to embrace modesty. Modesty is the guardian of chastity. Here are your questions: Are you ready to stop revealing so much legs and cleavage? Do you have what it takes to begin a trend and make a difference in this world?  Can you actually dare to be different? Ask yourself who you are trying to impress and for what? What are the guys going to think of you the minute they see you? Is this what you really want? I don't think so, marriage material? No. But he might eventually ask you to move into his apartment today that is so trendy and acceptable via media. This is just another step backwards in your life.   

4. Men need Mystery!

Believe it or not, men like mystery. When they look at you, they like to visualize what could be. If you are already showing them all of your wares, what do they have to look forward to?  If you have become an easy take, now is the time for you to change and stop!
Turn around abruptly!
Go the other way!
 Do not look back!

5. Stop running after guys.

Men like the challenge of the hunt and to conqueror.  I have heard some say, “ If I don’t call them, they will never call.”  Is that right?  Do you really want someone you want to hog tie and chase down for attention?  You have become way too easy! Guys do not respect anyone who is that easy. He puts you on his “just in case” shelf when he cannot date who he really wants. Is this what you want?

This is time for you examine why you have such a low self image and self esteem.

He’s going to college and will meet many other girls. Or, if you have messed up at the work place; one of you will be moving on and it won’t be him. Stop texting and answering your phone for a month and see what happens. Can you actually make a pact with yourself and do this? Better still, could you take a giant leap and discontinue the service altogether? Those around you wouldn't believe what you are doing and still find you smiling over it.

My advice to you is to stop being so desperate because that is what you are advertizing loud and clear! Desperation.

6. Be who and what God made you to be.

If you have natural curly hair, stop straightening it. Chances are, it is gorgeous and many will envy you because of your beauty. Stop trying to be something that you aren't. Be satisfied with how God created you to be. Take a good look at yourself and be thankful for how He has made you. Stop complaining for what you do not have, but look at the assets of what you do have and learn how you can emphasize them. 

Stop comparing yourself with other people. You are you! You do not know the life of the one you are envying. They could go home to a complete hell on this earth. Begin to look around you, you will always see those who are much worse off than you. 

Be thankful and live a thankful life. If you choose this one step, it will show on your face and your life will model it's virtue.  

You will have to change your thinking processes to change your life.  
Stand up! Stand out! Dare to be different!  Seek to find out what you are good at and begin to master what you discover in yourself. Believe me, it is in there.

God does not make mistakes! He made you very special and unique! Like one of those individual snowflakes that fall just at the right time our earth needs it.

God bless all of you who persevered through this reading.

Below is a good article I stumbled upon from CBN


Better than a slice of Pecan Pie!

My Theme for the Day is:

Better than a slice of Pecan pie!

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor heights, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ro. 8:37-39

We are a people who sometimes fail when we try and then, cry when we fall. We pray and listen to our conscience, we sing, dance and praise and we do it all right in the palm of God’s mighty hand!

Is there really any other place you’d rather be?

There may be times when we are knocked down, but we are always looking up!
We know the battle is God’s. He is the one who goes before us and makes the pathway straight.  In knowing this, why do we worry or fret?  Is there anything too small or too large for our Jehovah God?  If He is the Creator of the Universe and we know He is, why do we limit this miraculous God?  Just one prayer, one look, one touch, one breath and your problem is solved. Can you believe this? We know it is impossible to please God without faith.

Think about it! Nothing can ever separate you from God’s love.  In knowing this, aren't we already more than conquerors in Him?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Seek Truth

My  Theme for the Day is:

Have a little foresight

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Is.5:20

Our nation is falsely being held together by a band-aid. Many are fearful and worried because they realize the bubble will burst and the comfort we know today may not be what is in our future. I am not a mathematician in anyway, but I can read the hand writing on the wall. If a nation is trillions in debt and are unable to repay it, there will be a day of reckoning. Why? It isn’t just our financial house that is out of order.

 Whether it is Hollywood or the media’s fruitless pursuit, to brainwash its listeners, and accept the kingpin’s ruler of darkness’s latest ploys to lie; can be mind staggering.

What we call wrong and perverse, they call normal. What we call discipline, they call abuse. While Christians give praise to a Holy God, R rated films take His name in vain! There is no longer any gray in the manner!  Psychologists tell parents not to discipline your children but let them express themselves. When the child becomes rebellious “and expressing themselves” the parents become bewildered and sometimes end up murdering their offspring, or the children murder their parents! Children need to know that you care enough to say no and sit on top of them with your decision! So what if you are hated for awhile! That will pass! Get tough! The child will know you cared enough to enforce the boundaries in his life when he needed them.  If not, the child will seek and seek to see if there is someone out there that cares enough to stop them from destroying themselves. Unfortunately many times it isn’t until they have run amuck with the police that their rebellious nature begins to a slow halt. Please allow your child to reap the consequences of their behavior so they can learn from it! If not, you both will have to drive around that mountain again until the lesson is learned.


What you see is not necessarily what I see

My Theme for the Day is:

We all have different areas of discernment

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment,” Phl. 1:9

Everyone sees things differently. This is what makes all of us so unique; we aren't from the same pod. We are just like snowflakes when you think about it. They have yet to find two of the same kind. Can your mind actually wrap around the miracle of that thought? I watched a documentary of an older man who has made his life work examining snowflakes in his very cold laboratory under microscopes. He had thousands of pictures of every delicate snowflake he has looked at and not one is the same. I completely marveled at his tenacity as he would take each wee snowflake up in tweezers and set it carefully on the glass of his microscope. Each intricate design was incredibly breathtaking.

They say that everyone has a twin and maybe we do of some sort, but I guarantee that if you were to find him he would see things differently than you do. One look at a rose bush and perhaps he would see all the thorns and maybe you would see the deep magenta color while engulfing the sweet aroma.
This also means that everyone sees people differently. No matter how hard you try you will never be able to please everyone.  If they think differently than you do, they will see things differently than you do and that is alright. This is why talking about political yarn can be so testy, not everyone puts two and two together like you do. Many see things from a back door approach or sometimes in a spiritual way.

If God created you to be an apple, you need to find out exactly what kind of an apple you are. All apples are not created equal but for different purposes. However, their value ranges from pie making to medicinal functions.  Whatever our God has created you to be, stay strong with your beliefs and do not compromise in what you discern as good or evil. But remember; always keep an open mind towards those who see things a little bit differently.

God Bless All of You!

Once upon a time I was a Caterpillar

My Theme for the Day is:

You can think back, but do not stay there.

“He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.” Ps. 40:2

Our memories can be a book of experiences that have helped fashion you into who you are today. If I should delve back into my early chapters, I can remember getting myself into many dire consequences! Although the therapists of today would have counseled me with many excuses, and blamed the circumstances on my environment and the way I’d been raised. The truth to the matter is that we all can think independently for ourselves. Yes, it is true that our thinking can be swayed according to what we have learned in our youth. We still learned right from wrong. We just didn’t think about the end result of our behavior at the time.

I remember singing the above verse after I was born again and unable to stop crying. This still happens once in awhile. I was once in that horrible miry pit and I was unable to free myself. Only, when I fell upon my knees and admitted I messed up my life and needed forgiveness did God reach down and set me totally free. My eyes were opened to the truth like a light going on inside of me and that torch has never dimmed. The truth really does set you free.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Only a Mother Understands

Only a Mother Understands

Only a mother’s heart would understand how they feel when their grown sons of 18 years enlist in the military and then go off to fight an unjust war. Do you know what a mother sees during this time? She sees the baby that suckled at her breast in the middle of night and remembers him smiling at her when he was full. She sees him splashing in a bath, the one she nurtured, loved and sang songs with together. It doesn’t matter how old the children become, the emotions and feelings in her heart are quite alive and sometimes the world can see them on her sleeve because there isn’t anything quite so deep as a mother’s love.
Think about it. When a young girl finds herself without her husband and is forced to raise her sons alone, the whole process becomes more than an adrenalin rush, it becomes a calling; a holy ministry. She realizes that there isn’t anything in this life as precious as another life, a prized gift from God Himself. We then discover the power to mold this life into a powerful, confident individual filled with his love. Is there really anything so powerful or important? Not in a mother’s eyes.
My Pastor jokingly once said that mother’s believe that their son’s can walk on water. Well, he was right. He was right because mothers know their children’s weaknesses and strengths and have an unconditional love for them anyway. They automatically know that their strength will over power their weakness because their power is in God’s Spirit and they know the one who has the power to forgive our sins.
It has been said that the most powerful love on earth is the love of a mother bear that protects her cubs. She can smell you hiking miles away and if you get too close she will instruct her cubs to climb a tree while she wards off that “evil” smell that could cause them harm. A mother hen covers her chicks protectively under her wings and would give her life to protect them. A mockingbird will dive bomb you or any animal that unknowingly gets too close to her nest. A mother eagle will nurture their young and bring them fresh food every day as her young birds begin to sprout their silly looking down feathers, then when it is time for them to leave the nest the mother begins to make them uncomfortable by taking out the nesting’s feathers and the brush that it was built with. Then, all of a sudden a brave eaglet starts flapping his wings; flip flap, flip flap and begins to jump all around the area. He’s got stars in his eyes and a surge of ambition that was long ago bred inside of him. The other siblings watch him in wonder. He looks out into the broad heavens and sees all those mountains that he yearns to glide over and then, one early morning right before the sun breaks, he looks back at his mother and his siblings and leaps into space. He stretches his wings wide and soars ever so graceful, over those mountains, over the cliffs, over the rivers, the waterfalls and over the treetops of forests. Oh, the delight of it. He then tests his drive by tilting to the left a little and then to the right, he’s a young eagle and wonders if “he can really walk on water.” He discovers how to dive in a smooth rocket fashion that would barely break water, after a few clumsily attempts.
The mother eagle watching, knows he can “walk on water” and while being wrapped up in emotions she knows, this is his time. He has a mission and a purpose that was given before he was even born. The father eagle looks on admiringly and having a wing span of 72 to 85 inches himself, knows that his eaglet will rule over the earth by diving for fish, snatching rabbits in a split second, vermin and rats, court a female, help build a nest and keep predators away. He will be the king of the sky and his eyes will see it all and know everything that goes on in his territory and it is with this fact that the father knows that his son will be full of confidence as he fly’s towards the new horizons that are waiting for him to conquer. He carries an inheritance and the power of the Spirit with every flap.

Passing from Death into Life

The Assurance of Passing from Death into Life

            1 John 3:14 says “ we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” KJV
Again, in the Amplified version it says “We know that we have passed over out of the death into the life by the fact that we love the brethren (our fellow Christians). He who does not love abides – remains, is held and kept continually – in spiritual death.”
Grab a hold of this concept for just a minute if you can. Think upon the incredible confidence that you have inside of you that assures you of eternal life, knowing without any doubt that you will not die, but live forever. How can you have this gift? Oh yes, definitely by accepting Jesus, but once you have done that you are filled with His love and then a miraculous growth happens inside of you; you have God’s (remember, God is love) sperm inside of you. A sperm conceives and grows!  It is this very love of God that equips you and enables you to give His love away to those around you. Those verses talk about other believers. I am not talking about the Hollywood love that is dramatized in the movies and on TV every day, but the type of love that takes time to understand one another and to help each other. It is called “Agape.”   If you truly have God’s love inside of you, your faith is going to work with this love and create quite a student, servant and worker in every area of your life. And, it is all because you personally met God the Father through His Son and allowed the Holy Spirit to do a love work in your life.
A love work that passes from death unto life!
            You will be pregnant with kindness and want to be kinder to those whom you meet because you will know that you have a type of badge now that is representing The Church or Body of Christ. You will learn patience and catch your tongue, even when you feel like lashing back at times and while going through life’s trials; you’ll know without a doubt that The Holy Spirit will continue to guide and direct you through the whole ordeal. Sometimes, you’ll feel so full of joy, you will have to skip or dance if you can, other times you will see God’s goodness while a friend quietly gives you counsel or hear the morning bird sing a song just for you. You will see God’s goodness and gentleness everywhere you go. Because of His great love; you choose to be humble, grateful and thankful and continually in awe while you walk on in your journey and you have a peace and it is His peace that the world cannot understand.
            You see, when a soul humbly comes to God through Jesus Christ and says “yes Lord, I don’t understand it all, but I believe,” it is He who takes you the rest of the way. The Holy Spirit woos and courts you in the beginning. First you get curious about the Bible and what it says about who you are or about what kind of God the Bible talks about, therefore; you begin to read. If you are guided wisely, you will begin in the book of John with a prayer and if you are sincere, the Holy Spirit will open up rich treasures that will satisfy your heart for a lifetime and as you continue to get your strength, in the Word.