Saturday, January 31, 2015

Be Healed in Jesus Name!

I am honestly shouting on the rooftop this morning and rejoicing at our sister's healing! Is anything too hard for our God! NO! While I took our dogs for a walk yesterday, my mind was intense and totally upon her report. When I walk, I talk to the Lord. I looked up and the sky was the most beautiful rich blue you have ever seen! The sun was out and I read a sign that said "On 30-a the sun is always Shining!" Then, these words came into my heart; she is going to get a "Hope Report!"

Prayer & Praise:

Father we are your children and we give you all the praise this morning! How you must delight in us when we trust in you and do not waver. We say thank you this morning! You always hear our prayers, always! You are our faithful God, you have never failed us; ever!! There is none like you! We wave the banner of victory in your name! We bow before you, clap our hands before you, we dance before you, we choose to continue to be in one accord before you; holding each others hands honoring you! You are our Father Rapha; our healer! We love you and we will boldly speak to ALL the mountains in our lives to be removed and let YOU arise in our lives totally! We bless you Lord and we worship you Lord.
In Jesus amen

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Simplicity can be beautiful

Good Morning Dear Hearts,

I was telling my husband over breakfast this morning that I have always felt that I didn't belong in this particular age. Cell phones mean nothing to me with the exception that they would be good in an emergency. Computers are over the top for that instant communication and the Word Processor's and research are vast, as one link leads to another exciting link. What fun, until your computer crashes.  I still love the experience of holding a book in my hands and the fragrance of a new Bible.  Never before have we had so much knowledge readily available for those of us who strive to keep learning. Micro chips are in the phones, computers, appliances, cars, animals, planes, drones, televisions, home security systems, stop lights and you name it!

When you think about how advanced our nation has become in such a short time is it any wonder why those in the media talk at lightening speed today? All their words seem to be joined together likethisandIknowyoucanfigureitout. Then, I'm thinking: what'dtheysay? This age seems to be like a flash!

For me, simplicity is beautiful and rewarding. I could give all the electronics up tomorrow if I had to (and eventually it may come to all that), as long as I can take a walk in a field, up the mountain or on the beach (wherever I may be) and experience something that hasn't been changed by man. I get more out of hearing a bird sing, the challenge of tending a garden and writing a letter. I see big things develop in small simple things.

Hope your day is favorable beyond measure!


Heavenly Father,

Father we give you those areas of our heart where we don't even think about. We give you our thoughts, our dreams and decisions. We give you these things that we do not understand and we put our trust in you completely. Give us the insight we need to lift up a troubled heart, pull someone up and befriend those who need it. We thank you for this Lord.
In Jesus we pray

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We are not helpless

Good Morning!

I am not too fond of the word "helpless", but when I listen to the news I get a sinking feeling, then; a feeling of anger rising within from all of the injustice. Of all things; that is the most frustrating is that I keep surprising myself that I keep being surprised over the whole appalling system. Yes! There really are evil people out there who are compelled to fulfill their destiny to destroy.

If the Bible said it would be like this, then it will!

The Bible also talks about how many will walk away from the truth and deny the Lord. When you think about how many other belief systems are offered today for wandering souls, the numbers can be staggering. Many religious beliefs accept everything that the doctrine of Christ does not. Lack of shame and full of pride they "Pick their Persuasion" or Position or better yet: Poison.

It seems that fear has taken root and compromised with darkness. Without light, how can anyone see the truth or know the truth? Not one person can.
For now, we still have hope that is given to us in His word. We have the faith that we receive when we store up the word and we have God's assurance that He will never leave us because of His great love for us.
Darkness can work their plans and schemes all they wish, and although they seem to get in through the cracks and crevices and bring a great deal of damage; I am convinced that it will all work for us; not against us in the long run. Much of their efforts will be like a ball thrown at a brick wall.

""There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."
Proverbs 21:30

Heavenly Father,
We are always reminded how you put a shield over your people, one that guards us night and day. When the blood was placed upon the side of the doorposts so long ago, the spirit of death passed by those places and you kept your people safe! Today, we have the blood of Jesus sprinkled in our hearts and we know this is our secret place, our hope, our grace and our passover! We know that your shed blood is stronger than any lie and scheme and stronger than any fear. We literally have everything we need to fight the fight of faith. We truly are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord
In Jesus we pray

Monday, January 26, 2015

Heart Issues

Heart issues can be a wound that we sometimes use as an unwanted companion when our days are gray. There it is again. We become busy and without a thought, a memory opens the door to this ungracious guest.
If we are honest and truthful, everyone has "their days." Though these days come and go, we have a God who willingly gives us inner healings. All He asks is for us to ask believing and receive by faith in Jesus. Can we rise to the challenge to receive all His benefits in faith?

Heavenly Father,

There isn't one spot of trouble that you do not see or care about inside of us. Should our minds get mixed up and confused, you are there to iron out our thinking and smooth the path. We depend totally upon you. When words offend us, it is always your Holy Spirit that calms our soul and removes the stress. When there are times we feel inferior or lack confidence, it is always you who reminds us that we are your children; we are royalty. We belong to you Lord. When we make mistakes that can only be colored one way and in a humbling way; Your Holy Spirit is always there soothing our soul. When we say to ourselves, "we will beat this habit or addiction, and we will do it by ourselves" we are reminded that it will only be by your Spirit and not of ourselves. When we have trained ourselves to think in a wrong direction instead of your direction; we can be assured again that it is Your Holy Spirit that will set us strongly back on that narrow path. Today, we run to you and admit, we need you! We need your strength!
We thank you for the faith that you have given to us and we ask that you would touch those wounded hearts this morning and heal them. Give them strength to forgive where it is needed and give them the joy that follows this freedom in you.

In Jesus we pray

"Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Psalm 103: 3, 4 KJV

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pray for a Miracle in our Land

We need a miracle in our land. America needs to see a move of God. Everything that comes against the righteousness of Elohim (Hebrew name for God) will be purged. Fire purifies doesn't it? When we boil something all that gunk is exposed for what it is and comes to the surface, in the water so we can scoop it out. And, this is what we need.

Let's pray and agree together for that miracle.

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are faithful. You always answer our prayers. Time and again you shower your love upon us. You reveal your word and continually confirm the truth in our hearts. You have blessed us abundantly. We have seen your mighty miracles, we have experienced your healing's, we have seen marriage reconciliations, we have seen financial prayers answered, jobs given and so many people that the Holy Spirit blows upon giving them the faith they need to believe and accept your Son Jesus Christ. We have seen those who have returned and been delivered from the strongholds of their past. We believe in miracles! I am a miracle! Many who are reading this are miracles! We give you all the honor due in your precious name Lord. We lift up your name! We give you praise this morning! Jesus IS Lord! We will shout for joy! We will clap our hands! We know you hear us!

We ask for a miracle for our nation Lord. We ask that people would not be able to deny that it is of you! We ask that our enemies would truly be caught in the net they weave to ensnare others.We ask that the harm and judgements they plan for us and others would come upon their own heads. We ask that you would melt hearts and a Spirit of forgiveness and repentance would be upon this land. We ask that everything that does not stand for your righteousness would be exposed and be scooped up and out.
Cleanse this land Father and give us the faith and love to be strong and ride it through to see your miracle. We stand upon this prayer, we will not waver or doubt and thank you ahead of time.
We pray for the peace of Israel. Keep your people safe, keep an invisible shield over this land. We plead that America's ties with Israel remain strong Lord, in spite of what we hear on the media. We believe, we know and we expect for this miracle.

In Jesus amen

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Trust in God

Once in awhile I get encouraging notes sent to me from those who read these words. I realize I can get quite lavish and overwhelmed with my thank yous because it is your hearts that I am compelled to exhort and encourage. Since indeed the Holy Spirit can lift up your heart with just the right word, at that right time; then I have succeeded what I have set out to do.
Be at peace. Allow His peace to wash over you this morning. Though our flesh actually trembles when we think about the power of our Creator, the Holy Spirit inside of us bows in awe. Let's pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for allowing this freedom to write prayers and agree together in your son's name Jesus; for He is Lord! We thank you for this honor to be able to call upon you at anytime. We thank you for opening up our eyes and giving us discernment and wisdom. We choose to trust in you with every area of our lives. (Think for a moment and name those areas personally.) We choose to listen more carefully to your Spirit. We choose to be strong in you and put down any doubt, unbelief and irrational fear of man. We refuse to analyze, be logical or assume others intents. We admit, you are the God who reads hearts; not us. We openly declare your word is truth and put down all propaganda and lies and we accept the discernment given to us to see the difference.

"Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety." Psalm 141:10

Thank you Father for keeping us safe, sound and able in your love.
In Jesus we pray ..amen

Friday, January 23, 2015

There is power in snowflakes

Mmmm fresh air! Snow can be powerful on those tree branches. I can remember hearing what sounded like a blast from a shotgun that echoed throughout the mountains. All that snow broke off a large tree branch. Holy silence was interrupted by a crack and bam! Think about all those snowflakes gathered together and literally did a bang up job. Isn't that the way it is for the Body of Christ? One snowflake may be beautiful and special, but that one snowflake wasn't meant to stand alone. When you put many together; we become a army and they can tear down the biggest branch (stronghold) in our nation!


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all those snowflakes! Thank you for constantly teaching us through your creation. Thank you for those who are so faithful in your flock. Thank you for loving us when we aren't. We give you honor this morning and praise. We ask that you would continue to teach us through your creation, guide us where we need to follow and give us the wisdom and keen discernment to go in the right direction. We put all our trust in you and choose to walk in faith in your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus amen.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weeds are good

By now those who have read some of my ramble know that I am a gardener.  I love planting seeds and watching things grow. The thrill of seeing the wee little plants burst through the earth and reach towards the sun never fails to lift my heart. I understand more and more why Jesus gave parables pertaining to seeds and nature.

Everything God has created is valuable and has a purpose. All seeds, all plants and all those pesky weeds the Bible calls tares are valuable to us! Don’t forget weeds are herbs and can be used medicinally for healing, though caution is needed as some are extremely poisonous. I have grown Foxglove and the blooms appear like stately shaped colorful bells. See the picture.

The treatment is ranged for heart problems to kidneys. I would advise not to try treating with such dangerous herbs unless a certified experienced professional herbalist oversees your task.

Have you ever seen Milk Thistle? Many have either plucked it up because of all the thistles that are attached or cut it down. Milk Thistle is known to clean up your liver! And, you can eat every part of the plant. I have been told that in Europe they have milk thistle on tables for those who drink wine. 

Stinging Nettle is used for allergies and Lemon Grass is used to lower your cholesterol. Look them up! Because they are herbs, the process of healing takes more time.

Weeds are not fussy, they grow everywhere. They are God given and for us. If we are wise, we educate ourselves and we use them for our health and for a good life. They grow side by side and grow by our vegetables, just like Jesus said in the Bible when he said:  

Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" Mt. 13:30 NIV

Jesus was talking about the weeds and the wheat growing together. However the weeds are those of the world or unbelievers and the wheat are the believers.

In the meantime, we are actually reaping what the weeds produce.  Brilliant scientists have discovered cures for diseases, invented the latest techno and worked very hard to sell a house for us so they can get that commission.  Some are weeds and some are wheat.

Those who believe in Christ cannot lose.  Weeds work for us, not against us.  A promising outlook is when everyone we meet is our friend, teacher or employee.  A true friend sticks closer than a brother, no matter what we look like or what we have done. We place a high value on those who have taught us life lessons and when we become offended it is a good thing for our heart to be nudged and reminded to respond with patience and love. The latter is working for our souls, not against us!

Everyone you meet is either:
Your friend, teacher or your employee.  Think about it.  

The next time you put that bay leaf in your stew and stir the pot, think about the value the herbs bring into your life. Yes, I honestly believe that all things work for our good.

God bless you

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Value of a Snowball Fight

Buenos dias Amigos! (Good Morning Friends!)

Ah, you have not lived until you've had the ultimate experience of slamming your friend with a snowball ! If there is anything that keeps a smile on your face it is in the sheer delight of "creaming" your good friend with the unexpected plunk! This mystifying activity is well known up north who engage in this wild and beguiling abandonment. Most begin when they are but toddlers. The first snow falls and that is a sign from above to begin to build a fort fully stocked of snow packed balls. A serious snow-baller must stay alert and always be ready.

One day when I was about in the 4-5 grade and began walking my way home in the snow, I experienced the "love plunk" from the cutest boy in the class. Wham! Right on the back of my head! I turned around to see a mischievous smile widening back at me. This meant war! After all, in those days; it was always the girls against the boys and I could never let my side down! I gathered up snow in my mitts and seriously gave much thought to packing it down like a steel ice ball. The war game was on and I threw my power pitch and strike! Right in his face! I started laughing so hard I fell back on the snow. Taken off guard for just a moment I realized there was no stopping us, as we slammed each other with the ice packed snow balls. Finally after total exhaustion and the well known truce, we parted and walked home. The grateful act of taking off my snow filled boots and warming my pinkish cold and damp feet overwhelmed me. But it was worth it!

The next day while I was in school I noticed the boy that I had hit with the snowball had a black eye. It was then, I felt very bad for what I had done. I did not know I had bruised him. With guilt feelings I walked up to his desk and whispered in his ear:

"I'm sorry I gave you a black eye."

For which he replied: "That's ok just don't tell anyone about it."

I get a good laugh over that incident. He wasn't concerned about his black eye, just the possibility of the news getting out that I gave it to him. The lesson went down deep inside of me and to remember to keep the confidences that are given to me, and so I did.


Heavenly Father,
We rejoice this morning over the sunshine! The warm weather, the snowy weather, the rain and even the gray days. We know that it is you who teaches us continually the things that draw us to you. We give you praise Father. We love you Father. Help us to bring light, encouragement and inspiration to those who need a smile or a "heart lift." Season our words to be grace to those who listen and we ask that your spirit of understanding would be sent to those who seek your truth.
In Jesus we ask,

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Sun is up!

The sun is here! Those that have lived in the country can easily draw upon the memories of walking early in the morning snow and feel the warmth of watching the sun come up while heading for your bus stop. Back then, few were ever driven to school. I walked 3 miles to a one room school house and again 3 miles back when I lived with my grandparents. Oh the delight of the experience! One morning when I was about 7 years old or younger I headed out and I became stuck in the muddy driveway and unable to lift my boots out. Obviously I was being watched because it wasn't long before I heard that musical sound that always endeared my heart. Grandpa's tractor! In one quick swoop he reached down and picked me up out of the thick muddy mire and I was sitting upon my hero's lap and he was taking me to school. I cherished the adventure to be sitting with him again and on that tractor all the way to school.

I have never forgotten this memory and so many more. When I think of the "one quick swoop" and I was out of the mud! The task was so easy for him because he was more than able to pull me up and sit me "on high places." with him.

I look back and realize this is the way God rescues us, in our times of trouble. One quick swoop! One quick pull and we are out of the mire! Can you believe that this morning? Yes, you can!


Heavenly Father,
We are so thankful you are our Holy Father. You have never failed us, ever. Though we have met so many people who disappoint us, it is you who we put all of our trust. Thank you Father. We get ourselves in these messes and then wonder, how can we get ourselves out? Today we willingly trust in you; to get us out of the mire. In one big swoop, we can be set free. We know your arms are always open and are strong enough to bring us up where we should be.
We also lift up our nation to you and ask that you forgive those who continue to be blinded with unbelief. We ask for continual mercy, mercy that we do not deserve. We ask that you would turn the tide back and rescue this land from the mire of lies, depravity and greed and idols. Set a new fire upon your people and let your voice be heard in your land. We stand by faith with this prayer and thank you and praise you ahead of time.
In your son Jesus we ask

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A quiet good night

It is time to say goodnight. This picture reminds me of how the snow changes color when the sun begins to go down. I can remember walking home in such a colorful paradise. Everything was aglow. I wanted to get home quickly to get warm, yet; I was overtaken by the pureness of such a peaceful quiet and the awareness of a lonely beauty. Pure silence can be very good for us. Maybe then, we can hear God's voice in our lives.


Heavenly Father,

We need you in our lives and we readily admit without you, we are nothing and can do nothing that is good. Thank you for your goodness in our lives. Thank you for the correction that you give to those whom you love. Thank you for your encouragement that lifts our hearts. We thank you for calling us your Bride, your Church, your Beloved, your Body of Christ. We ask for more of you this evening. More discernment and wisdom to make decisions that are of you and you only.

Though the fig tree will not blossom and there be no fruit on the vine..YET will we rejoice in the Lord! Yet, will we rejoice in the Lord! We will rejoice in the God of our salvation and in Him will we trust!

In Jesus

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

God cares about the little things too

The picture of the chameleon reminds of the baby in my garden. I have a baby chameleon who decided to take up residence, in the smallest birdhouse you could ever imagine. It is about a 2X3.5 and 3in high with a tiny metal roof and a round opening about the size of a dime. My Uncle Daryl gave it to me when I was in Michigan, so it is very special. After hanging the wee birdhouse in different places, I finally found a good location on a sturdy branch to hang the little home. My husband was walking in the garden and came across this wee green head poking out of the round door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He cocked his head and with his big round eyes looked up to us while we roared with laughter. I would have taken a picture in my camera if it was working right.

Isn't that just like God? It is He who shows us how He cares for the small things. He gives them shelter, food all around and a place of safety. Some places can be quite unique!

Can we thank God together for the small things?

Heavenly Father,
We can see you in everything. We see your hand of protection everywhere. We see how you care even for the baby chameleon, giving him his own special home. A swinging condo! Heavenly Father, we need to see more things like this, more of your caring ways and your hands of protection upon what you have created. Thank you for giving us laughter and using your precious critters to lighten up our hearts and remind us that all really is well when we have You.

In Jesus amen

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Prayer

We made it to another Monday! God is good.

We are truly one in the Spirit, let's agree together for all those who read this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

This morning we say thank you for your precious Holy Spirit. We admit we cannot have any godly insight or revelations without your Spirit. We thank you for marking us even before the foundation of the world. We are yours! This morning we choose to celebrate your goodness and truth. We celebrate your goodness because you are a good God. Everything that you have shown us and all the things we are still wrestling through will work for our good; because you are good. We trust in you completely.
It is our desire to know you better and to rightly divide the truth of your word with revelations and wisdom. Open the eyes of our hearts so they will be enlightened and see the deep hope of our call and the insurmountable riches of our inheritance.

Give us a clearer understanding of the power that is inside of us for those who believe and how it works within your people.

We thank you for giving us the power of Jesus name that puts down anything that comes against your will. In this power by your Spirit you have made us to be Overcomers. Overcomers of the world, the flesh and the devil and all that is in it. By your Spirit we have the power to overcome old habits, old grudges, unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousies, vengeance, lack of confidence, selfishness, any sexual problems, vain imaginations, lying spirits, spirit of fear, poor self-image, idols, occult practices and any other weakness. We stand upon the very love of your truth and we choose to rejoice in our freedom! We deliberately choose to be those who will overcome evil with good. We give you all the honor, glory and credit due to your name. We choose to bless you in every way we can, on this day.

IN Jesus amen

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Yesterday is gone, make today a good one

Good Morning,

We've been given another day! Whatever way you might feel that you messed up yesterday; let's all begin this day with a clean slate. All is not lost. Right now, I challenge you to think about one good thing to give to someone at work, to a family member, friend or someone in need. Ex. Give a good sincere word (perhaps they have a sunny nature all of the time, tell them about it), a wide and generous smile (smiles mean a lot, they say "I like you and I accept you") , bring them a cup of coffee (to serve out of the blue when you don't have to, reveals that you care enough to bring that person comfort), write a letter or send a card (this means, you've taken your precious time to look for that perfect card that gives a love song from your heart.). I challenge you to deliberately target someone to radically be the one to "make their day!"

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always being here. We thank you for your insurmountable love that cannot be described in words. We ask that you would forgive us for any fears, for anything we may have done or said (name them privately if there is any). We ask that you would forgive us for times when we move unthinkingly, when we do things for ourselves instead of doing everything unto you. We thank you for another beautiful day and acknowledge you totally in this day. We ask that you will point us in the direction to whom we can bless this day. We desire to glorify you in everything we do. Lastly, we ask that we would all rise to challenge to bless! To radically love in the way your son loves us! Jesus is Lord!
We all agree and accept this by faith.
In Jesus amen.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Let's Pray Again!

Good Morning,

Frustration seems to headline our silver-lined clouds when we understand and admit, things just aren't as they should be. We feel helpless and wonder what can we do to help bring some sense of normality back into our nation. Although, thinking back; the times may have been harder in some ways, but less complicated than today. We know, there has always been corruption, but today; there appears to be a prideful confidence in openly planning, instigating and staging their battle against our Creator.

And, so it is; and here we are. The lines have truly been drawn in the sand. Whose side do you choose?

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for being a Heavenly Father who is a God of truth. Thank you for being a God of instruction and guidance, one that leads the way and teaches us your wisdom and knowledge. For you are the Almighty, Eternal God, Father of Lights, our Fortress, The Holy One of Israel, I AM, Jehovah, Judge, our Living God and so much more! There is nothing you cannot do! We raise our hands high and say: Blessed be the Name of the Lord this morning!
As we come before you Father, we know you are a Just and Perfect God and we know you hear all of our petitions. We ask for justice for your people. We ask that you would send your angels to expose all those who manipulate and maneuver lies throughout this land for their own agenda. You are the Father of Lights! Bring this prayer into our sight! We ask that you forgive those who have compromised their reputation and integrity, because of fear with the enemy. We ask for continual mercy. We ask that you would shake and wake up the church and bring them back to the zealous fire they once had for you. We ask for a fiery revival to replace all lukewarmness. Bring your flock back to where they belong. Replace any fear with your love, faith and boldness. Keep us full of discernment so that we will not be deceived in anyway and will be sensitive to hear what your Spirit is saying. We choose to continually put you first Father. We speak to our souls and say, "Soul! You will bless the Lord!"

We thank you Father and ask in your Son.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

a prayer for those in need

There are so many who have special needs in their lives and you may be one of them. Let's all pray and agree together for them.

Heavenly Father,

We first give you honor and acknowledge your holiness. Thank you for your faithfulness, your mercy and your love. We embrace your truth this morning. The truth that brings us out of darkness and into your light.

The light of your son!

We lift up those who need you in their lives, we ask that you would draw them closer and speak to them in ways they would understand. Melt their hearts and to receive the mercy you are giving. We ask that you would woo them into your kingdom through your incredible love. We admit, Father; we cannot live without your love.

We ask for a stability that only comes through you Lord. We ask that you would save jobs where it is desperately needed and give jobs to those who are also in need. Your word says: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Mt. 6:33 Thank you for the promise of your truth. You also told us: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:14

We know your name moves mountains Father! Right now, we speak to all of our mountains and we say: Be removed in the Name of Jesus! We live by faith and not by sight. We put our trust in only you Lord.

Those that are sick, be healed!
Those who are depressed, be set free by the power of His love!
Those who need shelter, look around; it is there!
Those who need their relationships mended, believe for it!
Rebellious children? Stand upon your prayers and walk the word.
IN Jesus we pray and believe, amen.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Small Morning Prayer

Anyone who would like to pray with me is welcome :) I know that mornings can be a time of scurrying around to go to work and getting the kids off to school. This is one of the reasons I post prayers from time to time. It is for those who do not have the time, but want to put our Father first in the mornings. Another reason is because many do not know what to say when they pray. I seem to be always "full of it" with my pen. So, when you read the prayer, agree with it and "according to your faith it shall be done."

Before I pray, I want to say how grateful I am to be a part of your life. I always call it a "soul to soul" thing and that goes a little bit deeper than when we meet, try to look and act our best. Everyone knows it just isn't the same.

Heavenly Father,

We honor you Father. We put you first in everything that we do. We choose to trust in you throughout this day. We ask that our speech and behavior will glorify you in a way to inspire those around us. We choose to walk in faith and will put down all fear that would try to enter into our lives. For we know that if you be for us, who can be against us? For you are a God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. Fill us up with your love and faith and point us in the direction to share.
We give you all honor, praise and glory.
In your Son,

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Are you ready for the storm?

There is a Storm Coming

There is a storm coming. The howl of the wind began many years ago, when I was much younger, when I could barely see the beginning or understand the far reaching effects. Let me assure you, the days are here!

What will happen you may ask?

1. You will see many nations collapse, yes your own! This means banks will close and money will be lost! In this day you might ask? Oh definitely in this day! This is why you cannot trust in money. We will have a new currency. Most likely a world currency.

 2. Inflation that is brought about by manipulation and lies will never be able to stand. Any house (nation) that is built upon lies will collapse.

3. More wars, more violence and more greed. More disease and death at our door step. More political lies.   
4. Lack of everything you can think about. Meaning blankets, food and seed.

5. Control of the masses.

6. This nation will be brought to its knees and humbled.

7. A cleansing will happen.

What to do?
You can store up all the food you like, but unless your name is written in the Lambs book of life what good will it be? In other words, the rubber is now meeting the road. One ounce of water will be worth a lb of gold.
Therefore, the first thing anyone needs to do is to get right with the Lord! There is no more time to play. NOW is the time. Until anyone realizes that there is power in the name of the Lord and breathes, moves and accepts His love, there will be no salvation for them. There is a verse in the Bible I am reminded of that says:

“Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” Romans 11:22 NIV

“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. “ KJV

It is time for anyone who has ears and eyes to read and heed the warnings that are coming upon the earth. 

Get ready spiritually and physically! Take care of your loved ones. Be wise.
Sacrifice brings strength. Strength brings boldness! Boldness will bring a new confidence in Christ that you once did not have!  Roar like that lion! Be strong!
This is not a time to be timid. This is a time to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm and let people know the storm is coming.

May God Bless You through it all.

Can you feel the hush of His Creation?

There is a still and silent enchantment that gives praise to the King of Kings when you take a walk in the snow. Whether it is early in the morning when the sun begins to dazzle trillions of micro-diamonds that glorify His name or when the dusk gently begins to whisper a goodnight. Our boots give the love sound of crunch, crunch, crunch as we begin to end our walk. Can you see it, your breath in the air? Can you hear the sweet whisper of His voice?   Holiness is pictured in a blanket of a moon glow of snow.  We look at a snow branched tree and are reminded how one tree was sacrificed to hold up another sacrifice, so we can be set free.